ARKit little jumps during track - ios

I've been using ARkit and I'm loving it, but I noticed that during load tracking can gut a little jumpy (suddenly objects jump from their position a little bit off, like 1-3 cms). I've been wondering if there's a way to smooth out these jumps so it wouldn't be so distracting. Here is a short video demonstrating it.

I have been using ARKit and am also loving it I have been experiencing these issues as well and I have my theories but I am positive it is an issue with the hardware (comment which device you are using and I might be able to give a better estimate)
I believe it is the cameras on our devices and if that is the case then I would not worry about it too much because that would mean a behind the scenes problem we cant change or alter
If I'm not mistaken I remember Apple saying something about this in one of their developer classes earlier in this months keynote as I said before I wouldn't worry about it because older devices will have a harder time with the tracking because of the poorer cameras


SceneKit objects not showing up in ARSCNView about 1 out of 100 times

I can't share much code because it's proprietary, but this is a bug that's been haunting me for awhile. We have SceneKit geometry added to the ARKit face node and displayed inside an ARSCNView. It works perfectly almost all of the time, but about 1 in 100 times, nothing shows up at all. The ARSession is running, and none of the parent nodes are set to hidden. Further, when I look at Debug Memory Graph function in Xcode, the geometry appears to be entirely visible there (and doesn't seem to be set to hidden). I can see all the nodes attached to the face node perfectly within the ARSCNView of the memory graph, but on the screen, nothing shows up. This has been an issue for multiple iOS versions, so it didn't just appear with a recent update.
Has anybody run into a similar problem, or does anybody have any ideas to look into? Is it an apple bug, or is there a timing issue I might not be aware of? It's been really hard to debug because of how infrequent it is, and I haven't found it discussed on any other forums (but point me in the right direction if there is a previous discussion). Thanks!
This is pretty common practice if AR tracking is poor for some reason.
I ran into a similar problem too. I think it's definitely a tracking error which arises due to the fault of the user of AR app. Sometimes, if you're using World Tracking Config in ARKit and track a surrounding environment offhandedly or if you are tracking under inappropriate conditions – you get a sloppy tracking data which results in situation when your World Grid/Axis may be unpredictably shifted aside and your model may fly away somewhere. If such a situation arises - look for your model somewhere nearby – maybe it’s behind you.
If you're using a gadget with a LiDAR, the aforementioned situation is almost impossible, but if you're using a gadget with no LiDAR you need thoroughly track your room. Also there must be good lighting conditions and high-contrast real-world objects with distinguishable non-repetitive textures.

