Is it possible to open my application from iMessage app link? - ios

I have an app where you can have your favorite restaurant listed and add their details like name,image,comment,rating,etc.
Now I need to support a feature of share restaurant what I am doing right now is I am storing the data to Firebase so that data can be shared.
What I would like to do is I want to create a link for the same.. which will be sent in the iMessage when clicked on share button and then when the person with whom I shared my restaurant detail clicks on the link in the iMessage I want to open the app in his device ?
So that I can load data of the restaurant from firebase and show them in the app.
P.S. the app is actually offline that is not storing on the server. Just to support the above feature I am sending data to firebase. so that I can retrieve it !

You can use firebase dynamic links for that:
You can also send some parameters in the dynamic link.


Open SwiftUI App from other application, Microsoft Teams, Messenger, WhatsApp, etc

I am developing an SwiftUI App that app involves with creating notes like an usual to-do list app. The exception is that the note must be able to be shared to another users via Microsoft Teams, Messengers and WhatsApp.
Thus, I tend to implement some sort of functionalities to send another user one URL link. Every time the users click on the link from third-party app (WhatsApp, Teams, FB), the link will prompt and navigate users to the app that I developed and installed on their machine. Based on the URL my app will perform specific actions.
How I can do that. My current attempt is to define a customer URL for the SwiftUI app.
Thanks for reading this question, cheers.
You are looking for Custom URL Scheme and Universal Links
From documentation:
Custom URL schemes provide a way to reference resources inside your app. Users tapping a custom URL in an email, for example, launch your app in a specified context. Other apps can also trigger your app to launch with specific context data; for example, a photo library app might display a specified image.
let url = URL(string: "myphotoapp:Vacation?index=1")!) { (result) in
if result {
// The URL was delivered successfully!

Save a contact on iOS using QR [duplicate]

Is there a URL to open the contacts application from within my application? I know you can achieve this with the settings app by using the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString constant in Swift; however, I wasn't sure if I could do the same with the Contacts app.
There isn't a deep link for opening the Contacts App.
Apple is very picky when it comes to deep-linking. They have to provide one for Settings since many apps need services like Data, Location, Bluetooth, Wifi, etc.
Unfortunately they do not extend this to the Contacts App.
However if your app needs contact information then for that Apple has provided a Contacts framework to browse through your contacts within your app itself.
Read more about it here.
In order to add/update/delete/merge contacts directly from your app without using the Apple's Contact UI, use the CNSaveRequest APIs. More on that here.
The closest thing you can get to opening a contact is to write them a message in IMessage. From this screen the user can press the contact icon and open the contact page for that particular contact.
You can do this by opening the url sms://+44776382223 where the number is the number of the person that you would like to view the contact of.

Pass referral code on iOS through install

I want to give a link to an user to download my app through the app store (iOS). In this link I want to include an invitation code.
How do I create these links?
How can I see get the referral code from the link the user clicked on after they install my app?
I read about Firebase Dynamic Links. but I quite don't understand how to build the link and with method of Firebase Dynamic Links i will need to use to retrieve the invitation code. Do i will need to handle links received as Universal Links (so catch it from application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:) or handle links received through my app's custom URL scheme (so catch it from application:openURL:options:)
I read also about facebook appLink but their also i don't know how to do ...

How to post on Timeline in LINE in iOS?

I want to open NAVER's from within my iOS app using a URL scheme, and let my user share my iOS app using the preset string and AppStore URL.
I already set LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, and I know how to share a string to friends (using line://msg/text).
But how can I let him post it to the timeline? I even can't get to the documentation page but they clearly said it is feasible in the docs.
User selects who to share the content with. (Content can be shared with friends or posted on the user’s Timeline).
NOTE: I don't want to share it via Activity Controller. I want to use UIButton to trigger the share action.

How should I show my app's icon on Facebook's friend list in iOS?

I am new in handling apps that will be connecting with Facebook.
I want to let my user log in my app with Facebook account and be able to send something, for example, a gift to their Facebook friends.
I want to get the user's friends list and which is very easy by using FBFriendPickerViewController. However, I want to have an effect that if their Facebook friend(s) is/are also using my app, the app icon will be shown at the right hand side of the user table cell (Just like some Phone Contact lists will show if the contact has Whatsapp/ Google+)
I have been searching through sites but still find nothing about this.
So my question is, is there any "official" way (using Facebook SDK method) to show the icon?
Or I have been thinking of another approach is that, I first get the friend list and then saved it, with the information that whether the "friend" is using my app or not. Then I create a custom friend picker view and check the condition to enable/disable the visibility of the app icon.
I can get the information by using approached of using GraphAPI fields or using external database, for which are mentioned in this , this and this .....
Anybody help?
Ok I end up with customizing my own table view... : )
