Trouble with rspec and expect change - ruby-on-rails

I'm using rspec to test a Ruby terminal app. I can't seem to figure out to test for a change in a hash
I'm still trying to wrap my head around testing in general, so it's quite possible I'm misunderstanding multiple things in regards to testing.
I'm trying to test that when a charge is added to an instance of Account but the charge exceeds the accounts limit. The balance on the account doesn't change.
class Account
def apply_charge(card_holder_name, charge)
charge = int_dollar_input(charge)
account = find_account_by_card_holder(card_holder_name)
temp_balance = account[:balance] + charge
account[:balance] = account[:balance] + charge if temp_balance < account[:limit]
describe "Adding a charge to an account" do
context "GIVEN a charge amount that exceeds the account limit" do
let(:account) { subject.add_account("William", 5454545454545454,'$1000') }
it "will do nothing" do
expect(subject.apply_charge('William', '$1200')).
to_not change {account[:balance]}
account is a array of hash(s)
account.inspect = [{:card_holder_name=>"William", :card_number=>5454545454545454, :limit=>1000, :balance=>0}]
1) Account Adding a charge to an account GIVEN a charge amount that
exceeds the account limit will do nothing
expect(subject.apply_charge('William', '$1200')).
to_not change {account[:balance]}
expected `account[:balance]` not to have changed, but was not given a block
# ./spec/account_spec.rb:46:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

Expect needs to be in a block: expect { subject.apply_charge('William', '$1200') }.to.....


How find the distance between two objects?

Im using geocode. The idea is our partners can post products with an address. When they do so it fetches the latitude and longitude. Now when our customers go to buy that product they have to enter in a delivery address to tell us where to deliver the product. However if they delivery address is not within 20 miles of the product they are not allowed to get the product delivered.
Im getting an error message saying this "undefined method `latitude' for nil:NilClass"
Like I said the product.longitude, product.latitude is already set when the users are trying to order.
Not sure if it's because the order.delivery_address(lat, long) is not submitted into the database yet and its trying to check the distance. Here my code below
So My question is how can is how can i find the distance between the product address and order address and I want to show a alert message to the user if the distance between the two is over 20 miles.
def create
product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
if current_user == product.user
flash[:alert] = "You cannot purchase your own property"
elsif current_user.stripe_id.blank? || current_user.phone_number.blank?
flash[:alert] = " Please update your payment method and verify phone number please"
return redirect_to payment_method_path
elsif Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between([product.latitude, product.longitude], [#order.latitude, #order.longitude]) < 20
flash[:alert] = "The delivery address you provided is outside the delivery zone. Please choose a different product."
quantity = order_params[:quantity].to_i
#order =
#order.product = product
#order.price = product.price = product.price * quantity + product.delivery_price
if #order.Waiting!
if product.Request?
flash[:notice] = "Request sent successfully... Sit back and relax while our licensed dispensary fulfil your order :)"
flash[:notice] = "Your order is being filled and it will delivered shortly:)"
flash[:alert] = "Our licensed dispensary cannot fulfil your order at this time :( "
redirect_to product
You set #order in the following line:
#order =
But you try to call its longitude and latitude methods above this, before you even set #order variable. To simply fix this problem, you can move this line up, it can even be located at the beginning of create method, since it doesn't depend on product or anything like that:
def create
#order =
# ...
Although, there are number of problems in your code, like method names starting with capital letters (you can do it, but you shouldn't, it's against the convention) or overall complexity of the method.
You should move the business logic to the model where it belongs.
So lets start by creating a validation for the product distance:
class Order < ApplicationRecord
validates :product_is_within_range,
if: -> { product.present? } # prevents nil errors
# our custom validation method
def product_is_within_range
errors.add(:base, "The delivery address you provided is outside the delivery zone. Please choose a different product.") if product_distance < 20
def product_distance
Geocoder::Calculations.distance_between(product.coordinates, self.coordinates)
Then move the calculation of the total into the model:
class Order < ApplicationRecord
before_validation :calculate_total!, if: ->{ product && total.nil? }
def calculate_total! = product.price * self.quantity + product.delivery_price
But then you still have to deal with the fact that the controller is very broken. For example:
if current_user == product.user
flash[:alert] = "You cannot purchase your own property"
Should cause the method to bail. You´re not actually saving the record either. I would start over. Write failing tests for the different possible conditions (invalid parameters, valid parameters, user is owner etc) then write your controller code. Make sure you test each and every code branch.

How can I test unpaid subscriptions in Stripe with Ruby on Rails?

