iOS 11 deferredLocationUpdatesAvailable always return NO and Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=11. How to make deferredlocationupdates work? - ios

I am trying to use allowDeferredLocationUpdates(untilTraveled:timeout:) to defer the location updates. The documentation followed is
Even though by trying various ways to detach the phone from debugger, keeping phone idle for longer duration the Deferring is not working. Please advice if someone has tried this on iOS 11.

Unfortunatly, despite of all documentation and after weeks of frustrating development effort, I excepted the fact, that this functionality is not supported anymore. I tested it in all possible situations on 7 different real devices (iPads and iPhones, 5s up to 7) ... no success.
It did work perfectly on IOS 9, this is why I trust, that I know how to do it. But I tried every hint I found here and elsewere... no success under IOS 10 and 11.
If you look around you will find numerous angry comments from other coder. It‘s a shame, but we have to except the facts.


iOS 11 black screen with loading indicator

In my iPhone 7 iOS 11.1.2, a black screen with spinning wheel appearing for few seconds and asking passcode. It happening frequently in same interval. This same issue is getting in iPad too.
Is this a problem of iOS 11 ? Anybody facing the same issue ?
Updating to iOS 11.2 fixed the issue in my case.
I tried and failed updating via iTunes, where I got error messages.
I took the time to do my backup then I went ahead and downloaded via the phone itself the update.
This was a bit hard however since when the screen is up, the phone hangs up every so often (quite often in my case).
I then just proceeded in letting the update complete itself before attempting to open the phone. (It takes a while.)
It seems the issue was/is linked to a crash on push notifications.
In my case, shutting down all of the notifications wasn't a practical option (as seen on other boards) since I have a massive amount of apps I would have had to untoggle to not receive their notifications.
Best of luck on updating to iOS 11.2.
Yes this is an issue that most of the users face recently which re-springs the device in 30 seconds interval from 12:00 AM PST. Some problematic apps that push out notifications in regular interval causes this issue. Like OP said, disabling notifications will help solve this. But it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to update your OS to the most recent version or at least to 11.2 to completely fix this issue.
For more info. about this problem, check out this video and this video from Everything Apple Pro.
Note: Your question is not a technical or question related to programming. You should have posted this to the respective community.
I got this issue when setting local notifications using userNotification framework. After a lot of research I found the key problem for the issue that I was setting notifications for the date which is lesser than the current date. I set the notifications only for the future dates then the issue got solved. And this issue occurring only in iOS 11.1 .
Hope this helps someone.
6S, iOS 11.2, Do Not Disturb does not help. Airplane mode doesn't help too (how the notifications can come in Airplane mode?!).
Installed 11.2.1 update and it helped.
But here's how my notifications look like now -

Why does my Unity ios app's Documents and Data keep increasing?

I created my first app back in July. It came out to be 55mb. I have recently noticed that the Documents and Data section for my app is 150mb, nearly 3 times the app size. Doing more tests I have realized that each time I play the game it increases by 1mb. It is now at 170mb.
I am using Unity 5.6.1p4 and Google Admob.
My app does not download any update files to run the game so that isn't the issue.
I have a couple of guesses but none seem very likely:
1) My game is only about half as optimized as it should be. I still use a lot of instantiate and destroy. An other post said that the memory issue is due to Apple's inability to garbage collect. That is a possibility but I cannot understand why the data from instantiate/destroy would be cached. I also find it hard to believe no one else has had that issue.
2) When the game first starts, it automatically loads a banner ad and a video ad so that there is no delay when the user first requests a reward video. Some people have said that Google Admob caches ads so there is less data usage. That seems like it would cause some increase in file size but 170mb is too much data to be cached. Again I find it hard to believe no one would have complained to Google about this before.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I cannot figure out what would be causing it. If you are interested in seeing the problem first hand, the App Store link is
Ok, here is my findings: This is either an issue for older phones, or iOS 10.x.
However, I do not know which. I am able to test iOS 10 on older phones (5, 5s and ipad 1). I am not able to find any newer device still running iOS 10. This memory glitch does not seem to happen on iOS 11. I was able to test it on 3x iphone 6s, 2x iphone 7 all running iOS 11.It is not as clear as I would like it to be but iOS 11 does not appear to have the memory issue. As much as I would like to find the cause and fix it, I think the majority of people should be safe because they update.

