How can I put in charts with swift 3 Xcode 8? - ios

I'm beginner swift developer. Just for a week now I've been trying to implement some kind of chart into my app. I know Swift 4 and Xcode 9 are already out but I'm still using Swift 3 and Xcode 8. I've read a lot of tutorials and different pages but still I'm not able to find any working ones. All examples are either too old or for swift 4. I've learned about using Cocoapods and other frameworks such as Firebase or Alamofire work just fine.
Please let me know if you can help me with finding some chart library that actually works as it is supposed to.

To get things materialistic and kick off, for building charts in iOS try Charts library. One of the best third-party libs out there.
Or check this list for even more awesome iOS charts libraries.


Updating Xcode cause fail in loading frameworks

I have updated my Xcode Client to 10.0 and installed all components. Now i have 9 errors in my project (a Swift project, that needs to be converted to Swift 4.2).
I use Facebook and Vuforia framework, and it seems like the problem lies there. I have tried to update the Pods, but this make no difference.
It is like the frameworks cant be read properly, because they are not converted yet. But i cant convert to Swift 4.2 as long as the build faild. Do i need to update the frameworks somehow?

Is it possible to use libraries written in an old version of swift in a project with a newer version of swift?

I'm working on a project in Swift 3. However, many libraries are still using Swift 2.3.
Is there a way of making use of them in my project as they are?
Since it's possible to use Objective C libraries in Swift, I figure there's a chance.
Maybe this reference from Apple answers the question:
unfortunately it would seem to be impossible:
First, Swift 2.3 and Swift 3 are not binary compatible so your app's entire code base needs to pick one version of Swift.

Many errors after update to swift 3

Hello i'm working on swift 2 with parse then i just updated to swift 3
and i got many errors the app was working perfect. Here is some errors i would get help with:
Another swift file
other errors:
How cannot assign that object into nsarray and it was working good.
so how could i fix them, any help will be appreciate.
You should read Swift 3.0 Migration Guide. It covers everything you need to know about new Swift 3 API changes. Since standard library changed a lot, it is common for third party frameworks to not work fully since they all use standard library as an underlying framework.

Swift 2.0 / iOS 9 Compatibilities

I have a few issues concerning the recent addition of Swift 2.0 and upcoming iOS9.
Currently I have been working on an app that works with iOS7 or above, and using Swift 1.2 things...nothing that Swift 2 has. I was told that I should start updating everything to include Swift 2 rather than the older ways of using Swift. So my questions are...
1) If I do begin to work with Swift 2 code, will iOS 7 and iOS 8 be able to recognize that code, or does Swift 2 only work with certain versions of iOS?
2) If I choose NOT to work with the Swift 2 code and stick with what I have that works already for iOS 7 and 8, is it possible that in iOS9 or later, it won't work because it expects Swift 2 and it's not getting it?
I have looked for compatibility articles and answers online and found nothing. The only thing I've learned is that Swift 2 just adds code, and doesn't necessarily change maybe just keeping my old code would be okay. But again I'm not exactly sure. Thanks.
The code will work as far back as iOS 7 for right now, regardless of what version of Swift you are using. As far as whether you should update your code, that's up to you, but of course Swift 2.0 does offer a lot more in terms of safety and error checking so if you find situations where it would be pertinent to implement such new features, then you probably should. Also some syntax is different, but if you update now you'll just be future-proofing yourself.

using panoramaGL library in ios5 and running HelloPanorama

I've been search around how to setup panoramaGL for a whole day and none of these answers my questions. emm, maybe that's because I am new to ios developing and I start with ios5 with all ARC cool features. I did find a pretty comprehensive guide at but it's a little bit out of date to me. I cannot follow this guide in xcode 4.3 with ios 5.0 sdk.
Emm, so here is the question, assuming panoramaGL and helloPanorama works perfectly fine in whatever xcode version and sdk version it is created in. Is there a way , without any code modification, I can import the library and using the api along with my app developed in ios5? Of course I don't mind some minor modification and I did dive into those code and comment all the retain or release stuff. but wired errors keep popping up. I really need help here.
If it finally turns out to be impossible to reuse it in ios5.0, I will probably need to write the whole thing line by line with my understand of the complicated panorama algorithm...
Thanks so much for the help!
It seems someone is working on another library based on panoramaGL. Works on IOS 5.
The new version of PanoramaGL 0.1 r2 was released, please check This version runs on iOS >= 4.x and supports Hotspots.
Please check HelloPanoramaGL example