I'm trying to test the scenario in my Rails app where a customer has allowed a subscription to go to 'unpaid' (usually because the card expired and was not updated during the two weeks while Stripe retried the charge) and is finally getting around to updating the card and reactivating the account. I believe I have the logic correct (update the card and pay each unpaid invoice) but I'd like to be able to test it, or better yet, write some RSpec tests (a feature test and possibly a controller test). The problem is, I can't figure out how to create a mock situation in which a subscription is 'unpaid'. (I suppose I could create a bunch of accounts with expired cards and wait two weeks to test, but that's not an acceptable solution. I can't even change the subscription retry settings for only the 'test' context to speed up the process.) I found stripe-ruby-mock but I can't manually set the status of a subscription.
Here's what I've tried:
plan = Stripe::Plan.create(id: 'test')
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(id: 'test_customer', card: 'tk', plan: 'test')
sub = customer.subscriptions.retrieve(
sub.status = 'unpaid'
sub = customer.subscriptions.retrieve(
expect(sub.status).to eq 'unpaid'
This was the result with stripe-ruby-mock:
Failure/Error: expect(sub.status).to eq 'unpaid'
expected: "unpaid"
got: "active"
Stripe's recommended procedure is:
Setup the customer with the card 4000000000000341 ("Attaching this card to a Customer object will succeed, but attempts to charge the customer will fail.")
Give the customer a subscription but with a trial date ending today/tomorrow.
Step three is annoying, but it'll get the job done.
Taking #VoteyDisciple's suggestion, I've worked through something to have this reasonably automated in RSpec ('reasonably', given the circumstances). I'm using VCR to capture the API calls (against the test Stripe environment), which is essential, as it means the sleep call only happens when recording the test the first time.
Using comments to indicate behaviour done via Stripe's API, as my implementation is rather caught up in my project, and that's not so useful.
VCR.use_cassette('retry') do |cassette|
# Clear out existing Stripe data: customers, coupons, plans.
# This is so the test is reliably repeatable.
Stripe::Customer.all.each &:delete
Stripe::Coupon.all.each &:delete
Stripe::Plan.all.each &:delete
# Create a plan, in my case it has the id 'test'.
id: 'test',
amount: 100_00,
currency: 'AUD',
interval: 'month',
interval_count: 1,
name: 'RSpec Test'
# Create a customer
customer = Stripe::Customer.create email: 'test#test.test'
token = card_token cassette, '4000000000000341'
# Add the card 4000000000000341 to the customer
customer.sources.create token: 'TOKEN for 0341'
# Create a subscription with a trial ending in two seconds.
subscription = customer.subscriptions.create(
plan: 'test',
trial_end: 2.seconds.from_now.to_i
# Wait for Stripe to create a proper invoice. I wish this
# was unavoidable, but I don't think it is.
sleep 180 if cassette.recording?
# Grab the invoice that actually has a dollar value.
# There's an invoice for the trial, and we don't care about that.
invoice = customer.invoices.detect { |invoice| > 0 }
# Force Stripe to attempt payment for the first time (instead
# of waiting for hours).
rescue Stripe::CardError
# Expecting this to fail.
expect(invoice.paid).to eq(false)
expect(invoice.attempted).to eq(true)
# Add a new (valid) card to the customer.
token = card_token cassette, '4242424242424242'
card = customer.sources.create token: token
# and set it as the default
customer.default_source =
# Run the code in your app that retries the payment, which
# essentially invokes again.
# And now we can check that the invoice wass successfully paid
expect(invoice.paid).to eq(true)
Getting card tokens in an automated fashion is a whole new area of complexity. What I've got may not work for others, but here's the ruby method, calling out to phantomjs (you'll need to send the VCR cassette object through):
def card_token(cassette, card = '4242424242424242')
return 'tok_my_default_test_token' unless cassette.recording?
token = `phantomjs --ignore-ssl-errors=true --ssl-protocol=any ./spec/fixtures/stripe_tokens.js #{ENV['STRIPE_PUBLISH_KEY']} #{card}`.strip
raise "Unexpected token: #{token}" unless token[/^tok_/]
And the javascript file that phantomjs is running (stripe_tokens.js) contains:
var page = require('webpage').create(),
system = require('system');
var key = system.args[1],
card = system.args[2];
page.onCallback = function(data) {
};'spec/fixtures/stripe_tokens.html', function(status) {
if (status == 'success') {
page.evaluate(function(key, card) {
{number: card, cvc: "123", exp_month: "12", exp_year: "2019"},
function(status, response) { window.callPhantom( }
}, key, card);
Finally, the HTML file involved (stripe_tokens.html) is pretty simple:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Put all of that together, and, well, it might work! It does for our app :)

