Cordova ios Page Shrinking - ios

I have page shrinking problem in cordova iOS platform. When clicking the input text field, it opens the keyboard.
I am facing the screen shrinking problem when clicking outside the already focused text field and didn't close the keyboard which is already opened. If I close or exit the opened keyboard, then there is no problem. The screen shrink is not coming.
With this I attached my screenshot. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


IOS App - SomeTime Uitextfield "PASTE" command appear in top left corner

After Orientation change in device The PASTE menu is displayed on top-left of the screen and cannot be accessed. Please see Screenshot.
How to display "PASTE" command above to textField?
Thank you!

In iframe if user starts typing (keyboard open) screen got blur in iOS Device

In iframe, if the user starts typing (keyboard open) screen got blur in iOS Device, it is not visible until unless user scrolls down & focus out the keyboard.
when keyboard press in ios device the iframe position varies, in my code i have written iframe position fixed with 100 vh but due position my ui get distort
Scnario :In Safari/Chrome in iOS 9.3.2 (I tested on iPhone 6s) clicking button while the input is focused, causes the iFrame to be removed, but the cursor stays blinking on screen. Furthermore, the keyboard stays open (clicking keys does nothing). After dismissing the keyboard, clicking anywhere else in the screen causes the keyboard to pop back again.
my issue got solved by body
html {height:100%; overflow-x:hidden }
may be it will help others

KeyBoard is not appear while entering text into TextField

As you can see into screenShot when I am entering any text into text field keyboard doesn't pop-up so can anyBody tell me how can I solve this problem. And I am using xCode 6.1 beta version.
click simulator go to Hardware->keyboard->Toggle Software Keyboard

UITableView black/crash iOS 8 - No Log

I'm building an app for iOS 7+ and I'm testing this on iOS 8 for now.
I'm creating a simple sign up form. Using a UITableView where one cell holds a UITextInput for the username and another cell underneath holds a UITextInput for password.
When I click on the username input field, the keyboard pops up as expected. Now, if I click on the password input field in the other UITableViewCell then the whole UITableView crashes/appears black. The keyboard remains visible however.
What's strange is that no logs are left either via the Terminal debug output area or the whole iPhone console log.
Additionally - this ONLY happens when running it on an actual iPhone. I cannot replicate the crash/black screen in the simulator (perhaps this is because the keyboard doesn't pop up in the simulator?). I'm using Xcode 6 beta 2 and building for iOS 7 and above. Running on iOS 8.
Lastly - I have stuck a debug output in prepareForReuse() for the respective cells. This does not get called.
Any tips on what is going on here?
Thanks in advance.
== Edit ==
After the "crash" the screen appears like (note: the status bar is hidden before the crash):
Disabling correction fixed the problem - how weird!

IOS 7 Issue For My MGWT Application

I have created one MGWT application with the help of RPC,PHONEGAP&GWT technologies.My application is working properly until IOS 6 version ,In IOS 7 my home screen is shrinking when i am tapping one icon,in that opening one drop down list and directly get back into my home screen, at that time my home screen is not displayed properly. Please look into my issue .
Thanks in advance..
For Example: The Complete structure of my application. First Login screen .After login into my application home screen is coming ,in that settings,about..etc icons are there.In that i am selecting settings icon in that work type drop down list is there and i am tapping work type then tap the back button coming to home screen at that time my home screen is not displayed properly.
On iOS 7, the app height and width needs to be set to device height and width to view port to resolve the issue. Below is a sample code to be included in onModuleLoad to resolve the issue.
ViewPort viewPort = new MGWTSettings.ViewPort();
viewPort.setUserScaleAble(false) .setMinimumScale(1.0).setMinimumScale(1.0).setMaximumScale(1.0);
