How to customize pub global executables - dart

When I see my $HOME/.pub-cache/bin executables the normal template is:
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This file was created by pub v1.24.2.
# Package: <package>
# Version: <package_version>
# Executable: <package>
# Script: <package>
pub global run <package>:<package> "$#"
However things go different with stagehand
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This file was created by pub v1.24.2.
# Package: stagehand
# Version: 1.1.6
# Executable: stagehand
# Script: stagehand
dart "$HOME/.pub-cache/global_packages/stagehand/bin/stagehand.dart.snapshot" "$#"
# The VM exits with code 253 if the snapshot version is out-of-date.
# If it is, we need to delete it and run "pub global" manually.
if [ $exit_code != 253 ]; then
exit $exit_code
pub global run stagehand:stagehand "$#"
I would like to know how to achieve this customization without post-install hacks

The difference is that stagehand registers an executable.
This means you can just run stagehand and it works.
It also means that a snapshot is created for that executable (as you noticed).
See also
Add an executables section to your pubspec and you should be golden!
Edit: also, you won't get this with path-activated packages. The idea: ensure you keep running from your local source.


nixos installation issue,'command not found: nix'

I deleted /nix and started a fresh install of nix, however after installing nix install nix (MACBook Pro M1 arm64 BigSur) with sh <(curl -L I run $ nix but I get the output zsh: command not found: nix , same for nix-shellalso the /nix volume is not created, I also tried the instruction at still same issue
Open /etc/zshrc and look for the following lines (probably at the end of the file):
# Nix
if [ -e '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/' ]; then
. '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/'
# End Nix
Copy these lines and delete them from this file.
Open ~/.zshrc and add the above copied lines to the end of this file
Reboot terminal and nix should work now.

Xcode 12.4 React native build failed in IOS Showing All Messages Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

