Firebase Cloud functions is slow - ios
We use Firebase as a backend for our service. It has a PeopleViewController that displays users within a radius of the current user. The radius can vary from 1 to 40 miles. Also there is a check for blocked users, age, sex. At the very beginning of the development of the project, a temporary implementation was made for this capability within the application. I created several managers who fulfilled these requests, and then gave the result to PeopleViewController. At the beginning of the project, because of the tight deadlines, pagination was not implemented, but the pagination was not particularly needed since the users even in the radius were less than 100. Now, in one radius there can be more than 600 users and I think it is not right that these requests are performed inside application. We move these functions from the app Side to the cloud function so that we can adjust how many users should be in each issue.
The problem is that even a warmed-up cloud function works slower than all functions related to this capability inside the application. On average, the code inside the application for a radius of 40 miles and the inclusion of all age groups returns 646 users in 1.5 seconds, while the best result is cloud functions 3.6. Below I will give examples of the time and code with the app side and cloud funciton.
The results are obtained using the code that is executed in the application:
1 number of users 646, 1.6775569915771484 seconds
2 number of users 646, 1.4022901058197021 seconds
3 number of users 646, 1.5957129001617432 seconds
The results with the cloud function time are specified in milliseconds. The parameters and location are the same as the code that is run from the application:
1 "timers": {
"afterVerify": 1,
"gotIdsFromGeofire": 1372,
"gotBlockedUsersIDs": 2463,
"gotBlockedByUsersIDs": 2467,
"gotUserSearchLocationModels": 5256,
"gotAllInitData": 5256,
"filtersAndSortsDone": 6168
2 "timers": {
"afterVerify": 6,
"gotIdsFromGeofire": 1209,
"gotBlockedUsersIDs": 1909,
"gotBlockedByUsersIDs": 1913,
"gotUserSearchLocationModels": 3800,
"gotAllInitData": 3800,
"filtersAndSortsDone": 4207
3 "timers": {
"afterVerify": 1,
"gotIdsFromGeofire": 812,
"gotBlockedUsersIDs": 1415,
"gotBlockedByUsersIDs": 1419,
"gotUserSearchLocationModels": 3912,
"gotAllInitData": 3913,
"filtersAndSortsDone": 4417
In the managers who request a list of users and filter the received data within the application.
extension PeopleListViewController {
#objc fileprivate func requestPeopleNearBy() {
let firPeopleSearchDatabaseManagerStart = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
firPeopleSearchDatabaseManager.searchPeople(success: { [weak self](userSearchLocationModels) in
let firPeopleSearchDatabaseManagerEnd = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
let resultTimeStamp = firPeopleSearchDatabaseManagerEnd - firPeopleSearchDatabaseManagerStart
debugPrint("firPeopleSearchDatabaseManager userSearchLocationModels", userSearchLocationModels.count, "resultTimeStamp", resultTimeStamp)
}) { (error) in
class FIRPeopleSearchDatabaseManager {
fileprivate enum MainGateways {
case userSearchLocationModel, userLocations
var description: String {
switch self {
case .userSearchLocationModel:
return "userSearchLocationModel"
case .userLocations:
return "userLocations"
func saveUserSearchLocationModel(_ userSearchLocationModel: UserSearchLocationModel, success: (() -> Void)?, fail: ((_ error: Error) -> Void)?) { .background).async {
let ref = Database.database().reference().child(MainGateways.userSearchLocationModel.description).child(userSearchLocationModel.userID)
let json = userSearchLocationModel.toJSON()
ref.updateChildValues(json, withCompletionBlock: { (error, ref) in
guard error == nil else {
private func downloadUserSearchLocationModel(_ userID: String, success: ((_ userSearchLocationModel: UserSearchLocationModel) -> Void)?, notExist: (() -> Void)?, fail: ((_ error: Error) -> Void)?) { .background).async {
let ref = Database.database().reference().child(MainGateways.userSearchLocationModel.description).child(userID)
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snapshot) in
if snapshot.value is NSNull {
guard let json = snapshot.value as? [String : Any] else {
debugPrint("doest exist", userID)
guard let userSearchLocationModel = Mapper<UserSearchLocationModel>().map(JSON: json) else {
debugPrint("doest exist", userID)
guard !userSearchLocationModel.userID.isEmpty else {
}, withCancel: { (error) in
func searchPeople(success: ((_ searchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?, fail: ((_ error: Error) -> Void)?) {
let realmManager = RealmManager()
guard let currentUserID = realmManager.getCurrentUser()?.id else { return }
guard let location = LocationManager.shared.currentLocation else { return }
let realmUserSettingsManager = RealmUserSettingsManager()
let miles = realmUserSettingsManager.getMaxDistanceInMiles() ?? 15
let distanceConverter = DistanceConvertor()
let radius = distanceConverter.convertedMilesToMetersForFIRRequest(miles) .background).async {
let usersGeofireRef = Database.database().reference().child(MainGateways.userLocations.description)
guard let geoFire = GeoFire(firebaseRef: usersGeofireRef) else { return }
guard let circleQuery = geoFire.query(at: location, withRadius: radius) else { return }
var usersListIDs = [String]()
var generalBlockModel = [BlockModel]()
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
let blockSystemManager = BlockSystemManager()
blockSystemManager.requestBlockingUserIDs(completion: { (blockModels, error) in
