How to check resume capability of current URLSessionDownloadTask? - ios

Currently i'm working on downloading a file from server, and this is working good.
my question is how would i know that url has resume capability or not before actual download started?
bellow is some code snippet,
class Downloader:NSObject,URLSessionDownloadDelegate {
override init() {
let backgroundSessionConfiguration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: url.absoluteString)
backgroundSessionConfiguration.networkServiceType = .default
self.defaultSession = URLSession(configuration: backgroundSessionConfiguration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
func start(_ block:DownloaderCompletionHandler?) {
guard self.input == nil else { return }
guard self.output == nil else { return }
if let data = self.resumableData {
self.downloadTask = self.defaultSession.downloadTask(withResumeData: data)
}else {
let request = URLRequest(url: self.input!, cachePolicy: .useProtocolCachePolicy, timeoutInterval: 0.60)
self.downloadTask = self.defaultSession.downloadTask(with: request)
func pause() {
self.downloadTask.cancel { (data) in
self.resumableData = data
please , guid me on this situation.

A download can be resumed only if the following conditions are met:
The resource has not changed since you first requested it
The task is an HTTP or HTTPS GET request
The server provides either the ETag or Last-Modified header (or both) in its response
The server supports byte-range requests
The temporary file hasn’t been deleted by the system in response to disk space pressure
→ Source:

if you send a request with Range in HttpHeaders and receive a 206 status code in response , then you can resume the download. otherwise download can not be resumed.
read more about it here


NSURLSession cancelling dataTask sometimes with error message Task finished with error - code: -999

