I had used emoji library in my app. Most of the devices its working perfectly, but in some devices unable to show emoji popup window at the bottom of the screen. The device soft input keyboard fully hides the emoji popup in bottom of the screen.
In android, they set viewport without keypad area. Also, viewport doesn't go backside of keypad. However, IOS set viewport with keypad area.
How to prevent viewport go behind of keypad in IOS?
When I disable predictive text on an IOS device keyboardAvoidingView no longer works when changing between the text keyboard and the emoji keyboard.
When you first focus on the textInput the keyboardAvoidingView works as expected, however if you then select the emoji keyboard option the keyboard avoiding view drops and the keyboard is covering the textInput.
Note this is only an issue on Apple devices when predictive text has been turned off in the settings.
Any suggestions on how to work around this would be great please.
In iframe, if the user starts typing (keyboard open) screen got blur in iOS Device, it is not visible until unless user scrolls down & focus out the keyboard.
when keyboard press in ios device the iframe position varies, in my code i have written iframe position fixed with 100 vh but due position my ui get distort
Scnario :In Safari/Chrome in iOS 9.3.2 (I tested on iPhone 6s) clicking button while the input is focused, causes the iFrame to be removed, but the cursor stays blinking on screen. Furthermore, the keyboard stays open (clicking keys does nothing). After dismissing the keyboard, clicking anywhere else in the screen causes the keyboard to pop back again.
my issue got solved by body
html {height:100%; overflow-x:hidden }
may be it will help others
I have page shrinking problem in cordova iOS platform. When clicking the input text field, it opens the keyboard.
I am facing the screen shrinking problem when clicking outside the already focused text field and didn't close the keyboard which is already opened. If I close or exit the opened keyboard, then there is no problem. The screen shrink is not coming.
With this I attached my screenshot. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Using the iOS Simulator and viewing a html page with a text box that has scrolling content, how do you use the mouse to scroll that text region?
On a real iOS device you simply press and hold and drag on the text box, but on the simulator doing that with a mouse scrolls the entire screen.
Because it is a simulator and not an emulator. You can use the simulator to 'test' how it looks like but you cannot test all of the features. The simulator is just an iframe sized to the resolution of an iPhone or whatever.