Save a contact on iOS using QR [duplicate] - ios

Is there a URL to open the contacts application from within my application? I know you can achieve this with the settings app by using the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString constant in Swift; however, I wasn't sure if I could do the same with the Contacts app.

There isn't a deep link for opening the Contacts App.
Apple is very picky when it comes to deep-linking. They have to provide one for Settings since many apps need services like Data, Location, Bluetooth, Wifi, etc.
Unfortunately they do not extend this to the Contacts App.
However if your app needs contact information then for that Apple has provided a Contacts framework to browse through your contacts within your app itself.
Read more about it here.
In order to add/update/delete/merge contacts directly from your app without using the Apple's Contact UI, use the CNSaveRequest APIs. More on that here.

The closest thing you can get to opening a contact is to write them a message in IMessage. From this screen the user can press the contact icon and open the contact page for that particular contact.
You can do this by opening the url sms://+44776382223 where the number is the number of the person that you would like to view the contact of.


Is it possible to open my application from iMessage app link?

I have an app where you can have your favorite restaurant listed and add their details like name,image,comment,rating,etc.
Now I need to support a feature of share restaurant what I am doing right now is I am storing the data to Firebase so that data can be shared.
What I would like to do is I want to create a link for the same.. which will be sent in the iMessage when clicked on share button and then when the person with whom I shared my restaurant detail clicks on the link in the iMessage I want to open the app in his device ?
So that I can load data of the restaurant from firebase and show them in the app.
P.S. the app is actually offline that is not storing on the server. Just to support the above feature I am sending data to firebase. so that I can retrieve it !
You can use firebase dynamic links for that:
You can also send some parameters in the dynamic link.

Show Blocked Contacts using ABAddressBook

This question is for iOS 10 and Xcode 8. I know how to get user local address book contacts using ABAddressbook and show them in my app. What I was trying to do next are two things
Show the user what contacts he/she has blocked himself
Try see if I can block or unblock those contacts programmatically
The reason I am doing this is that as of now the only way to "block" a contact using native iOS app is to click on a contact, scroll down and click on block/unblock button. I was just trying to figure out if I can help the user quickly see all the contacts in their addresbook they have blocked and perhaps unblock/block one with one less tap using my app.
I have looked into callkit and that is not what I need. I am not creating a VOIP app nor do I need to create my own block list.
I have googled quite a bit and didn't find an answer for blocking / unblocking contacts using ABAddressbook which must mean its not possible. Suggestions?
In some way it is not possible till your device is jailbroken as this says and also it is possible if we use CallKit framework as Possible to programmatically block phone number in iOS source.
Apple document Says
The CallKit framework provides programmatic access to VoIP functionality, as well as call blocking and identification.

Launching the standard Contacts View from my app

What I am trying to accomplish with my app is if a user clicks on a contact name in my app. I want to directly launch the selected contact in a new view, but using the standard ios contact view. Is this possible? If so how can it be accomplished? I can't seem to find any URL Scheme for the contacts app if one does indeed exist that is.
Look at the Address Book UI framework documentation, please.
By the way, using this framework is a very good idea i.e. "the standard iOS contact view", because trying to reproduce this view and all its functionality yourself would be, shall we say, challenging.

iOS access phone settings programmatically

is it possible to access the phone settings of an iOS Device programmatically? I'm currently building an app and there I will provide contact possibillities, for example a direct link for calling (you just push it and then the specific contact number is called).
But I only want to show that possibility, if the user isn't calling with an unknown number.
You can access the contacts stored in the phone using the Address Book framework. If you're unfamiliar with the framework, I suggest you take a look at this quick start tutorial.
EDIT It seems you wish to read the state of the Show My Caller ID system setting, however you cannot programmatically access the system settings.
Use ABAddressBook for getting contact details in your project...
see this

Form to send iOS app via text message

Is there a service that allows me to put a form on my site that will send a link to my iOS app to a user?
User goes to my site
User inserts their cell phone number in a field
User receives a text message with the link to download my app
Does this make sense? Is there a better way? I've seen this before but can't remember where...
Currently do people really just take out their iPhones, open the app store, search for the app name to download it?
PS: Before posting I searched Google and this site but didn't find any answer.
Not quite what you're looking for, but probably a lot easier for you to do: You could create a QR-Code that contains a link to your app in the App Store. Then people can scan it with their phones (there are tons of popular apps that can do this), and when it opens the URL, the user will be redirected to the app store.
Just use the[...] link from iTunesConnect for your app.