I am uploading png Images->Base64->jsonData in URLRequest.httpBody size around 6MB. I am using a static NSURLSession with default Configuration and uploading using dataTask on urlsession. Sometimes its successfully uploaded to server sometimes its not and getting below error and nothing is printing at server side. I am not making parallel calls. We are using SSL pinning and handling authentication challenges proper so no SSL authentication error.
iOS device 11.3 and XCode 10 we are using.
Task <58BF437E-7388-4AE4-B676-2485A57CB0CD>.<10> finished with error - code: -999
private lazy var configuration: URLSessionConfiguration = {
let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = TimeInterval(120)
configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = TimeInterval(120)
return configuration
private lazy var urlSession = URLSession(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration.default, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
func invokeService(methodName : String, collectionName: String, queryDictionary: [String:AnyObject]! = nil, httpMethod: String! = nil) {
// Set up the URL request
let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.qaUrl + "/\(collectionName)" + "/\(methodName)"
// let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.demoUrl + "/\(collectionName)" + "/\(methodName)"
// let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.prod_Url + "/\(collectionName)" + "/\(methodName)"
guard let url = URL(string: baseUrl) else {
var urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
// set up the session
// let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default
// configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest = TimeInterval(120)
// configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = TimeInterval(120)
// let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
urlRequest.httpMethod = httpMethod
do {
urlRequest.httpBody = try queryDictionary, options: []) // pass dictionary to nsdata object and set it as request body
catch _ {
urlRequest.setValue(WebServiceConstants.HTTPStrings.contentTypeJSON, forHTTPHeaderField: WebServiceConstants.HTTPStrings.contentTypeHeader)
// print(queryDictionary)
if AppController.sharedInstance.isAlreadyLogin() && (KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: Constants.UserDefaultKeys.authorizationHeaderValue) != nil) {
let authorizationHeaderValue = WebServiceConstants.HTTPStrings.authorizationHeaderValue + KeychainWrapper.standard.string(forKey: Constants.UserDefaultKeys.authorizationHeaderValue)!
urlRequest.setValue(authorizationHeaderValue, forHTTPHeaderField: WebServiceConstants.HTTPStrings.authorizationHeader)
let _ = urlSession.dataTask(with: urlRequest, completionHandler: { [unowned self]
(data, response, error) in
if error != nil {
if error?._code == NSURLErrorTimedOut {
// print(error?.localizedDescription)
let userInfo = [
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: BWLocalizer.sharedInstance.localizedStringForKey(key:"App_Timeout_Message")
let errorTemp = NSError(domain:"", code:-1001, userInfo:userInfo)
self.delegate?.didFailWithError(errorObject: errorTemp)
} else if error?._code == NSURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet {
let userInfo = [
NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: BWLocalizer.sharedInstance.localizedStringForKey(key:"Internet_Not_Available")
let errorTemp = NSError(domain:"", code:-1001, userInfo:userInfo)
self.delegate?.didFailWithError(errorObject: errorTemp)
else if error?._code == NSURLErrorCancelled {
// canceled
print("Request is cancelled") // Control reaches here on Finished with Error code = -999
self.delegate?.didFailWithError(errorObject: error!)
else {
self.delegate?.didFailWithError(errorObject: error!)
} else {
do {
if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .allowFragments) as? [String: Any]
self.delegate?.didReceiveResponse(responseObject: json as AnyObject)
//Implement your logic
} catch {
self.delegate?.didFailWithError(errorObject: error)
*Added SSL Certificate pinning code *
extension WebserviceHandler : URLSessionDelegate {
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, didReceive challenge: URLAuthenticationChallenge, completionHandler: #escaping (URLSession.AuthChallengeDisposition, URLCredential?) -> Void) {
guard let trust = challenge.protectionSpace.serverTrust else {
completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)
let credential = URLCredential(trust: trust)
let pinner = setupCertificatePinner() // adding CertificateHash
if (!pinner.validateCertificateTrustChain(trust)) {
if (pinner.validateTrustPublicKeys(trust)) {
completionHandler(.useCredential, credential)
else {
completionHandler(.cancelAuthenticationChallenge, nil)
let popUp = UIAlertController(title: "", message: BWLocalizer.sharedInstance.localizedStringForKey(key:"Certificate_Pining_Fail_Message"), preferredStyle: UIAlertController.Style.alert)
popUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: {alertAction in popUp.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)}))
popUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: BWLocalizer.sharedInstance.localizedStringForKey(key:"Action_Go"), style: UIAlertAction.Style.default, handler: { action in
let urlToOpenAppStorepage = URL(string: WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.appstore_url)
let objApp = UIApplication.shared
UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(popUp, animated: true, completion: nil)
func setupCertificatePinner() -> CertificatePinner {
// let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.dev_URL
let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.qaUrl
// let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.demoUrl
// let baseUrl: String = WebServiceConstants.hostUrl.prod_Url
let pinner = CertificatePinner(baseUrl)
You will see something like this:
being challanged! for
hash order is usually most specific to least, so the first one is your domain, the last is the root CA
hash: 8U/k3RvTcMVSafJeS9NGpY4KDFdTLwpQ/GUc+lmPH/s=
hash: 4vkhpuZeIkPQ+6k0lXGi7ywkVNV55LhVgU0GaWWMOdk=
hash: jZzMXbxSnIsuAiEBqDZulZ/wCrrpW9bRLMZ6QYxs0Gk=
hash: uthKDtpuYHgn+wRsokVptSysyqBzmr4RP86mOC703bg=
you might need to change the has below to be the second one in the list for the code to pass
hash: LX6ZGwP3Uii+KCZxDxDWlDWijvNI6K/t2906cUzKYM4=
hash: 4vkhpuZeIkPQ+6k0lXGi7ywkVNV55LhVgU0GaWWMOdk=
hash: jZzMXbxSnIsuAiEBqDZulZ/wCrrpW9bRLMZ6QYxs0Gk=
pinner.debugMode = true
return pinner
Using pinning library :
I see several bugs in that code.
The very first line in your authentication handler is going to cause failures if you're behind an authenticated proxy.
It will also fail if the server wants any sort of HTTP auth password or OAuth credential.
It will also fail in a number of other situations.
You should never cancel an authentication request unless the request is actually bad in some way. Canceling the authentication request also prevents the operating system from handling it transparently for you if you can. The only situation where you should cancel an authentication request is if you check a cert or whatever and it is actually invalid. Otherwise, you should generally trust the OS to do the right thing by default when you request external handling.
So use default handling unless the authentication method is server trust.
The code does not check the authentication method at all. You should not be doing any checks unless the authentication method is server trust, for all of the reasons listed above. If it is anything else, use default handling. Always.
The next if statement has two problems:
It provides a new state for the authentication request without returning. This means you can call the completion handler afterwards, which could cause crashes and other misbehavior.
It is calling methods on the challenge sender that are intended to affect behavior. That's how you used to do it with NSURLConnection, but you should never call any methods on the challenge sender (other than possibly to see if it is an object of your own creation, if you are using custom NSURLProtocol classes) with NSURLSession, because it can cause all sorts of problems, up to and including crashes. (See the giant warning in the documentation for NSURLAuthenticationChallenge's -sender method, or, for that matter, the two paragraphs before that warning.)
I'm not entirely sure I trust the pinning code, either. It looks like it passes if any key within the chain of trust is a trusted key, whereas typically pinning requires that the last (leaf) key in the chain of trust be a trusted key.
The security advice in that pinning code is also dubious. You probably shouldn't be pinning to a certificate, but rather to the key inside the certificate. Pinning the leaf cert's key is entirely appropriate, and is really the only appropriate choice, because it is typically the only one whose key is actually under your direct control. If you reissue the cert, that's no big deal, because you should be reissuing with the same key as before, unless your key has been compromised in some way.
Alternatively, you can add a trust layer if you want, but this either requires running your own custom root (which would require changing the validateCertificateTrustChain method to add your custom root cert while validating the chain of trust) or convincing a CA to sell you a cert that can sign other certs, which costs $$$$. Neither of these options seems very practical.
Those issues make me a little bit concerned about the library as a whole, but I don't have time to audit it. You should probably ask around and see if anybody has done a thorough audit of the library in question, as it is notoriously easy to make mistakes when writing code that works with TLS keys, and I'd hate to see you run into security problems later.
After you fix all of the bugs listed above, if you're still having problems, come back and ask another question with updated code. Also, please also ask the code pinning project in question to fix their code snippets, as they seem to contain the same bugs. :-) Thanks.