Cannot download On Demand Resources contents after iOS 10

After upgrading some of my devices to iOS 10, I am unable to download ODR contents anymore within my app. Devices which still have iOS 9 are still working without a problem.
Does anyone currently suffering from this problem? Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I logged an Apple Developer Technical Support Issue (DTI) on this as I could not find anything that could fix the issue. After a lot of back and forth I got this from them:
In iOS 9, the ODR was handled by the OnDemandD daemon inside the OS. However in iOS 10, we switched ODR to now be handled under the AppStoreD daemon. There were some issues that arose from this transistion, including this specific issue. Also, this issue was on our side of the table, so it’s nothing you or your users did.
I cannot get into the details of the issue, because I honestly don’t know what they changed, but as far as I know, it is stemmed from the daemon transistion above.
Now that iOS 10.2 is out, and will be updating across the iOS fleet, hopefully we'll see and end to this issue. In the meantime my game has been getting bad reviews and feedback from players experiencing a black screen instead of our game levels. :-(
I had the same problem after updating some devices to iOS 10.
I solved it by setting the loadingPriority of the NSBundleResourceRequest to 1.

iOS app wake up with BLE not working as before on iOS9.3?

There are previous topics about waking up an application from the background with BLE advertisement (e.g. How to wake up iOS app with bluetooth signal (BLE), Android / iOS - BLE - wake up a terminated application when a BLE device connects).
However my question is not about that since we had this feature working fine up to iOS 9.2 included.
Coming iOS 9.3 the feature doesn't work as it used to work before, it seems that the terminated by user swiping off the application is not woken up. Nothing changed on the BLE advertisement originator.
After a recheck of various parameters and reading of Apple documentation, nothing springs to our minds. Neither Apple documentation mention any change, unless we missed something.
Have other people notice this issue? Are you aware of a solution?
We wrote to Apple and we are pending on an answer but maybe somebody here has the correct tip.
Many thanks in advance for the attention.
UPDATE: After more testing, it seems that only when the user swipes the application out the wake up doesn't work like it used to in iOS 9.2
Initial testing were more manual and gave us the impression that there was an underlying issue. However not sure why this change took place without any notification from Apple. - Above text was amended based on the update -
UPDATE 2: This issue is not present anymore in iOS 10.
It turns out after a reply from Apple that this is a (new) intended behaviour.
didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events stopped working from the background after update to 9.3
I have an app that has been working almost perfectly for the last 6 months, and after the update these events are no longer getting called. I started this app over last year when I heard about iOS9 coming out, and when I couldn't get the old one working, I started a new one using Swift instead.
After some time and a LOT of driving in and out of my Region, I got the app to work more reliably than it ever had before. I have several devices using the app, and when all of them updated to iOS9.3/9.3.1, the app stopped calling didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events completely.
I have a ticket open with Apple, but I am getting a lot of push back about the service, and that 9.3 didn't change background location at all.
My devices use AT&T of Verizon, we have tried wi-fi assist on and off, I even wiped a system, formatted the HD, installed El Capitan, and XCode 7.3, and it's hasn't helped.
I also found an issue with the Devices Tool, and when you download the Container, and open package, the Documents folder is empty. I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling for Apple right now, and I am sure someone is feeling my MEGA MIND WEDGIE at this moment.

JQM/Phonegap native app stuck at splash screen when run on Iphone simulator from xcode

This guy seems to have a similar problem, except mine doesn't work at all, not just on the first try. Today I installed xcode 4.2/ios simulator 5.0 hoping that would fix the problem, but it hasn't helped. The app has consistently run on actual devices, but all the developers who own Iphones are out of the office today and the company ipod is in use elsewhere.
I've tried closing both xcode and the ios simulator, changing between 5.0 and 4.3, changing between regular iphone and iphone retina, trying with simulator running first and trying with simulator closed first. It just sits there on the loading screen. As far as I know the simulator has never worked, I'm not the one who setup xcode or any of the devices (he doesnt work on Mondays and didn't know how to fix it on Friday anyway). Any help would be appreciated.
Turns out adding "localHosts" to ExternalHosts fixed the Simulator, but the simulator doesn't like the ajax call to our services site, so it still isn't working, but now at least we have an acceptable reason for it. (Devices work correctly, so it isn't that big of a deal) Hope this helps someone.
If anyone can think of a way for the simulator to work with the reference to external calls I'll transfer the answer to their answer :P.
Like Luke said in a comment to you: just use JSONP.
It's not the simulator's fault, that's just how browsers work. They don't allow cross-domain ajax requests. That's why there is a solution to this problem, namely JSONP. In essence, the response must be a regular JSON object that is enclosed in a function call, something like callback_function({json: 'object'}).
