CircleCI suddenly stopped building task - circleci

CircleCI suddenly stopped building task, but I couldn't get the reason and how to fix it. The error message is below.
Your build was not run - reason code (:org-over-credit-limit).

We ran into the same problem when we were using Circleci 1.0. We switched our build to Circleci 2.0 and our builds started running again.


abernix/meteord docker build fails while trying to build meteor app

I am using abernix/meteord Docker image to build a docker image for my meteor app. It has always worked until recently.
The issue is the install script does not seem to install Meteor properly, causing the build script to fail.
"meteor: command not found"
And for more context. Here is a recording of the build error: Recorded Session

Jenkins crashes on npm install

I'm trying to build our code through jenkins. I set it up 4 days ago and everything worked back then, but now every build fails. At first I thought it was because of the Jest testing I added (jest kept hanging instead of stopping) but I fixed that with --forceExit and the problem still exists.
With every build, it seems like Jenkins is crashing silently. I couldn't find any useful logs or anything. What is weird though, is that I tried to execute the commands through ssh in the jenkins folder where the project was placed by jenkins. When I did that, the npm install was really slow and the whole server was hanging. There are two other projects running from that server with nodejs, one with keystonejs that crashes every time this happens, the other one is plain express and had no problems. Any idea what can be the problem here?
EDIT: It's also happening more randomly and I couldn't connect to my server for a while through ssh or any other possibility.
If is simple what you need to do, then don't use jenkins, is just to heavy.
Instead build an sh file that builds what you need, the down side of this is that you have to execute it by hand when you need to build.

vstest.console.exe gets stuck after first test when executed from TFS Build

I have my build definition for my project set up on TFS. I intend to add Task to Run C++ Unit Tests and run them after each build.
I tried and added the task. When the Tests ran on TFSBuild the first test crashed with unhandled c++ exception and did not moved to next test. It hung there itself.
So I tried to run the test manually using command line(cmd). I ran the vstest.console.exe command and executed all tests and they ran fine when ran from cmd on the Build Agent. I also tried running them on Visual Studio and they ran fine on the Build Agent.
I am not sure what is going wrong with the TFS.
I have found the solution but not the root cause of the issue.
The issue is solved by using an interactive tfs agent.

Jenkins: Keep older build running if new build fails to deploy

I'm new to jenkins.
For that sake I installed the latest version of jenkins i.e. 1.632 on my ubuntu and deployed a war using post build actions in the configuration part. That worked fine for me.
Then I changed a few things in the build making sure that it fails when deployed and it effectively did and I'm not able to access the application die to deployment failure.
But I'm curious here, I have heard that in case of a build failure jenkins makes sure that the previous build remains deployed so that the application is always up and running. Please clarify if I'm wrong or doing anything wrong in my deployment steps.
I did searched a lot about this but couldn't find a valuable answer.
Haven't done much with the deploy plugin but it states this in the docs
Now when you trigger this job you can enter the build number (or use
any other available selector) to select which build to redeploy.
So you can set up a build on failure which will redeploy the last stable version. Here is also an example how to get the last stable build number:

Jenkins - Not Showing Build History

I have a multi-module maven project that I'm building with Jenkins called MyApp. I also have another maven project that depends on MyApp, and this project runs integration tests on MyApp.
In Jenkins, when I view the status of the MyApp project it successfully displays a list of previously run builds and I can click on them to find out more information (and view the console output).
However, the integration test project, while it does build properly, it only displays previously run builds for about 5 minutes, at which point something happens and jenkins completely forgets the build ever ran.
On the filesystem, I am able to cd to:
/usr/share/tomcat6/.jenkins/jobs/My App Integration Test/builds
and ls reveals
me#myserver:/usr/share/tomcat6/.jenkins/jobs/My App Integration Test/builds$ ls
1 2 2013-01-24_16-46-59 2013-01-24_16-51-58 2013-01-24_18-05-09 2013-01-24_18-58-46 3 4
that all my previously run builds are right there, where they should be.
Jenkins has a "discard old builds" feature in its project configuration page, but I obviously have it unchecked.
I'm running jenkins in tomcat6 on Ubuntu.
Help please?
Jenkins has resolved this issue as of 1.505 I recommend everyone upgrade who does not wish to switch from Jenkins back to Hudson.
This can be done through the GUI via Manage Jenkins->Upgrade to Latest (Note for this to work you need to have the appropriate permissions for Jenkins)
More information can be found here For linux users aptitude update or yum update jenkins should also work for you.
I have jenkins running with 1.517, still facing the issue if the number of builds goes more than 65 without discard option. Found that reload configuration bring back the build history.
I've seen this issue and have always been able to resolve it by following these steps:
Going to \\[buildmachine]\C$\Jenkins\jobs\[jobname]
Removing the builds folder.
Removing shortcuts to lastStable and lastSuccessful.
Open file nextBuildNumber and change the number to 1.
Then build new jobs and they no longer disappear.
As mentioned by Dave Bacher, this appears to be a bug in Jenkins. I switched over to Hudson and problem fixed!
