Running a privileged docker container in Openshift - docker

I am currently trying to modify some kernel parameters inside my docker image with sysctl -p and the file /etc/sysctl.conf.
Before trying to do it inside Openshift, i just executed docker run --privileged ... and it worked, but now i need to deploy and run the container in Openshift Origin 3.6.0. The problem is I don't have access to the SCCs in Openshift, as I'm not an administrator in my Openshift server, so I'm wondering if is there any way to do it without modifying the SCCs.
Is there any way to specify in oc new-app ... the parameters I need to run in the docker run ...?
In case not, the only way to do it is including my project inside the privileged SCC in the Openshift Server?

If you are not an administrator, and can't get an administrator to create you a service account in your project which gives you the required rights, no you will not be able to do it.
What sort of application are you trying to run which needs such elevated privileges?


Dockerfile hide variables (user creation)

I am trying to generate a docker image from Ubuntu 18.04.
To administrate the container I am creating a default user :
# set default user
RUN useradd -m docker && echo "docker:docker" | chpasswd && adduser docker sudo
USER docker
My problem is I would like to set a secured password on it, and my dockerfile is intended to be versioned with Git.
So my question is : is there a way to load variables in dockerfile from a .env file or anything else ?
I have seen an option on the docker run command, but not for the docker build, am I wrong ?
Anything you write in the Dockerfile can be trivially retrieved in plain text with docker history. Any file in the image can be very easily retrieved by anyone who can run any docker command. There is no way around either limitation.
Do NOT try to set user passwords for your Docker images like this. In most cases it shouldn't be necessary to formally "log in" to a container at all. Let the container run the single application process it needs to run, and don't try to set up an ssh daemon, sudo, or other things you'd have in a more complete server environment.
(You shouldn't usually need a shell inside a container; you don't for other kinds of processes like your Nginx server, for example. If you do, you can get one with docker exec, and if your main process runs as a non-root user, you can add a -u root option to be root in that shell. Again, you can't prevent an end user from being able to do this.)
If you are using a standalone container, then you can use a script with the variables and run docker RUN, or ENTRYPOINT to run the script. This would contain your password information, and then you can carry on with the build of your image.
If you are using Docker Swarm, you can use secrets, more information on the following link, and differences if you are using Windows or Linux are explained as well.

How can I docker commit azure container instance to azure container registry

We have ansible configured to deploy our various applications on IIS environment. I am trying to create a docker image of deployed applications so that I can just start up containers as we need for testing and otherwise.
I am planning to build on the Windows IIS image, start the container on azure, run our ansible to install everything on the server, then save the image on container.
I cannot find any documentation on how I can docker commit the container image into our private azure container registry.
Is it possible?
If you have an existing Docker registry in azure you should be able to use the az acr login --name myregistry command to authenticate to it Make sure you have a registry created for the container image you want to push up.
Next, you can run the container in azure and do all the installation you want. SSH or RDP into the instance in Azure that is running this container. Now run docker ps and find the container id for the correct container. Next, use docker commit <container id>
Then, just docker push
Also not sure what your use case is, but starting a container in order to modify and commit it in that way seems like an atypical use case for Docker since the build isn't reproducible via the Dockerfile. Looks like there are ways to replace Dockerfiles using Ansible playbooks with something like ansible-containers so you might want to take a look at that(I've never used this tool).