SKView in UICollectionView terrible performance

Adding empty SKView to UICollectionView cell makes the scrolling almost impossible on iPhone 6 (iOS 9.x). Lets say collection view contains 6 items of which first 3 are visible, scrolling horizontally for next 3 items takes 3sec with jerkiness.
Here's the relating part of code:
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier(ACDFilterCollectionViewCellConstants.CellIdentifier, forIndexPath: indexPath) as! ACDFilterCollectionViewCell
let filterType = filters[indexPath.row]
cell.titleLabel.text = filterType.rawValue
let skview = SKView(frame: cell.frame)
return cell
What should I do to have a smooth scrolling with SKViews inside my UICollectionViewCells?
On iOS 8.x I'm getting the exception on rendering this view:
I don't know what the specific answer is w.r.t. the cause of the poor performance, but I can give you some pointers as to how to proceed.
The first thing to do is to profile the code. Use Instruments to figure out where the app is spending the most time when you start scrolling. Is setting up the SKViews as they come onto the screen the expensive part? Or is it drawing all those sprite views over and over? Is it something in the sprite views that's taking a long time to draw? I hear that SKShapeNode can be a drag on performance. What happens if you remove all the subnodes from the SKViews?
Once you know where the bottleneck is, you can decide how to proceed. From your comment it sounds like you're only using SKView to render some paths, and maybe you don't need those to animate once they're drawn? If so, perhaps you can use a single offscreen SKView to render your path into an image, and then insert that image into the collection cell. People use collections full of images all the time, and they scroll beautifully.
My initial suggestion would be simply this: Scale back your expectations of what's possible in terms of framework interactions and relationship building between them.
Look into CAShapeLayer and see if it can do enough of what you're attempting to do with SKShapeNode and shaders. There is a "shouldRasterize" feature of of CAShapeLayers, and you can then apply things like Core Image filters, which might get you close to the desired result without using SKViews, SKShapeNode and SKShaders.
The problem you're up against is artificially inflated expectations of quality and performance within Apple's newer APIs and Frameworks, and their ability to interact and contain one another.
This is not your fault.
Apple has mastered the art of Showmanship and Salesmanship, long ago.
For a very long time these arts were reserved for physical product releases - the pitching and promoting of the devices people buy.
Sometime around the ailing and death of the late great Mr Jobs (may he RIP) there was a transition underway to promote far more actively the rapid development and early release of software to the App Store.
Most of this was part of the war on Android and Google. There must have been some consensus (probably amongst the supplier focused channels of the company that now lead) that getting as many apps into the store as possible was a way to nullify and/or beat Android.
To this end iOS 7 was created, UICollectionViews, AutoLayout and all manner of other "wonderful" goodies designed to remove the need (and concern) for design and designers for most app creation.
These facilities give the impression that anything and everything can be done with APIs, and that there's little to no need to consider design, nor even technical design.
So Developers plod into the frameworks, bright eyed, bushy tailed, and optimistic about their chances or realising anything they conceive... if they simply use a blend of the frameworks and APIs available to them, via the relationships they perceive to exist between frameworks from their understanding of the WWDC videos and other Apple promotional materials.
Unfortunately the aforementioned salesmanship and showmanship means that what you perceive to be possible is actually limited to the literal demonstrations you're shown. The inferred and suggested possible potential of the frameworks for interwoven relationships and success are just that... POSSIBLE POTENTIAL future functionality.
Most everything other than what is literally demonstrated is broken, or in some other way massively constrained and ill-performing. In some cases that which is demonstrated is also subsequently broken or doesn't make it to the release.
So if you're taking the time to imagine something like combining SKViews within UICollectionViews, and that this relationship should work, that assumption is your problem.
This gets far worse when you start thinking about SKShapeNodes and Shaders, both of which have known issues within SceneKit. Obviously you've found that the issue is that SKViews inside UICollectionViews aren't performant. That is the first problem. You're going to have far more problems gleaning performance from SKShapeNodes and your shaders later, and then the issue of immutability of the SKShapeNode is going to crop up for your animations, too.
It's not an incorrect assumption, you've been lead to believe this modularity of frameworks is a thing, and a huge feature of the massive frameworks of iOS.
However it's all early days, and that's not mentioned. Sprite Kit is fundamentally broken in iOS 9, you can read more about many of its problems here:
There has been no formal communication about the cause and/or nature of the issues blighting those using Scene Kit in iOS 9 that I'm aware of, despite the noise about its many issues.
One enormous issue that's plagued many is that any use of UIKit and SKViews (in either way they can inter-relate) causes huge performance problems in iOS 9. At this point there are no apparent ways around this problem other than keeping these two frameworks separate.
One big change on iOS 9 vs. iOS 8 is the switch from OpenGL to Metal for SpriteKit and SceneKit. I suggest you try overriding that default, and switch back to OpenGL, by adding the key/value pair PrefersOpenGL/YES to your Info.plist. See Technical Q&A QA1904, Specifying the renderer for SpriteKit and SceneKit.

XNA game on Xbox screen dimming

I have a made a game for the Xbox 360 using XNA and whilst testing the game the screen seems to dim every 30 seconds. The way it dims is as if I have been away from the Xbox for a while. If I press the Xbox guide it goes back to normal. I've tried googling this issue and i've found a few people who have had the same problem but I couldn't seem to find any replies on those posts. If anyone knows what the issue is and how I could fix it it would be of great help as this is the last kink i'm trying to resolve with my game.
Just to convert my comment into an answer:
Many modern TVs and some monitors have a "dynamic contrast" feature where, if the displayed image is predominantly black, the intensity of the backlight will be reduced.
(Often it's really annoying, just making high-contrast black-background scenes go dark for no reason.)
The backlight can also be turned down as a power-saving feature, kind of like a screen-saver.
You could test on a monitor without this feature, disable this feature in your TV settings, or use a scene that isn't so dark.

Hourglass for iPhone

I'm trying to exploring iOS application right now. I got a simple idea, which is to create an hourglass application. I did found some apps on the App Store, but the animation is not quite satisfying. Lets say, if I want to create a smooth animation of the sand falling down, the gravity, is there any advice on where should I start? I am thinking to use OpenGL ES for the animation. not sure if this is a good idea, since I do not know how to keep the sand in the hourglass, and each grain falls perfectly fine. is there any algorithm that I should look into?

How to add continuous movement to iPad app

I'm writing a 3d car designer ipad app and I want to add a little "life" to it. I want it to be similar to what "3D Car Builder" iPad app does, in that from the moment the app starts, there's just the slightest amount of "movement" in the scene. Even if the iPad is sitting on the table, there's movement going on.
I'm testing on a 1st gen iPad, so whatever they've implemented, works on my device. I have (iOS 5 installed). I've looked up several things, thinking this was developed with the accelerometer, or possibly magnetometer, core motion of some sort...I can't figure out where to start. It might something as simple as moving the 3D scene in the x direction for a small amount, then y-direction, the negative x, then negative y. I dunno, it's something simple.
Anyone know how I/they might have implemented this?
Okay, nevermind...I figured this one out. Worked great using CCActionInterval