i am new in react native i want to run react native app in IOS after react-native init, app not run in IOS show some error
Showing All Messages
bash: Native/social_login/socialLogin/node_modules/react-native/scripts/../Libraries: No such file or directory
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
and build failed please help me
"react": "17.0.1",
"react-native": "0.64.0"
command line tools : Xcode 12.4 (12D4e)
This happened also to me upgrading from 0.63 to 0.64. After trying all solutions I followed a solution moving the folder to a directory where the path contain no spaces and it works and build the app successfully.
Solution to React Native 0.64 build fail
In order for this to work properly follow these steps:
If you previously installed a global react-native-cli package, please
remove it as it may cause unexpected issues (i.e. npm uninstall -g
Move the project folder in a path with no spaces (i.e. ~/sub folder
name/ReactNativeApp won't work till you have spaces in the path, so
move in a path like ~/folder/ReactNativeApp)
Then cd into the project folder and upgrade react native to the
latest version with npx react-native upgrade and resolve conflicts if
After upgrading remove the node_modules folder and the yarn.lock from
the root and the podfile.lock and Pods folder from ios subfolder
Then cd back to the root and run yarn install && npx pod-install
Now run again your app in Xcode or your IDE and it works
Crazy and absurd that a space in the path-name could cause this issue
This is nothing just an issue with the scheme name for me, in my case my scheme name contains whitespace e.g. "ABC staging", which is not allowed, it got fixed after deleting and creating a new scheme with the name "ABC-staging".
in the case of react-native 0.67^, you may need to apply these changes as well
change line no 7
set -e. ==> set +e
then use patch-package using the following command :
npx patch-package react-native
this will create a patch file inside the patch folder in root, then you can add in the post-install script in package.json:
"postinstall": "npx patch-package"
This command will run each time a new package is getting added to the project and auto-fix react-native find-node. sh.
Try to run pod install in ios folder
cd ios && pod install
Then when it's done go back to your main folder and run
yarn run ios
If that doesn't work, check out the solutions here
Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
There seems to be an issue with coreutils on macOS.
What fixed it for me is:
brew install coreutils
brew install findutils
brew install gnu-sed
Finally change the node_modules/react-native/scripts/ to:
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# This script collects the JavaScript spec definitions for core
# native modules and components, then uses react-native-codegen
# to generate native code.
# Optionally, set these envvars to override defaults:
# - SRCS_DIR: Path to JavaScript sources
# - CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME: Defaults to FBReactNativeSpec
# - CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_OUTPUT_DIR: Defaults to ReactCommon/react/renderer/components/$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_LIBRARY_NAME
# Usage:
# ./scripts/
# shellcheck disable=SC2038
set -e
THIS_DIR=$(cd -P "$(gdirname "$(greadlink "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" || echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" && pwd)
TEMP_DIR=$(gmktemp -d /tmp/react-native-codegen-XXXXXXXX)
RN_DIR=$(cd "$THIS_DIR/.." && pwd)
# find node path
source "$RN_DIR/scripts/"
NODE_BINARY="${NODE_BINARY:-$(command -v node || true)}"
cleanup () {
set +e
grm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"
set -e
describe () {
printf "\\n\\n>>>>> %s\\n\\n\\n" "$1"
main() {
SRCS_DIR=${SRCS_DIR:-$(cd "$RN_DIR/Libraries" && pwd)}
# TODO: $CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_PATH should be programmatically specified, and may change with use_frameworks! support.
if [ -z "$NODE_BINARY" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not find node. Make sure it is in bash PATH or set the NODE_BINARY environment variable." 1>&2
exit 1
CODEGEN_PATH=$("$NODE_BINARY" -e "console.log(require('path').dirname(require.resolve('react-native-codegen/package.json')))")
# Special case for running CodeGen from source: build it
if [ ! -d "$CODEGEN_PATH/lib" ]; then
describe "Building react-native-codegen package"
bash "$CODEGEN_PATH/scripts/oss/"
describe "Generating schema from flow types"
"$NODE_BINARY" "$CODEGEN_PATH/lib/cli/combine/combine-js-to-schema-cli.js" "$SCHEMA_FILE" "$SRCS_DIR"
describe "Generating native code from schema (iOS)"
pushd "$RN_DIR" >/dev/null || exit 1
popd >/dev/null || exit 1
describe "Copying output to final directory"
gfind "$TEMP_OUTPUT_DIR" -type f | gxargs gsed -i.bak "s/$CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME/$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_LIBRARY_NAME/g" || exit 1
gfind "$TEMP_OUTPUT_DIR" -type f -not -iname "$CODEGEN_MODULES_LIBRARY_NAME*" -exec cp '{}' "$CODEGEN_COMPONENTS_OUTPUT_DIR/" ';' || exit 1
echo >&2 'Done.'
trap cleanup EXIT
main "$#"
notice that some commands are starting with g like greadlink etc.
if your get invalid identifier error in then under Build Phases -> Bundle React Native code and images it should be: (notice the double quotes):
set -e
export NODE_BINARY="node ../node_modules/react-native/scripts/"
use patch-package react-native to patch it (if project is being developed on different machines then they must install the brew packages above)
For me it was just having a space in folder name which was in the path of project folder from root.
I had to delete the contents of my ~/.bash_profile file.
I don't even use bash, but some other script populated the file and that broke my build. Deleting the contents fixed the build, immediately. Might not work for you, but thought I'd share.
I'm running Xcode 13.4.1
Installed cocoapods using brew install cocoapods (
M2 apple chip
React Native 0.70
Actually after spending a whole lot of time trying different solutions none of them worked except for Giuseppe's answer. I had white spaces in my path
"/React Native/exampleProject"
1. Renamed folders/files to remove any white space in the path (creating a fresh project within the fixed path worked with no problems at all)
I didn't even had to execute pod install anymore in the ios folder
In my case, i had to export the right path to node
in your terminal type which node, copy the path and export it in ios/xcode.env
export NODE_BINARY="copied node path"
Ok, worth trying this.
(This usually happens if you had multiple imports or any imports missing)
As soon as we get this error message:
Always scroll up & read the issue if written in that log file. Any issues like syntax error or issue related to your js code.
If yes, you can fix that first & re build it.
In my case I had multiple imports of one of the RN components.
Adding $(ARCHS_STANDARD) to Valid Architectures in Build Settings solved it for me