How to use URLSessionStreamTask with URLSession for chunked-encoding transfer

I am trying to connect to the Twitter streaming API endpoint. It looks like URLSession supports streaming via URLSessionStreamTask, however I can't figure out how to use the API. I have not been able to find any sample code either.
I tried testing the following, but there is no network traffic recorded:
let session = URLSession(configuration: .default, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
let stream = session.streamTask(withHostName: "", port: 22)
stream.readData(ofMinLength: 0, maxLength: 100000, timeout: 60, completionHandler: { (data, bool, error) in
print("bool = \(bool)")
print("error = \(String(describing: error))")
I've also implemented the delegate methods (including URLSessionStreamDelegate), but they do not get called.
It would be really helpful if someone code post a sample of how to open a persistent connection for chunked responses from a streaming endpoint. Also, I am seeking solutions which don't involve third party libraries. A response similar to but updated with the URLSession equivalent would be ideal.
Note: Authorization info was omitted from the sample code above.
Received lots of info courtesy of Quinn "The Eskimo" at Apple.
Alas, you have the wrong end of the stick here. URLSessionStreamTask is for wrangling a naked TCP (or TLS over TCP) connection, without the HTTP framing on top. You can think of it as a high-level equivalent to the BSD Sockets API.
The chunked transfer encoding is part of HTTP, and is thus supported by all of the other URLSession task types (data task, upload task, download task). You don’t need to do anything special to enable this. The chunked transfer encoding is a mandatory part of the HTTP 1.1 standard, and is thus is always enabled.
You do, however, have an option as to how you receive the returned data. If you use the URLSession convenience APIs (dataTask(with:completionHandler:) and so on), URLSession will buffer all the incoming data and then pass it to your completion handler in one large Data value. That’s convenient in many situations but it doesn’t work well with a streamed resource. In that case you need to use the URLSession delegate-based APIs (dataTask(with:) and so on), which will call the urlSession(_:dataTask:didReceive:) session delegate method with chunks of data as they arrive.
As for the specific endpoint I was testing, the following was uncovered:
It seems that the server only enables its streaming response (the chunked transfer encoding) if the client sends it a streaming request. That’s kinda weird, and definitely not required by the HTTP spec.
Fortunately, it is possible to force URLSession to send a streaming request:
Create your task with uploadTask(withStreamedRequest:)
Implement the urlSession(_:task:needNewBodyStream:) delegate method to return an input stream that, when read, returns the request body
I’ve attached some test code that shows this in action. In this case it uses a bound pair of streams, passing the input stream to the request (per step 2 above) and holding on to the output stream.
If you want to actually send data as part of the request body you can do so by writing to the output stream.
class NetworkManager : NSObject, URLSessionDataDelegate {
static var shared = NetworkManager()
private var session: URLSession! = nil
override init() {
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
config.requestCachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
self.session = URLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: .main)
private var streamingTask: URLSessionDataTask? = nil
var isStreaming: Bool { return self.streamingTask != nil }
func startStreaming() {
precondition( !self.isStreaming )
let url = URL(string: "ENTER STREAMING URL HERE")!
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
let task = self.session.uploadTask(withStreamedRequest: request)
self.streamingTask = task
func stopStreaming() {
guard let task = self.streamingTask else {
self.streamingTask = nil
var outputStream: OutputStream? = nil
private func closeStream() {
if let stream = self.outputStream {
self.outputStream = nil
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, needNewBodyStream completionHandler: #escaping (InputStream?) -> Void) {
var inStream: InputStream? = nil
var outStream: OutputStream? = nil
Stream.getBoundStreams(withBufferSize: 4096, inputStream: &inStream, outputStream: &outStream)
self.outputStream = outStream
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, dataTask: URLSessionDataTask, didReceive data: Data) {
NSLog("task data: %#", data as NSData)
func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) {
if let error = error as NSError? {
NSLog("task error: %# / %d", error.domain, error.code)
} else {
NSLog("task complete")
And you can call the networking code from anywhere such as:
class MainViewController : UITableViewController {
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if NetworkManager.shared.isStreaming {
} else {
self.tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
Hope this helps.
So, this is a lot less robust than the example with no explicit task canceling or writing to stream but if you're just YOLO listening to a Server Sent Event stream, this works as of Feb of 2023. It's based on "Use async/await with URLSession" WWDC21 session. That session also has an example for using a custom delegate.
func streamReceiverTest(streamURL:URL, session:URLSession) async throws {
let (bytes, response) = try await session.bytes(from:streamURL)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
throw APIngError("Not an HTTPResponse")
guard httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw APIngError("Not a success: \(httpResponse.statusCode)")
for try await line in bytes.lines {
Inspecting the request with try await streamReceiverTest(streamURL:URL(string:"")!, session:URLSession.shared) doesn't show that the Accepts header is set, but it seems the API I'm using does need that to offer the stream. Some servers might(?) so I'll include that version as well.
func streamReceiverTestWithManualHeader(streamURL:URL, session:URLSession) async throws {
var request = URLRequest(url:streamURL)
request.setValue("text/event-stream", forHTTPHeaderField:"Accept")
let (bytes, response) = try await session.bytes(for:request)
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
throw APIngError("Not an HTTPResponse")
guard httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
throw APIngError("Not a success: \(httpResponse.statusCode)")
for try await line in bytes.lines {

