Xcode not able to find project file - ios

In my Xcode project there are other projects linked but somehow its not able to read the sub project.
As you can see MobiResourceManager.xcodeproj is shown in red. And thus the classes which uses headers inside it gives error. But I am not able to understand why its not able to show the project. Sometimes it doesn't show MobiResourceManager.xcodeproj in red but even then the classes using its header gives error of HeaderName.h not found.
The problem that I am facing is happening only in my system. I tried cleaning, deleting-installing Xcode, cloning the repository again but nothing works.
All the project file shown in the screen shot are sub project inside one main project.

Probably that red file was removed or moved somewhere else. Open Finder, locate the missing xcodeproj, then remove this one in Xcode and drag&drop the located one. If that red xcodeproj is inside your repository (what I suspect) then do not select to copy it to the destination.
If you cannot locate that red file, it means it is not added to the repository. For example, it could mean that you need to install it with git submodules or another way - depends on the project configuration.

Are you using the workspace? if yes then please open that file not xcode project file


iOS My application.xcodeproj causes and display red text, Then I unable to open project?

I have facing this issue when I was changing project name and copying my project from one mac to another. There are some red texts indicate the missing files from the project source codes(But I have all files in Project folder) I have used cocoapods in this project. How to avoid these?
Here I have shown my project screen shot.
As per your description... you must be having some issue in your project.pbxproj file. Please check that file. Common issue happens in that file when you try to merge different branches having conflicts in project structure.
There could be different reasons of this:
It may happen because the xcode is open and the source folder is not available.
It may happen when source path is not found in your system and xcode shows that.
For resolving this, quiet xcode and reopen your source from .xcodeproj again, will resolve the problem.
Click on the file, then on the far top right of Xcode look under Identity and Type Check and see if the path to the file is correct. In my case is was not so I had to click on the small folder icon (not the arrow icon) and select the folder in finder.

Xcode 8 red files but not missing

I just saw a weird error on one of my iOS projects.
I'm using Xcode 8 (last release). I have some classes that I share along with other projects. This files are added to the project by reference, in case I need to edit them, I do it just once.
Everything works fine. But I saw that many of this files are on red in one of my projects. The weird thing is that everything works well. All libraries are included, everything runs perfectly. Like I said, the files are marked as red and I can not edit them directly from that project but they are not missing (paths are OK), I cannot go directly to the folder using "show on finder" option.
I tried replacing the folders. Also tried to added and copy them to the project folder. But nothing seems to be working.
I know, there are many threads about this issue but none of them worked for me because my files are not missing.
Did someone see this issue?
PS. I'm using git.
Select the file in the Project navigator on the left, then open the right side Utilities view and select the File inspector. Then click on the little folder icon and make sure that points to the right path.
I have the same problem - definitely not missing files. This is too late for OP but for anyone finding this ... it might help to change the file 'Location' setting from "Relative to Group" to Relative to Project" and then clicking on the folder to reselect the file. It worked for me. I think the path of the group can get messed up.
I would suspect that the files are missing, but Xcode is able to still compile because it's picking up older version from the derived data directories.
I would suggest clearing your derived data to be sure.
the files are marked as red and I can not edit them directly from that project but they are not missing (paths are OK), I cannot go directly to the folder using "show on finder" option
Then the paths are not OK. You need to find these files and add them to the project again. Then delete the red file references.

File missing error iOS Xcode

I have a sample project with multiple schemes.I am new to such a project.
I want to know How When and Where do we use such a flow(multiple projects in a single project).
See the image below,I am getting a file missing error while I try to build the project.But I don't know why I am getting such an error.The file that says is missing is already there in the project folder.
What am i doing wrong?I have added the three schemes by directly clicking +addfiles button to "my project " button at the bottom of the navigation pane.
the error is : "HTTPConnection.h file is missing."
Concerning your first question....
Sub-projects inside a project are useful if they build something (a library, usually) that your main project depends on. If the library is under development at the same time as the application, you may want to build it from source as a dependency rather than pre-building it and managing the installation of it as a binary file.
As for the missing file problem, including it in the project (or sub-project) doesn't automatically make it visible if it's not also in the source directory. In that case, it needs to be added to the project's header search paths.

DropboxSDK.framework file not found after relaunching Xcode

I am using the DropboxSDK.framework in a project of mine.
I have everything setup and working fine. However, every time I quite Xcode and open it again at a later point I get the error below:
Which is weird because I can see that the framework is in the project and nothing (that I know of) has changed since the last time I had the project open and working.
The way I make the error go away is to:
Right click on the DropboxSDK.framework in my project --> Delete --> Remove Reference.
In my project's Build Settings under Search Paths I remove the path that is under Framework Search Paths (the highlighted selection in the image below).
Then I clean my project SHIFT + CMD + K
Lastly, I click File --> Add files to my project, navigate to the DropboxSDK.framework file which I previously removed reference to and add it back to my project.
Then I build my project again and the error goes away and will remain gone until I quite Xcode and open it again.
Has anyone else ever encountered this happening and fixed it?
Or have any suggestions I could try to fix it? I'm using Xcode V5.1.1
Let me know if there's anything I can clarify. Thank you!
Application_Folder is the name of the folder where your whole code other resources resides
Insert above line in Header Search Paths
I had a random thought sparked by Indrajeet's answer that solved my problem.
When a new project is created in Xcode a project folder is created. In that folder there is another folder with the same name as your project, a .xcodeproj file with your project's name and a yourProjectNameTests folder.
Visually like this.
Application_Name --> Application_Name
When I was having the error I described above the DropboxSDK.framework and it's accompanying files were stored here in this folder:
After removing all references to the DropboxSDK.framework in my project I decided to move the DropboxSDK.framwork and it's accompanying files one folder level up to the main Application_Name folder here:
Once I did this, I clicked File --> Add files to my project, navigated to the DropboxSDK.framework file, now one folder level up and added it to my project.
After building no error was thrown. I restarted Xcode and tried again to make sure; still no error. Rebooted my computer to be truly sure... still no error!
I was having the sane problem and just found the answer by chance!
It happens when you create your project name with SPACES between the letters. Somehow it makes XCode crazy when searching for the frameworks.
So if want to create a project called "This is My Project Name", call it "This_is_My_Project_Name" and the frameworks will be found every time. It worked with me.

App falsely reports missing file

I downloaded a git hub project, a screen recorder(ios). It said I had to also copy in Inappsettingskit, so I did. So I tried to run it on my iPod and it told me that IASKAppSettingsViewController.h and .m were missing, even though I checked, and they are there, in the correct folder.
All the files are there in the correct place. The only thing I am noticing is that the files are in red text in Xcode:
Sorry that I am such a noob. Any ideas on why these errors show up?
Just guessing here, but chances are something went wrong when you added the files to the project. Try this.-
Remove the files references from Project navigator
From finder, make sure the physical files are inside your project folder.
Drag the files from finder to Project navigator. Uncheck copy items into destination
Drag the recently added files from Project navigator to Build phases => Compile sources section