Remove some main commands and/or default options from waf in wscript

I have a waf script which adds some options, therefore I use Options from the waflib.
A minimal working example is:
from waflib import Context, Options
from waflib.Tools.compiler_c import c_compiler
def options(opt):
def configure(cnf):
cnf.load('compiler_c') = 'def'
def build(bld):
Which lead to a lot of options I do not support, but others I would like to or have to support. The full list of default support commands is shown below. But how do I remove the options that are actually not supported like
some main commands, like e.g., dist, step and install or
some options like e.g., --no-msvs-lazy or
some Configuration options like e.g., -t or
completely the whole section Installation and uninstallation options
The full ouput of options is then:
waf [commands] [options]
Main commands (example: ./waf build -j4)
build : executes the build
clean : cleans the project
configure: configures the project
dist : makes a tarball for redistributing the sources
distcheck: checks if the project compiles (tarball from 'dist')
distclean: removes build folders and data
install : installs the targets on the system
list : lists the targets to execute
step : executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging
uninstall: removes the targets installed
--version show program's version number and exit
-c COLORS, --color=COLORS
whether to use colors (yes/no/auto) [default: auto]
-j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS amount of parallel jobs (8)
-k, --keep continue despite errors (-kk to try harder)
-v, --verbose verbosity level -v -vv or -vvv [default: 0]
--zones=ZONES debugging zones (task_gen, deps, tasks, etc)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
msvc version, eg: "msvc 10.0,msvc 9.0"
msvc targets, eg: "x64,arm"
--no-msvc-lazy lazily check msvc target environments
Configuration options:
-o OUT, --out=OUT build dir for the project
-t TOP, --top=TOP src dir for the project
--prefix=PREFIX installation prefix [default: 'C:\\users\\user\\appdata\\local\\temp']
--bindir=BINDIR bindir
--libdir=LIBDIR libdir
list of C compilers to try [msvc gcc clang]
Build and installation options:
-p, --progress -p: progress bar; -pp: ide output
--targets=TARGETS task generators, e.g. "target1,target2"
Step options:
--files=FILES files to process, by regexp, e.g. "*/main.c,*/test/main.o"
Installation and uninstallation options:
--destdir=DESTDIR installation root [default: '']
-f, --force force file installation
arguments to pass to distcheck
For options, The option context has a parser attribute which is a python optparse.OptionParser. You can use the remove_option method of OptionParser:
def options(opt):
For commands, there is a metaclass in waf that automatically register Context classes (see waflib.Context sources).
So all Context classes are stored in the global variable waflib.Context.classes. To get rid of them you can manipulate this variable. For instance to get rid of StepContext and such, you can do something like:
import waflib
def options(opt):
all_contexts = waflib.Context.classes
Commands dist/distcheck are special case defined in waflib.Scripting. It's not easy to get rid of them.

