App falsely reports missing file - ios

I downloaded a git hub project, a screen recorder(ios). It said I had to also copy in Inappsettingskit, so I did. So I tried to run it on my iPod and it told me that IASKAppSettingsViewController.h and .m were missing, even though I checked, and they are there, in the correct folder.
All the files are there in the correct place. The only thing I am noticing is that the files are in red text in Xcode:
Sorry that I am such a noob. Any ideas on why these errors show up?

Just guessing here, but chances are something went wrong when you added the files to the project. Try this.-
Remove the files references from Project navigator
From finder, make sure the physical files are inside your project folder.
Drag the files from finder to Project navigator. Uncheck copy items into destination
Drag the recently added files from Project navigator to Build phases => Compile sources section


Xcode file missing from the editors

Hello guys I am jumping into a really weird problem that most of my files are missing from the Xcode editor. I can still compile and run the app, also all the files are still there in my project folder, but I just cannot see them in the Xcode editor anymore. I can have them back to editor by open each file one by one, however when I close xcode and reopen everything is gone again. Can anyone help me please, this is the picture.Only few files left
Please disable the recent view button at bottom of xcode.
Go to your project folder from Finder and search for the missing file. Just drag and drop the files in yor xcode.
If files are missing from the project directory then you need to create the new files with same name.
Make sure you're not adding those files just by reference. You must copy it with correct target.

Xcode not able to find project file

In my Xcode project there are other projects linked but somehow its not able to read the sub project.
As you can see MobiResourceManager.xcodeproj is shown in red. And thus the classes which uses headers inside it gives error. But I am not able to understand why its not able to show the project. Sometimes it doesn't show MobiResourceManager.xcodeproj in red but even then the classes using its header gives error of HeaderName.h not found.
The problem that I am facing is happening only in my system. I tried cleaning, deleting-installing Xcode, cloning the repository again but nothing works.
All the project file shown in the screen shot are sub project inside one main project.
Probably that red file was removed or moved somewhere else. Open Finder, locate the missing xcodeproj, then remove this one in Xcode and drag&drop the located one. If that red xcodeproj is inside your repository (what I suspect) then do not select to copy it to the destination.
If you cannot locate that red file, it means it is not added to the repository. For example, it could mean that you need to install it with git submodules or another way - depends on the project configuration.
Are you using the workspace? if yes then please open that file not xcode project file

/Products/Debug-iphoneos/: No such file or directory Xcode 8 [duplicate]

Xcode keeps prompting telling me I don't have a certain image in the project and it errors when I try to build. If I deleted the .png Xcode is complaining about from the project, why does Xcode error out when I try to build?
[Edited by Rhubarb (got too big for the comments)]
I'm getting the same thing with these details. The copy command looks like this
CpResource MyIcons/../13-bicycle.png /Users/Me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-cxsohyxdecdbptgrrtaixbhhixrj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
then there's a bunch of setenv and the command is translated to "builtin-copy" but none of that matters, the result is when I compile I get this error:
error: /Users/Me/Development/MyProject/MyIcons/../13-bicycle.png: No such file or directory
Now, I opened the Copy Bundle Resources tab as suggested by Robert Harvey, and my .png is there, with nothing appearing in read. And it is in the file system (Finder) and in the Project Navigator. So I deleted it from the resources using the - button and added it manually using the + button at the bottom left of the list in the Copy Bundle Resources tab. This put it at the root of the project in the Navigator, so I moved it into my group again - but no luck, same error. So I just deleted it altogether (from the Project Navigator, allowing it to be moved to Trash). That worked, but I ran into the same error with the very next icon (it only reports one or two at a time).
Looking at the error message, it appears to think that MyIcons is a folder. It's not, it's just a group. There is no such folder, I can see in the file system.
When I added via drag-drop, I left the "Copy items into ... group folder (if needed)" checked and the "Create groups for any added folders" button selected. But note that I only dragged icons (en masse) into an existing group; I did not drag over any folders, nor where any groups or folders created. But somehow, the compiler thinks that these resources are in a folder in the file system that doesn't exist.
I right clicked the icon in the Copy Resources List and tried both Show in Finder and Reveal in Project Navigator: and both worked - the file is there and it knows where to get it - until it builds.
I haven't even found a workaround beyond deleting the icons yet - cleaning doesn't work. I think my group is corrupted.
look up here XCode Build – CopyPNGFile Error and No Such File or Directory .
I had same problem and this solution helps me.
If you receive either of these annoying errors when building your
xcode app, something has corrupted in your project bundle.
Open your project in Xcode
Click on your project
Click on your project under Targets
Hit the build phases tab
Open “Copy Bundle Resources” near the bottom
Look for any resources listed in red!
I had the same problem but my solution was a bit different:
Open project in Xcode
Open project navigator
In the filter down below, search for your erroneous file name
I found the file under a group called "Recovered References" and it was marked in red
Delete the red files and everything should work perfectly
Okay here's the unsatisfactory workaround that fixed it for me.
(First, note that when I right-clicked my dodgy Group in the Project Navigator) it looked like any other group except that Open in External Editor was greyed - weird eh?)
I closed XCode and restarted it.
=> Now I see all of the icons under the offending group are red (in the Project Navigator)
Delete the entire group.
Create a new group (same name) and drag-drop the icons from the original source into the group
=> Error failed to copy (or some such - I can't remember but I have seen and fixed this before - and seen it elsewhere on SO)
This error is due to leftover icons, so to fix this one now,
I deleted all other groups with icons and moved their icons to trash
open finder at the project location
delete every icon in the project (sort by kind, delete all the .png)
make a new group again, and drag all the icons in _again.
whew, now hit Builder
=> XCode crashes.
Restart Xcode
fingers crossed: Build
=> it works. Brief celebration and back to work.
(See what I mean about unsatisfactory)
perhaps you move the file named **-Prefix.pch,you can change the dictionary of the file ,do like this : the error about “no such file or directory”
Check your project file paths. If there is a space in any of the folders, it causes this error. Simply remove spaces.
Using XCode 10, I got this error after deleting some files I no longer needed in my project.
In my case, I went to XCode, clicked on the project name, then under Resources, the missing files were listed in red. All I did was to delete them.
In case you need the files, you will need to add them by going to File ->Add files to , then select the files. After selecting the file, make sure you have Copy files if needed checked.
Hope that helps someone.
XCode Build – CopyPNGFile Error and No Such File or Directory
If you receive either of these annoying errors when building your xcode app, something has corrupted in your project bundle.
Open your project in Xcode
Click on your project
Click on your project under Targets
Hit the build phases tab
Open “Copy Bundle Resources” near the bottom
Look for any resources listed in red!

