I want to recive to email notification.
Gerrit has many project. But project name has pattern.
I want to revice email of AAA/abc, AAA/bdc, AAA/efg.
How can I recevie email?
Project Name - AAA/*
Only If - status:merged
It doesn't work.
Project Name - All-Projects
Only If - projects:AAA branch:master
It is work.
I've been trying to create a "deploy" workflow where when run, it will fully publish the build to the App Store. I am very new to CI/CD so I could use some help!
Here's what I've done so far:
- activate-ssh-key#4:
run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
- git-clone#6: {}
- cache-pull#2: {}
- certificate-and-profile-installer#1: {}
- cocoapods-install#2: {}
- xcode-archive#4:
- distribution_method: app-store
- automatic_code_signing: api-key
- deploy-to-itunesconnect-deliver#2:
- password: "$APPLE_PASSWORD"
- submit_for_review: 'yes'
- app_id: "$BITRISE_APPLE_ID"
- bundle_id: "$BITRISE_APP_BUNDLE_ID"
- skip_metadata: 'no'
- itunescon_user: "$APPLE_EMAIL"
- deploy-to-bitrise-io#2: {}
- cache-push#2: {}
What I don't know is;
how to set and create the new app version without needing to create it from App Store Connect
how to set the description of the said new version
if everything works out, what exactly happens? does the new version get to a "Waiting for review" state?
Supposing you're talking about Bitrise's step to deploy ipa and pkg files to AppStore Connect.
This step is using Fastlane's deliver action under the hood, which reads the metadata from local .txt files found inside the repo itself (see this section on configuring metadata files)
I see no way to configure the metadata_path on Bitrise's step, which means most likely they're keeping the default value of ./fastlane/metadata.
So theoretically all you have to do is setting your metadata txt files in your repo (or use fastlane's deliver action to help you setup those folders the first time), and then Bitrise's step should be able to pick those up automatically, given you're already setting - skip_metadata: 'no' on that step.
We create jiras for tracking a release in a separate project. For eg: there is a project called Release and there will be jiras like Release-1, Release-2, Release-3. The actual code jiras for each release are linked to the release jira- something like Dev-1,Dev-2 linked to Release-1, Dev-3,Dev-4 linked to Release-2 etc. Each release jira has a type defined. I want to find all the dev jiras that are linked to the release jiras which has type say "XYZ". How can i achieve that? Tried out issue in linkedIssues() but its not working.
Is your issue related to this: I cannot run issueFunction in JQL
If you mean "issues" by "jiras"
then please refer to the following example:
Jira Project Release
Release-1 > linked to Dev-1, Dev-2
Release-2 > linked to Dev-3, Dev-4
Jira Project Dev
Dev-1 (bug) > linked to Release-1
Dev-2 (story) > linked to Release-1
Dev-3 (bug) > linked to Release-2
Dev-4 (story) > linked to Release-2
Say I want to query all the bugs in Dev project related to Release-1. Please take note that you will need to have the Adaptavist Scriptrunner Jira plugin.
issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfAll("issue in (Release-1)") and type = Bug
I am trying to add a job to the QuickBooks Customer table using the following sql statement. The customer table has several CustomFields (columns). When I apply the statement without the customField/column the statment works. When I run the sql line with the customField/column - I get an error and the row IS inserted without the customField/column data
INSERT INTO Customer (Name, ParentRefFullName, Companyname, Billaddressaddr1, CustomFieldAddNumber) VALUES ('.10~Root Name 01', '.00~Root Name 01', 'Zen Enterprise', 'my Address one', '.10' )
Error: only with 'CustomFieldAddNumber' set to '.10'
What is the correct way to add a Job to Customer table with CustomFeilds/Columns ?
I would suggest you download & install QODBC latest version 320 from below link & test again:
If you are still facing the issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
We may need the following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
We are trying to have ReSharper's cleanup code run on TFS Checkin. Ideally, when you right click on the solution / project and select Source Control > Check in all the files in the "Included Changes" should run cleanup code. I've got the custom checkin policy to work to some extent, works fine if you select a single file to check in but when you select the solution or project, it tries to run cleanup code on the entire solution / project and not just the files selected in TFS Pending Changes "Include Changes".
I'm running VS 2013 with R# 8.2. My policy evaluate code:
public override PolicyFailure[] Evaluate()
if (PendingCheckin.Policies.EvaluationState == PolicyEvaluationState.Unevaluated)
DTE2 dte = PendingCheckin.GetService(typeof (DTE)) as DTE2;
foreach (EnvDTE.Document doc in dte.Documents)
return new PolicyFailure[0];
I don't think this only applies to ReSharper, executing "Edit.FormatDocument" here would most likely run on all files as well.
Is there a way to run ExecuteCommand on only 1 file / document?
It seems like
PendingCheckin.GetService(typeof (DTE))
only gets files that are open in the Visual Studio editor not all the files that are in the "Include Changes" list. I can get a list of PendingChange through
But I don't know how to execute a command on PendingChange. Recommendations here would help
PS: I've read that the check in policy is meant to be used for checking documents only, however this workflow is what we need.
How can I view the task done/in progress in weekly basis by the users in jira??
Thanks in advance.
Your question isn't very clear, what do you mean by done/in progress ? the status of the issue? and by saying How can I view what exactly do you mean? see them from Jira? send a weekly mail?
Anyway, in case that by saying done/in progress you mean that the issue is closed/unclosed, and you are looking to the right JQL query, than:
Closed last week:
project = Development and status = Closed and updated >= "-7d"
Worked on during last week, but not closed:
project = Development and status != Closed and updated >= "-7d"
Opened last week, but not closed:
project = Development and status != Closed and created >= "-7d"
and so on.. For more queries option visit JIRA Advanced Searching. If you have more questions feel free to ask.
I wrote a simple cli tool jira-report, that queries your jira and prints weekly report to console:
$ jira-report
Jira site address: https://jira.company.com
Username for 'https://jira.company.com': admin
Password for 'https://jira.company.com':
Connecting to 'https://jira.company.com'. Pls wait...
What was [admin] doing:
Created: 2
WFM-7180 - Provide static context for log property in BasicHashAnalyzer
TST-5862 - Unable to install Nginx on HP-UX with Java 6
Resolved: 8
GSM-364 - Migration of existing scenario
WFM-5865 - NullPointerException while finding categories
TST-5864 - Some NGinx installation improvements
TST-5863 - NGinx minimal dependency
SDK-7139 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual jar
SDK-7138 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual dll
TST-7111 - Event.getDonotNotify doesn't indicate about agent's state
TST-6985 - TST classes should have static Log fields
Reopened: 0
Closed: 5
TST-6943 - Remove redundant org.apache.log4j dependency from common part
TST-5862 - Unable to install NGinx on HP-UX with Java 6
TST-5857 - Put back support for Jdk 1.6
TST-5840 - NGinx fails to handle interaction initiated
GSM-364 - Migration of existing units
Enjoy it!