Using local copy of a framework in podfile if exists

I have a framework and a project where I'm using my framework in. I'm trying to use the framework that is locally built during development. Is there a way to do something like:
if my-local-library-path exists, do this:
pod 'MyLibraryName', :path => "my-local-library-path"
else, do this:
pod 'MyLibraryName', git: '', tag: '0.0.1'
Since a Podfile is actually Ruby code, let's check if the file exists:
if File.exist?("complete-path-to-a-library-file")
pod 'MyLibraryName', :path => "my-local-library-path"
pod 'MyLibraryName', git: '', tag: '0.0.1'
I can offer the solution I use for rather long time. There is script wrapper around cocoapods command that simplify choosing installation source between local folder or remote repo. Here it is at Github. Copied here, but newer version may be available in repo
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Assume default values
# By default install pods from remote
# By default don't delete Pods folder and Podfile.lock
# By default do pod install with verbose flag and tell it to grab latest specs from the podspec repo (otherwise we can end up with different states on
# different people's machines)
COMMAND="pod install --verbose"
# By default do not tell cocoapods to grab latest specs from the podspec repo (otherwise we can end up with different states on different people's machines)
# Designed as separate operation and disabled by default because it is rather long operation and cocoapods itself remove this command from 'pod install' by default
# By default do not show help message
# Parse parameters
while [[ $# > 0 ]]
case $key in
shift # past argument
# unknown option
shift # past argument or value
if [ $SHOW_HELP != 0 ] ; then
echo "podrun script designed as a solution to implement easy installation of pods choosing source from remote or local path."
echo "podrun script can run pre- and post-run scripts. To run pre-run script create '' file at the same directory as podrun script. \
To run post-run script create '' file at the same directory as podrun script. No parameters can be passed to them. \
To pass parameters you can run another script from '' and '' with parameters, described in them."
echo "Usage:"
echo "podrun [-c cocoapods_command|-l|-r|-d|-u|-h]"
echo "-с (--command) Specifies command to be evaluated by Cocoapods. If omitted, 'pod install --verbose' command runs by the default."
echo "-l (--local) Makes Cocoapods to install pods from local paths. This is done by installing DC_INSTALL_LOCALLY environment variable to 'true' value.\
To achieve using this check in podfile value of its variable. If omitted, DC_INSTALL_LOCALLY will be set to 'false' value. This means, that pods will be installed from the remote."
echo "-r (--remove) Deletes Podfile.lock file and Pods folder from the current path. By default these files won't be deleted (if flag is omitted)."
echo "-u (--update) Makes cocoapods to update specs repos before installing pods (this operation may be rather long)."
echo "-h (--help) Shows help (this message)."
exit 0
# Print out parameters for debug case
echo DELETE = "${DELETE}"
echo LOCAL = "${LOCAL}"
# Check if we have Podfile in our working folder
# (a kind of protection, that we won't remove unexpected Pods folder)
# If we are in the wrong folder, we'll get error later from Cocoapods nevertheless
# this is preventive
if [ -f "$PODFILE" ] ; then
echo "$PODFILE found."
echo "$PODFILE not found. It seems, that you're in a wrong directory. Aborting..."
exit 1
# Set temporary environment variable that allows us to choose podfile variant
if [ $LOCAL != 0 ] ; then
# Delete Pods folder and Podfile.lock file, if necessary
if [ $DELETE != 0 ] ; then
rm -rf Pods
rm -f Podfile.lock
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Run script
echo "Start pre-run script"
pushd $DIR
# Run update of repos to grab latest specs from the podspec repo (otherwise we can end up with different states on
# different people's machines)
if [ $REPO_UPDATE != 0 ] ; then
pod repo update
# Run command
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
# Run script
echo "Start post-run script"
pushd $DIR
# Unset temporary environment variable that allows us to choose podfile variant
Steps to use:
Download script or clone repository with it from Github. Add script to the folder with your podfile or place somewhere else and add path to it to your PATH variable.
Edit or create your podfile with the next format:
if "#{ENV['DC_INSTALL_LOCALLY']}" == "true"
puts "Using local pods"
pod "SomePod", :path => "<SomePod_local_path>"
puts "Using remote pods"
pod 'SomePod'
Open terminal with podfile folder and run podrun -l to install pods locally or podrun to install from remote.
Run podrun -h for help.