rspec should_receive is not working but expect is working

I have class like below
class Bank
def transfer(customer1, customer2, amount_to_transfer)
if customer1.my_money >= amount_to_transfer
customer1.my_money -= amount_to_transfer
customer2.my_money += amount_to_transfer
return "Insufficient funds"
class Customer
attr_accessor :my_money
def initialize(amount)
self.my_money = amount
And my spec file looks as below:
require './spec/spec_helper'
require './bank'
describe Bank do
context "#transfer" do
it "should return insufficient balance if transferred amount is greater than balance" do
customer1 =
customer2 =
expect(, customer2, 2000)).to eq("Insufficient funds")
expect(customer1).to have_received(:my_money) # This works
customer1.should_receive(:my_money) #throws error
As per both expect and should_receive are same but expect is more readable than should_receive. But why it is failing? Thanks in advance.
place this line:
expect(, customer2, 2000)).to eq("Insufficient funds")
expect to have_received and should_receive have diffent meaning
expect to have_received passes if object already received expected method call while
should_receive passes only if object will receive expected method call in future (in scope of current testcase)
if you would write
expect(customer1).to receive(:my_money)
instead of
expect(customer1).to have_received(:my_money)
it would fail too. Unless you place it before the line which calls this method.

Rspec testing for duplicates?

I am trying to test for "A product can list users that have reviewed it without duplicates"
this is what my test looks like
describe Product do
let!(:product) { Product.create }
.#other test
it "can list users that review it without duplicates" do{user_id: 1, review: "test"}){user_id: 1, review: "test2"})
product.user.uniq.count.should eq(1)
terminal result
1) Product can list users that review it without duplicates
Failure/Error:{user_id: 1, review: "test"})
You cannot call create unless the parent is saved
# ./spec/models/product_spec.rb:49:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
The problem is in this line:
Save returns boolean whether object has been saved successfully or not. You need to split this into two lines:
You are trying to create a Review on a Product that hasn't been saved with:
I'm guessing product isn't valid, thus it hasn't been saved by
let!(:product) { Product.create }
which simply returns the invalid object if create fails.
You should
Use create! to make sure you notice when saving the object fails (it'll raise an exception if there's a validation error).
Make sure your Product can be created with the data, you provide it.

Rails Delayed Job Continuously Running

I created a batch email system for my website. The problem I have, which is terrible, is it continuously sends out emails. It seems the job is stuck in an infinite loop. Please advise. It is crazy because on my development server only one email is sent per account, but on my production server I received 5 emails. Thus, meaning all users of my site received multiple emails.
class BatchEmailsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_admin_user!
def deliver
flash[:notice] = "Email Being Delivered"
Delayed::Job.enqueue([:batch_email_id]), 3, 10.seconds.from_now, :queue => 'batch-email', :attempts => 0)
redirect_to admin_batch_emails_path
Job in the lib folder:
class BatchEmailJob <
def perform
be = BatchEmail.find(batch_email_id)
cs = Contractor.all
cs.each do|c|
BatchEmailMailer.batch_email(be.subject, be.message, be.link_name, be.link_path,,
rescue Exception => e
Rails.logger.warn "Batch Email Error: #{e.message}"
ps = Painter.all
ps.each do |p|
BatchEmailMailer.batch_email(be.subject, be.message, be.link_name, be.link_path,,
rescue Exception => e
Rails.logger.warn "Batch Email Error: #{e.message}"
Delayed Job Initializer:
Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 0
Please provide feedback on this approach. I want to send out the batch email to all users, but avoid retrying multiple times if something goes wrong. I added rescue block to catch email exceptions in hope that the batch will skip errors and continue processing. As a last resort do not run again if something else goes wrong.
What one of my apps does which seems to work flawlessly after millions of emails:
1) in an initializer, do NOT let DelayedJob re-attempt a failed job AND ALSO not let DJ delete failed jobs:
Delayed::Worker.destroy_failed_jobs = false
Delayed::Worker.max_attempts = 1
2) Scheduling a mass email is 1 job, aka the "master job"
3) When THAT jobs runs, it spawns N jobs where N is the number of emails being sent. So each email gets its own job. (Note: if you use a production email service with 'batch' capability, one "email" might actually be a batch of 100 or 1000 emails.)
4) We have an admin panel that shows us if we have any failed jobs, and if they are, because we don't delete them, we can inspect the failed job and see what happened (malformed email address etc)
If one email fails, the others are un-affected. And no email can ever be sent twice.