Installing and Running docker in a Docker container running in Openshift

I am currently working on the following scenario
I am trying to setup a container in OpenShift that runs a Jenkins that is itsself able to run docker to make use of declarative pipelines where the build is running in it's own docker container. This basically makes it necessary to install and run docker inside this container.
I have been working on it on quite some time now. Checked dozens of posts and threads online but I have not been able to accomplish it. Basically I got so far
I can install docker in my container (from the baseimage openshift/jenkins-2-centos7:latest)
I can't get docker to run as this makes use of systemctl which
Now I read that systemctl is not working inside docker containers or at least highly unrecommended as it interferes with the PID 1 in the system. Without
systemctl start docker
that will leave me with docker beeing unable to connect with the daemon (as expected) and the error message
Can't connect to docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?
So I tried to set up the daemon myself using
the follwoing in my Dockerfile
RUN usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
RUN dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
which will also not work telling me that cgroups cannot be mounted. After some more research I found that this could be handled with the cgroupfs-mount script from
But also here I got no luck leaving me with the following error
Error starting daemon: Error initializing network controller: error obtaining controller instance: failed to create NAT chain DOCKER: iptables failed: iptables -t nat -N DOCKER: iptables v1.4.21: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Permission denied (you must be root)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
Now after hours I am out of ideas. Does anyone have an idea how to make docker work inside of OpenShift? Would be really greatful
I am trying to setup a container in OpenShift that runs a Jenkins that is itsself able to run docker to make use of declarative pipelines where the build is running in it's own docker container. This basically makes it necessary to install and run docker inside this container.
I don't think your conclusion here is the only possibility, and what I'll describe below is an easier approach to get what (I think) you want! :) If there are any other use cases that you have than these 3 I'll describe, let me know and I'll try to update to cover them:
Pipelines running in their own containers
Running additional containers from Pipelines
Building container images from Pipelines
Pipelines running in their own containers
For this case, there's the excellent Kubernetes plugin.
With this plugin, you add a Kubernetes/OpenShift cloud to the Jenkins global config. This can either be the one in which Jenkins is running (if you use the Jenkins image provided by OpenShift, this gets added by default at least), or an external cluster.
Inside that configuration, you can define PodTemplates (again, there are a couple of examples provided in the Jenkins image provided by OpenShift), or you can specify that in your pipeline directly also I think. When your pipeline requests a node/agent with a label that matches one of these (and there are no long-running agents that match), then a pod will be created from that template, and your pipeline execution will happen inside a container in that. Once it's no longer needed, it will be deprovisioned again.
Here are the pipeline steps exposed by this plugin:
Running additional containers from Pipelines
As part of your pipeline, you may want to run some tests, and those may expect to be able to interact with e.g. a database. You can create resources for that in your OpenShift project (e.g. a Deployment & expose it with a Service), and tear them down after. The openshift-client plugin is very useful here and has docs on how to interact with OpenShift.
Building container images from Pipelines
If your goal is to build container images from pipelines, remember that OpenShift also exposes this capability (depending on the security configuration) through Builds. Just like in the previous section, you can use the openshift-client plugin to create and trigger builds.
For more information on the Jenkins image that's maintained by OpenShift (and generally how to do useful things in Jenkins on OpenShift), there's this dedicated page in the OpenShift docs.
You have this article by #jpetazzo, from Docker team, about Docker In Docker (DinD):
The primary purpose of Docker-in-Docker was to help with the development of Docker itself. Many people use it to run CI (e.g. with Jenkins), which seems fine at first, but they run into many “interesting” problems that can be avoided by bind-mounting the Docker socket into your Jenkins container instead.
DinD Repo:
This work is now obsolete, thanks to the combined efforts of some amazing people like #jfrazelle and #tianon, who also are black belts in the art of putting IKEA furniture together.
If you want to run Docker-in-Docker today, all you need to do is:
docker run --privileged -d docker:dind
So here is an article using another approach to build docker containers with Jenkins inside a docker container:
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--name jenkins \
So you may want to adapt one of this solutions to your OpenShift scenario. I hope it solves your issue.
You'll need a privileged pod running jenkins wich mounts the openshift node docker socket. This is a bad idea as jenkins'll launch container outside kubernetes semantics and control.
Why do not use s2i service shipped with openshift ?

Deploy Rails app using capstrano from inside a docker container

I managed to dockerize my rails application for development and it works great. Before this I had a deploy setup using Capistrano. Now I would like to try and deploy using the same Capistrano but executed from within the docker container. My question is can i use the same ssh key from my host machine or should I generate a new key inside the container? The last option does not sound good to me since it would have to be recreated when the container gets destroyed. I am aware that in the long run I would probably be better off setting the production server to run docker and install through docker machine but so far I just like to keep the setup I have already on production.
Anyone else have tried this?
I think you should link your devices ssh key into the container (as long as the container is not accessible from network). Additionally to your argument, you can more easily share your image with others as they are able to just link their key themselves.
You can mount your SSH key into the container at runtime.
docker run -v /path/to/host/ssh-key:/path/to/container/ssh-key <image> <command>
ssh-key will be available in the container at /path/to/container/ssh-key

How to allow users to run (but not manage) docker containers?

I would like to allow users of my docker containers (on a shared Linux server) to do
docker run
But not any of the other commands: build, inspect, ...
My use case is that of wrapped applications inside containers.
I was wondering if there is a best practice for this?
Typically, you could use a sudoers configuration in order to allow to execute docker command only for docker run.
See "How can I use docker without sudo?" for the theory.
Make sure your user is not from the docker group, and use sudo to execute only docker run as root.
See as an example "sudo / su to user in a specific group"