Xcode 8 red files but not missing

I just saw a weird error on one of my iOS projects.
I'm using Xcode 8 (last release). I have some classes that I share along with other projects. This files are added to the project by reference, in case I need to edit them, I do it just once.
Everything works fine. But I saw that many of this files are on red in one of my projects. The weird thing is that everything works well. All libraries are included, everything runs perfectly. Like I said, the files are marked as red and I can not edit them directly from that project but they are not missing (paths are OK), I cannot go directly to the folder using "show on finder" option.
I tried replacing the folders. Also tried to added and copy them to the project folder. But nothing seems to be working.
I know, there are many threads about this issue but none of them worked for me because my files are not missing.
Did someone see this issue?
PS. I'm using git.
Select the file in the Project navigator on the left, then open the right side Utilities view and select the File inspector. Then click on the little folder icon and make sure that points to the right path.
I have the same problem - definitely not missing files. This is too late for OP but for anyone finding this ... it might help to change the file 'Location' setting from "Relative to Group" to Relative to Project" and then clicking on the folder to reselect the file. It worked for me. I think the path of the group can get messed up.
I would suspect that the files are missing, but Xcode is able to still compile because it's picking up older version from the derived data directories.
I would suggest clearing your derived data to be sure.
the files are marked as red and I can not edit them directly from that project but they are not missing (paths are OK), I cannot go directly to the folder using "show on finder" option
Then the paths are not OK. You need to find these files and add them to the project again. Then delete the red file references.

Interface Builder could not open the document ".storyboard" because it does not exist

