options on how to read external data into my ios app - ios

ive begun writing an ipad app which will use mapkit to show nearby locations of people offering things for sale ie like property (houses, units etc). i know an individual user can store their own information, data, photos etc on their own device and im intending to incorporate coredata to allow this. What i dont understand are the technologies needed to get "other user's" info, data, property photos etc showing on an individual users device. from my limited knowledge i assume i would need some type of server technology and then send all the information from all current nearby users to each individual user's device so each user can see all the "offerings" of nearby users. what i dont understand is if apple (or anyone else) has provided some frameworks which i can piggy back on to achieve this or whether i'm on my own re learning and developing this. any assistance on best way to start this task is appreciated

You can use Parse as your backend service . It is free at some point.


Countries to allow my iOS application in?

I've a question regarding to releasing my iOS application.
Is there anything I should think about when releasing? Should I let ALL countries be able to download the application, if not why?
I mean, I've no idea about all the countries rules regarding to everything. On my IOS app I've a map which you can start and it will track your moves till you press a stop button. And I also have links to "third-party's (To shops, blogs, instagram accounts etc)"
Should I allow my app in all countries? If not, which one should I remove?
This is really an offtopic question, countries you want to distribute your app to depend on your business logic. Unless you have some questionable content (for example China has some strict rules regarding content and maps) or store user data without GDPR (European Union), you're almost certainly good to go.

Using the Swift Contacts Framework

When the app has access to the devices contacts, and you need those contacts to populate a PickerView, does it pull the contacts to a Firebase DB and fetch those contacts to populate the PickerView? Or does it do it within the phone(maybe Core Data)?
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
If does and I can use Core Data, can I use it hand in hand with Firebase, or does it even store it somewhere? I'd like my users to be able to select which contacts they want to add to the app.
Thank you in advance.
I think it would be best to pull from the device's Contacts, using the Contacts Framework - in Xcode this is the Contacts.framework package. The Apple site offers some sample code that you might be able to take advantage of in your application. For that you'd need permission from the user by enabling a NSContactsUsageDescription in your info.plist. That describes to the user why you'd need access to their contacts.
As far as storing the data in a Database, I'm not sure that would be a wise decision nor one that makes sense. Consider the reasoning behind that, does this information need to be on some remote database? if your answer is no, then chances are that you don't need to do that extra work. You might however register new users that use your application with something like Google's Firebase if you want to manage any messages between users (for a chat app for example).
Hopefully that answers your question and helps you out in some way.

Generate song suggestions (auto-complete)

I'm developing an app and I want a user to be able to start typing a song name/artist/whatever and then have a list/drop-down show suggestions on the fly depending on what the user typed (preferably as the user is typing).
I was thinking I would need to use some sort of API which queried the iTunes database for songs available for purchase (or any other large database with song information), but I'm open to using any other source.
Does anybody know of an API I can look into or a framework I can use. I don't need a solution in code or anything, I'm simply asking for a nod in the right direction.
Let me know if you need anymore information. Thanks.
Apple exposes a search API for the iTunes Store. That should help you. https://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/documentation/itunes-store-web-service-search-api.html
Here's a writeup by Apple describing the API: https://www.apple.com/itunes/affiliates/resources/blog/introduction---search-api.html
From there, you just have to hit the endpoint with the appropriate parameters and then display the results. The endpoint is:

How do I locate phones who have my app installed from inside the App? iOS 7

I want to have my App find a locate "nearby" people.
Sort of like how Venmo allows you to see nearby people and make payments them. I don't even know where to begin. My first though would be bluetooth but I feel that the process is sluggish and I doubt Venmo was utilizing bluetooth because I hadn't turned it on. Location seems to be my second instinct but that seems inefficient.
Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.
If I understood correctly, You want to locate nearby phones that download your app. 1. You will have to ask user with a popUp to turn on its location services, if its not already. For getting location of the user you will need to import CoreLocation framework into your project. There are many sources and links online for using apple location services (note not map framework). Apple Ref Link
2.You will have to post that location cordinate/position data via Json/ Xml with preferably NSURLConnection to your backend webserver. (can be in php) There are many online services which offer backend support Google, parse,etc
3.By using APNS
your iOS device will be notified after that event. Now if you want only nearby users to be notified, you should calculate the distance between 2 devices , again using location services.CLLocationDistance distanceInMeters = [locationA distanceFromLocation:locationB]; If you plan to make only 1 such application, you will have to sort out the architecture for users and owner. Hope this helps. Link1

iBeacon notification database

I have a question which I have not been able to figure out so I decided to see if I can get some help on here.
I am working on an iBeacons project and I have been able to understand the basic function of iBeacons, setting up UUID'S and major and minor id's to specify exact notifications, but my question is how do I dynamically update information I send out to the users without having to go into the code each time to do this. Do I need to create a database to store all my information I want to push out to users? if so how will this database constantly refresh messages pushed out to users? An example would be lets say if you walk into a store and you get a notification in the shoe section saying there is a 10 percent off, you look at the notification but not too impressed and start to walk out, then you get another notification saying for today only you can get a 25 percent off... The app has to dynamically refresh for this to be possible.
Please help me clarify this
Thank you very much for the help
What you probably want is to store this deal information in a web service so you can update it without changing the app. Your app would need to download the updated deal information from the web service either when it starts up or when it sees an iBeacon.
My company, Radius Networks, offers a tool called Proximity Kit that makes this easy. You can assign arbitrary key/value pairs to iBeacons using a web interface. Then your app downloads them automatically an has access to them whenever you see iBeacons.
In your scenario, they key/values could be something like:
primary_offer_text=10% off all shoes
secondary_offer_text=20% off all shoes
