Using the Swift Contacts Framework - ios

When the app has access to the devices contacts, and you need those contacts to populate a PickerView, does it pull the contacts to a Firebase DB and fetch those contacts to populate the PickerView? Or does it do it within the phone(maybe Core Data)?
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
If does and I can use Core Data, can I use it hand in hand with Firebase, or does it even store it somewhere? I'd like my users to be able to select which contacts they want to add to the app.
Thank you in advance.

I think it would be best to pull from the device's Contacts, using the Contacts Framework - in Xcode this is the Contacts.framework package. The Apple site offers some sample code that you might be able to take advantage of in your application. For that you'd need permission from the user by enabling a NSContactsUsageDescription in your info.plist. That describes to the user why you'd need access to their contacts.
As far as storing the data in a Database, I'm not sure that would be a wise decision nor one that makes sense. Consider the reasoning behind that, does this information need to be on some remote database? if your answer is no, then chances are that you don't need to do that extra work. You might however register new users that use your application with something like Google's Firebase if you want to manage any messages between users (for a chat app for example).
Hopefully that answers your question and helps you out in some way.


Is it possible write the data in widget to the main app Coredata without group?

I found a lot of solution online, and many of them need to add the project into a group. But i do not own a developer account, i just a student, and i just want to make a widget and the user can interactive by using the button, and add to coredata in the main app, so is it any solution can help me? thanks
No, it's not possible. Extensions on iOS are separate processes from their apps. Sandboxing means that they can't access each other's data unless they use an app group. It's not just Core Data that has this rule, it's any kind of file access. If you won't set up an app group, you might try using a web service to store the data online. Both the app and the extension could use the same web service to share data.

iOS app trouble storing user's documents/photos anywhere other than the phone

I'm trying to find a way of letting a user store their photos/documents online for my app. They can upload these to the app after registering an email and they remain on the phone even when the user logs out and then in again. However if the user deletes the app, downloads it again (the developers are using TestFlight at the moment), and logs in, any photo or document that the user saved before deleting has vanished.
I've been told that the data hasn't been stored on the Kinvey SDK service that we have been using as it takes a while to upload the data and then was told the app would be better suited on Kinvey REST API as the SDK version doesn't support background mode which supposedly would help store the data quicker (but this still wouldn't be 100% sure the photos/documents would be stored)
I'm not a developer/coder so I'm afraid I don't know much technically but my app needs to be able to have access across devices for the user's photos and documents, if these are 'lost' it would be catastrophic.
Please could someone help me if there a way of doing this?
Thank you.
Well If you want to save pictures or data that do not get deleted here are few options.
Save them iPhone,iPad gallery if not the use REST API
"Kinvey" can be used for that.
The alternative of "Kinvey", Kindly look into this.
and may be you can try this. It provides chat feature too.

Generate song suggestions (auto-complete)

I'm developing an app and I want a user to be able to start typing a song name/artist/whatever and then have a list/drop-down show suggestions on the fly depending on what the user typed (preferably as the user is typing).
I was thinking I would need to use some sort of API which queried the iTunes database for songs available for purchase (or any other large database with song information), but I'm open to using any other source.
Does anybody know of an API I can look into or a framework I can use. I don't need a solution in code or anything, I'm simply asking for a nod in the right direction.
Let me know if you need anymore information. Thanks.
Apple exposes a search API for the iTunes Store. That should help you.
Here's a writeup by Apple describing the API:
From there, you just have to hit the endpoint with the appropriate parameters and then display the results. The endpoint is:

options on how to read external data into my ios app

ive begun writing an ipad app which will use mapkit to show nearby locations of people offering things for sale ie like property (houses, units etc). i know an individual user can store their own information, data, photos etc on their own device and im intending to incorporate coredata to allow this. What i dont understand are the technologies needed to get "other user's" info, data, property photos etc showing on an individual users device. from my limited knowledge i assume i would need some type of server technology and then send all the information from all current nearby users to each individual user's device so each user can see all the "offerings" of nearby users. what i dont understand is if apple (or anyone else) has provided some frameworks which i can piggy back on to achieve this or whether i'm on my own re learning and developing this. any assistance on best way to start this task is appreciated
You can use Parse as your backend service . It is free at some point.

Send an invitation to a list same app

I am pretty new with iOS 5 and I am thinking in writing an app.
I would have a list of people inside the app who has it. Then I would invite them to an event.
I don't need any code right now I just wanted to know the concept behind this.
First, how an app can recognise who has my it installed, so it can show a list of people.
Second, after creating an event with a group of people how can I send an invitation to them.
From a very general standpoint, what you need is a back-end server to interact with your app and store user/event info. You can either build your own or try to use a service like Parse.