Installing more than one version of Erlang/OTP on a machine

Is this possible to have different versions of Erlang/OTP installed simultaneously on the same platform?
I use Kerl to install Erlang on my machines. Quite easy to use, and allows to have several Erlang systems installed on same machine. You can then easily choose the one you want to use.
It is no only possible, but also very frequent. On my machine I have one version that I installed for development (R13B03) it is the default version when I launch erl.
A second copy of the same version associated with nitrogen. this copy is used when I start my nitrogen website. The version will not change when I will use the R16B.. for development
A partial older version which came with the installation of Wings3D.
Yes, I usually install different versions in my home directory. I build them from source:
./configure --prefix=$HOME/r15b01
make && make install
Then I can choose a version to use with PATH=$HOME/r15b01/bin:$PATH, and compile and run things as usual.
These days I use asdf for this. Install asdf and add the relevant line to your .bashrc, and then run:
asdf plugin add erlang
asdf install erlang 22.3.3
asdf install erlang 23.0.2
Then you can set one of the Erlang versions you just built as the default version:
asdf global erlang 23.0.2
Or you can set it to be used in the current directory and its subdirectories - this will create a .tool-versions file in the current directory:
asdf local erlang 22.3.3
On a Mac, Macport helps switching, even between versions it covers and newer ones.
E.g. with Erlang 17 installed directly from Erlang Solutions, you could switch back to RB1603 (open a new terminal window afterwards):
sudo port activate erlang #R16B03-1_0+hipe+ssl
Switch back to Erlang 17 by _de_activating the Macports install (and open a new terminal window afterwards):
sudo port deactivate erlang #R16B03-1_0+hipe+ssl
List all versions you have installed with:
port installed erlang
Using the Nix package manager there is no need to globally install interpreters (especially because sometimes multiple versions are needed), and nix-shell will open up a sub-shell with the Erlang executable available in the path.
1. Getting only the Erlang (no shell.nix)
For the current version in the active channel:
nix-shell -p erlang
For other versions not in the current channel, a specific channel can be given:
nix-shell -I nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable -p erlangR22
Or add path to the Nix expression in your NixOS/nixpkgs clone:
$ nix-shell -I nixpkgs=~/clones/nixpkgs -p erlangR23
2. More elaborate project setup configurations: use a shell.nix file
A complex development environment can be spun up, and calling nix-shell shell.nix will take care of all - even automatically when entering a directory if set up with direnv(archived).
2.1 Examples
This will drop you in a shell with erl and rebar3 available, along with the other programs specified in buildInputs.
{ pkgs ? import ~/clones/nixpkgs {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
# Where would be the best place for this?
shellHook = ''
export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled"
Elixir/Phoenix web project
This (archived) will set up an environment for an Elixir/Phoenix web app complete with a spun up PostgreSQL dev instance:
# Importing a cloned Nixpkgs repo (from my home directory), because
# the latest channels don't have Elixir 1.9.
# See for the meaning
# of `<nixpkgs>` and `~` in Nix expressions (towards the end of that
# section).
{ pkgs ? import ~/clones/nixpkgs {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = with pkgs; [
shellHook = ''
# Create a diretory for the generated artifacts
mkdir .nix-shell
export NIX_SHELL_DIR=$PWD/.nix-shell
# Put the PostgreSQL databases in the project diretory.
# Put any Mix-related data in the project directory
export MIX_HOME="$NIX_SHELL_DIR/.mix"
export MIX_ARCHIVES="$MIX_HOME/archives"
# Clean up after exiting the Nix shell using `trap`.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Idea taken from
# and the answer provides a way more sophisticated solution.
# The main syntax is `trap ARG SIGNAL` where ARG are the commands to
# be executed when SIGNAL crops up. See `trap --help` for more.
trap \
# Stop PostgreSQL
pg_ctl -D $PGDATA stop
# Delete `.nix-shell` directory
# ----------------------------------
# The first step is going back to the project root,
# otherwise `.nix-shell` won't get deleted. At least
# it didn't for me when exiting in a subdirectory.
cd $PWD