This problem is getting me really crazy. Xcode is looking for a storyboard in my project in a differente location from my project. I tryed removing the file, adding it again, cleaning the project, etc but didn't have luck.
This is the error.
cd /Users/fmartin91/Projects/loovin/loovin-ios
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
setenv XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH /Applications/
/Applications/ --errors --warnings --notices --minimum-deployment-target 7.0 --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Users/fmartin91/Projects/loovin/loovin-ios/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/fmartin91/Projects/Base.lproj/LOOVProductIndex.storyboard
/* */
error: Interface Builder could not open the document
"LOOVProductIndex.storyboard" because it does not exist.
I could fix this bug by killing ibtoold:
$ sudo killall -9 ibtoold
Why does ibtool need a daemon anyway?
Your storyboard is not in NSBundle mainbundle.
this problem is probably due a "Copy Bundle Resources" in "Build phases" problem.
For corrected it verify if your storyboard file is in "Copy Bundle Resources" for all targets. On project navigator select the project file select Build phases tab and check it is.
When you upload your file to google drive without zip, it appends the extension of .storyboard to .xml automatically and hence when you download it obviously the file won't exist.
To solve this issue, go to the:
[project folder] > [Project folder] > [Base.lproj]
There would be a .storyboard.xml extension type of file which you would have to rename it to the .storyboard extension. And hence your work is done.
Story board error solving visual guide:
I had a very similar problem and it took a few hours to resolve. Clearly xcode locked itself in some strange state that the project explorer could see the xib file while the compile could not. Finally this got resolved when I changed the Location in the File Inspector from Relative to Group to Relative to Project. I got this by comparing the project.pbxproj file in a regular text editor to search for any clues.
I encountered this same issue and here's how I resolved it:
Save a copy of the affected file outside of the project
Delete the file from the project, selecting Move to Trash to completely delete the file and reference from the project
Edit ProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj to remove all lines referencing the affected file
Re-add the file, making sure to check Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)
Clean and build
I just ran into this issue running Xcode 9.2. I had copied my files from a school computer onto google drive and then downloaded them at home.
When I opened the files at home it kept telling me main.storyboard and the launch storyboard did not exist. The two storyboard files would display as xml, so they clearly existed, but even right clicking to "open as" produced nothing. After much troubleshooting I found a fix that worked for me.
Open your project folder, then the next folder named the same as your project. Open Base.lproj and you will see your two storyboards in xml format. Copy both the files, paste them into the same folder, delete the .xml and confirm the change to .storyboard. Do this for both files and you're set!
This happened to me after a git merge. I changed some storyboard localized files from one project to another and Xcode seems to keep on searching the file in the old project.
My solution was:
Edit the OldProjectName.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Search for the Storyboard name
Delete the references to the Storyboard name that appear followed by localization stuff (things like "Base.lproj", "es.lproj", etc)
Delete also the following localization entries (because they refer to the Storyboard file)
Clean and build
Repeat if other files keep throwing compile errors
For me I use xcode 10,
Click on the your project name (blue icon on left) > Build Phases > Under Copy Bundle Resources
Find the file, remove the duplicates if it’s there. Clean project and run again
I encountered same problem when moving the project to another computer. I followed below steps to solve this issue:
Open previous Main.storyboard file as Source Code, copy all
Create a new Main.storyboard file, Open as Source Code, paste
Delete previous Main.storyboard
Clean and build project.
In my case I found that the storyboard was placed in a group that referenced a folder that did not exist in the "Identity and Type" panel.
Removing that group and the storyboard, and adding it back referencing an existing folder solve the problem for me.
For me resetting the container folder of Main.storyboard file worked
I resolved this by doing this:
Open your Xcode project folder in finder, then find the file that you can't open.
Drag that file to your file path in Xcode Project (Inside Xcode App) like this.
Thick "copy item if needed" and choose "create folder references" and then click finish.
Restart Xcode
I could solve my issue, i really don't know how i did it but the things i tried were cleaning and building the project like a billion times, i hope this will be of help to anyone.
I just experienced this, and fixed it by restarting the darn computer. I found out more about it, though. In my case, my ibtool scripts weren't working, giving file-not-found errors just like yours. However I noticed a change in behavior when I ran them as sudo:
2013-09-20 20:49:40.339 Interface Builder Cocoa Touch Tool[58454:303]
CFPreferences: user home directory at
is unavailable. User domains will be volatile.
Subsequent commands would fail or return without doing anything. So! ibtool/Interface Builder/whatever is somehow using some other launching service to run itself, with some other username or privileges.
Could it be that I installed some tool updates for Xcode 5.0, and it screwed up whatever serving process was running? Yes it could :)
I experienced the same situation with Xcode 7 beta 5. Rebooting my Mac did the trick.
Goto Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources > Check for the Storyboard for which you are getting error > It should be displaying as blurred > If YES then delete its reference and add it again > Compile again.
In my case, folders in the project navigator and finder were not formed exactly the same. The Main.storyboard was in \Views folder in the project navigator but not in finder. Xcode wouldn't let me quit the app, because Main.storyboard couldn't be saved.
Here's what I did, that solved this problem:
Identify which files are missing or misaligned in your project navigator and finder simultaneously.
Copy Main.storyboard and other files that are not in their right place to a safe location.
Force quit Xcode from Activity Monitor. Reopen Xcode.
Paste previously copied files in finder. Make sure that the folder order is the same as the Xcode project navigator.
In Xcode, from project navigator right-click to where you need to add files and click add new files.
Add files from the finder.
Clean and build.