Downloading files in iOS [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to download file in swift?
(16 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to download a file using Swift. This is the downloader class in my code:
class Downloader {
class func load(URL: URL) {
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: URL)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
let task = session.dataTask(with: URL)
I call the function like this:
if let URL = URL(string: "") {
Downloader.load(URL: URL)
but this error message pops up:
2017-02-16 04:27:37.154780 WiFi Testing[78708:7989639] [] __nw_connection_get_connected_socket_block_invoke 2 Connection has no connected handler
2017-02-16 04:27:37.167092 WiFi Testing[78708:7989639] [] __nw_connection_get_connected_socket_block_invoke 3 Connection has no connected handler
2017-02-16 04:27:37.169050 WiFi Testing[78708:7989627] PAC stream failed with
2017-02-16 04:27:37.170688 WiFi Testing[78708:7989639] [] nw_proxy_resolver_create_parsed_array PAC evaluation error: kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork: 2
Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong and how I could fix it? Thanks!
The code to receive the data is missing.
Either use delegate methods of URLSession or implement the dataTask method with the completion handler.
Further for a GET request you don't need an URLRequest – never use NSMutableURLRequest in Swift 3 anyway – , just pass the URL and don't use URL as a variable name, it's a struct in Swift 3
class Downloader {
class func load(url: URL) { // better func load(from url: URL)
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)
let task = session.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
// handle the error
// process the data

Setting a timeout for a request method

I'm trying to set up a timeout for a request method that checks username availability. When the user types in a username and presses a button, the checkUsername method is called. My code is not working because the code inside Timeout(5.0){} is never executed and timeout never gets the value false. I know this is not the best way to do it but I wanted to give it a try and wonder if this can be modified in some way or do I need a different approach?
var timeout: Bool = false
func usernameAvailable(username: String) -> String{
let response: String!
response = Server.checkUsername(username!)
self.timeout = true
if(response != nil){
return response
return "Timeout"
The Timeout.swift class looks like this and is working
class Timeout: NSObject{
private var timer: NSTimer?
private var callback: (Void -> Void)?
init(_ delaySeconds: Double, _ callback: Void -> Void){
self.callback = callback
self.timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(NSTimeInterval(delaySeconds),
target: self, selector: "invoke", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
func invoke(){
// Discard callback and timer.
self.callback = nil
self.timer = nil
func cancel(){
self.timer = nil
I see what you are trying to do and it would make more sense to use an existing framework unless you really need/want to write your own networking code.
I would suggest instead to use the timeoutInterval support in an NSURLRequest along with a completion handler on NSURLSession to achieve the solution that you are seeking.
A timeout of the server response can be handled in the completion handler of something like an NSURLSessionDataTask.
Here is a working example to help get you started that retrieves data from the iTunes Store to illustrate how your timeout could be handled:
let timeout = 5 as NSTimeInterval
let searchTerm = "philip+glass"
let url = NSURL(string: "\(searchTerm)")
let request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url!,
cachePolicy: NSURLRequestCachePolicy.ReloadIgnoringCacheData,
timeoutInterval: timeout)
let config = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: config)
let task: NSURLSessionDataTask = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {
(data, response, error) in
if response == nil {
} else {
print(String(data: data!, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding))
If you reduce the timeout interval to something short, you can force the timeout to happen.
The code in the Timeout block will never run because the timer will fire on the on the main thread, but you're blocking the main thread with your while loop.
You have another issue here, that you're calling Server.checkUsername(username!) and returning that result, which would suggest that this must be a synchronous call (which is not good). So, this is also likely blocking the main thread there. It won't even try to start the Timeout logic until checkUsername returns.
There are kludgy fixes for this, but in my opinion, this begs for a very different pattern. One should never write code that has a spinning while loop that is polling some completion status. It is much better to adopt asynchronous patterns with completionHandler closures. But without more information on what checkUsername is doing, it's hard to get more specific.
But, ideally, if your checkUsername is building a NSMutableURLRequest, just specify timeoutInterval for that and then have the NSURLSessionTask completion block check for NSError with domain of NSURLErrorDomain and a code of NSURLError.TimedOut. You also probably want to cancel the prior request if it's already running.
func startRequestForUsername(username: String, timeout: NSTimeInterval, completionHandler: (Bool?, NSError?) -> ()) -> NSURLSessionTask {
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: ...) // configure your request however appropriate for your web service
request.timeoutInterval = timeout // but make sure to specify timeout
let task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithRequest(request) { data, response, error in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
guard data != nil && error == nil else {
completionHandler(nil, error)
let usernameAvailable = ... // parse the boolean success/failure out of the `data` however appropriate
completionHandler(usernameAvailable, nil)
return task
And you can then use it like so:
private weak var previousTask: NSURLSessionTask?
func checkUsername(username: String) {
// update the UI to say that we're checking the availability of the user name here, e.g.
usernameStatus.text = "Checking username availability..."
// now, cancel prior request (if any)
// start new request
let task = startRequestForUsername(username, timeout: 5) { usernameAvailable, error in
guard usernameAvailable != nil && error == nil else {
if error?.domain == NSURLErrorDomain && error?.code == NSURLError.TimedOut.rawValue {
// everything is cool, the task just timed out
} else if error?.domain == NSURLErrorDomain && error?.code != NSURLError.Cancelled.rawValue {
// again, everything is cool, the task was cancelled
} else {
// some error other happened, so handle that as you see fit
// but the key issue that if it was `.TimedOut` or `.Cancelled`, then don't do anything
if usernameAvailable! {
// update UI to say that the username is available
self.usernameStatus.text = "Username is available"
} else {
// update UI to say that the username is not available
self.usernameStatus.text = "Username is NOT available"
// save reference to this task
previousTask = task
By the way, if you do this sort of graceful, asynchronous processing of requests, you can also increase the timeout interval (e.g. maybe 10 or 15 seconds). We're not freezing the UI, so we can do whatever we want, and not artificially constrain the time allowed for the request.

