XNA game on Xbox screen dimming - xna

I have a made a game for the Xbox 360 using XNA and whilst testing the game the screen seems to dim every 30 seconds. The way it dims is as if I have been away from the Xbox for a while. If I press the Xbox guide it goes back to normal. I've tried googling this issue and i've found a few people who have had the same problem but I couldn't seem to find any replies on those posts. If anyone knows what the issue is and how I could fix it it would be of great help as this is the last kink i'm trying to resolve with my game.

Just to convert my comment into an answer:
Many modern TVs and some monitors have a "dynamic contrast" feature where, if the displayed image is predominantly black, the intensity of the backlight will be reduced.
(Often it's really annoying, just making high-contrast black-background scenes go dark for no reason.)
The backlight can also be turned down as a power-saving feature, kind of like a screen-saver.
You could test on a monitor without this feature, disable this feature in your TV settings, or use a scene that isn't so dark.


OpenCV Colour Detection Error

I am writing a script on the raspberry pi to detect the majority colour featured in a frame of a webcam and I seem to be having an issue. The following image is me holding up my phone with a blank red image on it. I seem to be getting an orange colour instead.
Now when I angle the phone I do in fact produce the red colour expected.
I am not sure why this is the case.
I am using a logitech c920 webcam that emits a blue light when activated and also have the monitor going. I am wondering whether the light from these two are causing this issue and when I angle it, these lights are not hitting it front on and thus not distributing the image.
I am still not heavily experienced in this area so I would enjoy hearing explanations and possible work arounds for my problem.
There are a few things that can mess this up:
As you already mention, the light from the monitor and the camera.
The iPhone screen is a display, so flicker and sync might also be coming to play.
Reflection from the iPhone screen.
If your camera has automatic control for exposure and color balance etc., the picture quality can change as you move around.
I suggest using a colored piece of non-glossy paper so that you can remove the iPhone display's effects.

ARKit little jumps during track

I've been using ARkit and I'm loving it, but I noticed that during load tracking can gut a little jumpy (suddenly objects jump from their position a little bit off, like 1-3 cms). I've been wondering if there's a way to smooth out these jumps so it wouldn't be so distracting. Here is a short video demonstrating it.
I have been using ARKit and am also loving it I have been experiencing these issues as well and I have my theories but I am positive it is an issue with the hardware (comment which device you are using and I might be able to give a better estimate)
I believe it is the cameras on our devices and if that is the case then I would not worry about it too much because that would mean a behind the scenes problem we cant change or alter
If I'm not mistaken I remember Apple saying something about this in one of their developer classes earlier in this months keynote as I said before I wouldn't worry about it because older devices will have a harder time with the tracking because of the poorer cameras

Why cant virtual reality sets (HTC Vive/Oculus) play standard games

Visually speaking, the "displayed image" (in the steam/vive window) looks very similar to any other game being rendered on the desktop. Eg: Counterstrike, WoW, etc.
Question: Why is it then these games don't "feel" like being in a VR environment?
Also, programmatically speaking (image rendering, camera angles, depth field, etc)
Question: Can a non-VR game work with the VR sets as long as you configure the controls to the headset and wands? Eg: Headset = joystick; wand buttons = menu etc.
Thank you.
Edit: Please let me know if you have any reading recommendations on this subject.
The non-VR games simply weren't made for VR.
That said, there are hacks that make non-VR games semi-work in VR. You can check out Vorpx for Oculus, but I don't know of anything for Vive. There will be very big issues and headaches, though.
A lot of things will look bad - like missing graphics as almost all games go through shortcuts so they don't render what you will not see. For example there is no sky in RTS games and the map ends just after the end of scrollable space. Or when you're driving a car in a race game, there probably isn't even more to the car then the dashboard (no seats, back of the car etc). No one should see them, so no one made them.
It's even worse with the user interface of these games, no one had depth in mind when they designed this, so you'll have an ammo counter that makes you cross eyes end such.
I could go on and on with the issues, as this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Unity 2D side scrolling game stutter/jerk/lag issue when run on iOS devices

I just want to say thanks in advance for anyone you can provide some help on this we're completely stuck at the moment.
Project Scenario : -> 2D side scrolling game with simple 2d sprites -> Camera is orthographic and stays in its place (camera doesn't move) -> My Character (A camel) is also static and does not move. -> The sprites (Platforms) move from right to left (movement done by script) -> Project Video is uploaded here (running on iphone5). It clearly shows the small hiccups and jerks.
Issue : The game works very smoothly on Android devices and Unity Editor (no spikes on the Unity profiler as well) But, when i run it on iOS devices (iphone5, iphon5s) the motion of my sprites is jerky. Like it will move smoothly for like 1 second and then a small hiccup/jerk of a split second occurs. This results in lag and lagging motion of the game which is very annoying as i am unable to get the right quality for iOS.
Things i have tried : -> I have studied many possible solutions on various threads and forums but none issue seems to be working for me :-( -> I have tried different scripting techniques like use Lerp function for movement, tried putting the code in LateUpdate and also FixedUpdate. -> I also turned off vSync in project Quality settings but no luck :-( -> I also tried the movement without the script by making an animation of the sprites to move from right to left. -> I tried making the project from the latest Unity 5.1 as well but still the same lag :-( -> I tried reducing the sprite sizes to very low (low quality pixels) but still issue prevailed. -> I also tried to change the camera to perspective view to see if it reduces the jerk or not
I am sure lots of other people around must have faced this issue while making a 2D game of such sort. I hope someone must have overcome the issue and can please help me with this. This has been an issue with me for long now ...
I would really appreciate any help ... any new technique in unity or any better optimised logic of making such a 2D game in Unity. Thanks.
Looking forward to everyones input.
YOUTUBE LINK TO VIDEO FOR REFERENCE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnST1QzoDw4

Show an applicatio non top of a Direct X game?

Is it possible to build an application that displays itself (TopMost) even when a game is running (Quake, Farcry, Black Ops, any Direct X driven game)
I would like to be able to record my key presses while I play a game for video recording.
It must be possible because FRAPS displays the FPS on top of everything that uses direct X, including video players.
Any thoughts?
First of all, it isn't that easy. FRAPs works with API-Injection, to set some code into the drawing-steps of the programs, where it takes the many different versions of directx and opengl into account. If found a link, where it is explained a little more: Case Study Fraps.
Maybe a solution to work in windowed mode and capture the input with global hooks is easier, but I never tried out something in this direction. If you want to work with api-hooks maybe this link will be useful: Direct3DHook