" \
# If database is not initialized (i.e., $PGDATA directory does not
# exist), then set it up. Seems superfulous given the cleanup step
# above, but handy when one gets to force reboot the iron.
if ! test -d $PGDATA
# Init PostgreSQL
pg_ctl initdb -D $PGDATA
# If another `nix-shell` is running with a PostgreSQL
# instance, the logs will show complaints that the
# default port 5432 is already in use. Edit the line
# below with a different port number, uncomment it,
# and try again.
# sed -i "s|^#port.*$|port = 5433|" $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
# Start PostgreSQL
# ==================================================================
# Setting all necessary configuration options via `pg_ctl` (which
# is basically a wrapper around `postgres`) instead of editing
# `postgresql.conf` directly with `sed`. See docs:
# +
# +
# See more on the caveats at
# but recapping out of paranoia:
# > use `SHOW` commands to check the options because `postgres -C`
# > "_returns values from postgresql.conf_" (which is not changed by
# > supplying the configuration options on the command line) and
# > "_it does not reflect parameters supplied when the cluster was
# > started._"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# + `unix_socket_directories`
# > PostgreSQL will attempt to create a pidfile in
# > `/run/postgresql` by default, but it will fail as it
# > doesn't exist. By changing the configuration option
# > below, it will get created in $PGDATA.
# + `listen_addresses`
# > In tandem with edits in `pg_hba.conf` (see
# > `HOST_COMMON` below), it configures PostgreSQL to
# > allow remote connections (otherwise only `localhost`
# > will get authenticated and the rest of the traffic
# > discarded).
# >
# > NOTE: the edit to `pga_hba.conf` needs to come
# > **before** `pg_ctl start` (or the service
# > needs to be restarted otherwise), because then
# > the changes are not being reloaded.
# >
# > More info on setting up and troubleshooting remote
# > PosgreSQL connections (these are all mirrors of the
# > same text; again, paranoia):
# >
# > +
# > +
# > +
# > +
sed -i "s|^$HOST_COMMON.*127.*$|host all all trust|" $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf
sed -i "s|^$HOST_COMMON.*::1.*$|host all all ::/0 trust|" $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf
# + `log*`
# > Setting up basic logging, to see remote connections
# > for example.
# >
# > See the docs for more:
# >
pg_ctl \
-l $PGDATA/postgres.log \
-o "-c unix_socket_directories='$PGDATA'" \
-o "-c listen_addresses='*'" \
-o "-c log_destination='stderr'" \
-o "-c logging_collector=on" \
-o "-c log_directory='log'" \
-o "-c log_filename='postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'" \
-o "-c log_min_messages=info" \
-o "-c log_min_error_statement=info" \
-o "-c log_connections=on" \
# Install Node.js dependencies if not done yet.
if test -d "$PWD/assets/" && ! test -d "$PWD/assets/node_modules/"
(cd assets && npm install)
# If $MIX_HOME doesn't exist, set it up.
if ! test -d $MIX_HOME
# ... but first, test whether there is a `_backup`
# directory. Had issues with installing Hex on NixOS,
# and Hex and Phoenix can be copied from there, just
# in case.
if test -d "$PWD/_backup"
cp -r _backup/.mix .nix-shell/
# Install Hex and Phoenix via the network
yes | mix local.hex
yes | mix archive.install hex phx_new
if test -f "mix.exs"
# These are not in the `if` section above, because of
# the `hex` install glitch, it could be that there is
# already a `$MIX_HOME` folder. See 2019-08-05_0553
mix deps.get
# `ecto.setup` is defined in `mix.exs` by default when
# Phoenix project is generated via `mix`.
# It does `ecto.create`, `ecto.migrate`, and run
# `priv/seeds`.
mix ecto.setup
# Without this, almost everything fails with locale issues when
# using `nix-shell --pure` (at least on NixOS).
# See
# +
# +
LOCALE_ARCHIVE = if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then "${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive" else "";
How to find packages with attributes path on the console
$ nix-env -qaP 'erlang*'
# ...
nixos.erlangR20 erlang-
nixos.erlangR21 erlang-
nixos.erlang erlang-22.1.7
# ...
$ nix-env -f ~/clones/nixpkgs/ -qaP 'erlang*'
# ...
nixos.erlangR20 erlang-
nixos.erlangR21 erlang-
nixos.erlang erlang-22.1.7
# ...
=== >>> erlangR23 erlang-23.0.2 <<<====
Consider using kerl. It allows you to work with several Erlang installations