Failure to return to calling function from NSURLSession delegate without killing the task

I'm using Swift in Xcode 6.2 (beta) but had the same problem on the 6.1 release version. I'm trying to use NSURLSession and believe I have it set up correctly (see code below). The problem is that I have a delegate setup to deal with a redirect happening through the code. I actually need to capture the cookies prior to the final redirection and I'm doing this through the delegate:
func URLSession(_:NSURLSession, task:NSURLSessionTask, willPerformHTTPRedirection:NSHTTPURLResponse, newRequest:NSURLRequest, completionHandler:(NSURLRequest!) -> Void )
This works and I'm able to execute code successfully and capture the cookies I need. The problem is that I need to add task.cancel() at the end of the function or else it never seems to complete and return to the delegator (parent?) function. Because of this I lose the results from the redirect URL (although in my current project it is inconsequential). The strange thing is that this was working for a while and seemingly stopped. I don't believe I entered any code that changed it, but something had to happen. Below is the relevant code.
NSURLSession Function:
func callURL (a: String, b: String) -> Void {
// Define the URL
var url = NSURL(string: "");
// Define the request object (via string)
var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url!)
// Use default configuration
let config = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
// Create the NSURLSession object with default configuration, and self as a delegate (so calls delegate method)
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: config, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil)
// Change from default GET to POST (needed to call URL properly)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
// Construct my parameters to send in with the URL
var params = ["a":a, "b":b] as Dictionary<String, String>
var err: NSError?
request.HTTPBody = NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: nil, error: &err)
var task = session.dataTaskWithRequest(request, completionHandler: {data, response, error -> Void in
// Do some other stuff after delegate has returned...
The delegate code:
func URLSession(_:NSURLSession, task:NSURLSessionTask, willPerformHTTPRedirection:NSHTTPURLResponse, newRequest:NSURLRequest, completionHandler:(NSURLRequest!) -> Void ) {
// Check Cookies
let url = NSURL(string: "")
var all = NSHTTPCookie.cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields(willPerformHTTPRedirection.allHeaderFields, forURL: url!)
// Get the correct cookie
for cookie:NSHTTPCookie in all as [NSHTTPCookie] {
if as String == "important_cookie" {
It used to return to the calling function without calling task.cancel(). Is there anything that looks wrong with the code that would cause it to just hang in the delegate function if task.cancel() isn't called?
Edit: What code would I add to fix this.
If you are not canceling the request, your willPerformHTTPRedirection should call the completionHandler. As the documentation says, this completionHandler parameter is:
A block that your handler should call with either the value of the request parameter, a modified URL request object, or NULL to refuse the redirect and return the body of the redirect response.