generalBlockModel = blockModels
circleQuery.observe(.keyEntered, with: { (key, location) in
if let _key = key {
if _key != currentUserID {
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .global(qos: .background), execute: {
if usersListIDs.count == 0 {
var unblockedUserListIDs = [String]()
for usersListID in usersListIDs {
let isContains = generalBlockModel.contains(where: { $0.userID == usersListID })
if !isContains {
self.downloadUsers(usersListIDs: unblockedUserListIDs, success: success)
private func downloadUsers(usersListIDs: [String], success: ((_ searchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?) {
var userIDsCount = usersListIDs.count
var userSearchLocationModels = [UserSearchLocationModel]()
for userID in usersListIDs {
self.downloadUserSearchLocationModel(userID, success: { (userSearchLocationModel) in
if userIDsCount == userSearchLocationModels.count {
self.filter(userSearchLocationModels, success: { (sortedUserSearchLocationModels) in
}, notExist: {
userIDsCount -= 1
if userIDsCount == userSearchLocationModels.count {
self.filter(userSearchLocationModels, success: { (sortedUserSearchLocationModels) in
}, fail: { (error) in
userIDsCount -= 1
if userIDsCount == userSearchLocationModels.count {
self.filter(userSearchLocationModels, success: { (sortedUserSearchLocationModels) in
private func filter(_ userSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel], success: ((_ sortedUserSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?) {
filterByUserSearchFilter(userSearchLocationModels) { (searchFilteredUserSearchLocationModels) in
self.filterByOnlineAndRecentLaunchApp(searchFilteredUserSearchLocationModels, success: { (onlineRecentFilteredUserSearchLocationModels) in
private func filterByUserSearchFilter(_ userSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel], success: ((_ sortedUserSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let timeManager = TimeManager()
let realmUserSettingsManager = RealmUserSettingsManager()
guard let cuPeopleFilterSettings = realmUserSettingsManager.getUserPeopleFilterSettings() else { return }
var sortedUserSearchLocationModels = [UserSearchLocationModel]()
for userSearchLocationModel in userSearchLocationModels {
let userYearAge = timeManager.getUserAgeFromBirthdayTimeStamp(userSearchLocationModel.birthdayTimeStamp)
if cuPeopleFilterSettings.filterGenderModeIndex != 2 {
// sorting with mode
if cuPeopleFilterSettings.maxAgeValue != UserPeopleFilterSettings.Standard.maxAge {
if userYearAge >= cuPeopleFilterSettings.minAgeValue && userYearAge <= cuPeopleFilterSettings.maxAgeValue && userSearchLocationModel.genderIndex == cuPeopleFilterSettings.filterGenderModeIndex {
} else {
// max age settings
if userYearAge >= cuPeopleFilterSettings.minAgeValue && userSearchLocationModel.genderIndex == cuPeopleFilterSettings.filterGenderModeIndex {
} else {
if cuPeopleFilterSettings.maxAgeValue != UserPeopleFilterSettings.Standard.maxAge {
if userYearAge >= cuPeopleFilterSettings.minAgeValue && userYearAge <= cuPeopleFilterSettings.maxAgeValue {
} else {
// max age in settings
if userYearAge >= cuPeopleFilterSettings.minAgeValue {
//sorting by online status and last seen timestamp
let onlineUsers = sortedUserSearchLocationModels.filter { $0.isOnline }
let otherUsersSortedByTimeStamp = sortedUserSearchLocationModels.filter { !$0.isOnline }.sorted { $0.lastSeenTimeStamp > $1.lastSeenTimeStamp }
var resultSortedArray = [UserSearchLocationModel]()
resultSortedArray.append(contentsOf: onlineUsers)
resultSortedArray.append(contentsOf: otherUsersSortedByTimeStamp)
/// 1. online users sorted by most recently active on the app 2. offline users sorted by most recently active on the app
private func filterByOnlineAndRecentLaunchApp(_ userSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel], success: ((_ sortedUserSearchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?) { .background).async {
let sortedUsers = userSearchLocationModels.sorted(by: { $0.recentActivityTimeStamp > $1.recentActivityTimeStamp })
From BlockSystemManager
extension BlockSystemManager {
func requestBlockingUserIDs(completion: ((_ blockModels: [BlockModel], _ error: Error?) -> Void)?) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let currentUserID = RealmManager().getCurrentUser()?.id else { return } .background).async {
let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
var generalBlockModels = [BlockModel]()
let blockedUsersRef = Database.database().reference().child(MainPath.blockingInfo.description).child(currentUserID).child(SubPath.blockedUsers.description)
blockedUsersRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snap) in
if snap.value is NSNull {
guard let dict = snap.value as? [String : [String : Any]] else {
guard let blockModelsDict = Mapper<BlockModel>().mapDictionary(JSON: dict)?.values else {
let blockModels = Array(blockModelsDict)
generalBlockModels += blockModels
}, withCancel: { (error) in
let blockedByUsersRef = Database.database().reference().child(MainPath.blockingInfo.description).child(currentUserID).child(SubPath.blockedByUsers.description)
blockedByUsersRef.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (snap) in
if snap.value is NSNull {
guard let dict = snap.value as? [String : [String : Any]] else {
guard let blockModelsDict = Mapper<BlockModel>().mapDictionary(JSON: dict)?.values else {
let blockModels = Array(blockModelsDict)
generalBlockModels += blockModels
}, withCancel: { (error) in
dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .global(qos: .background), execute: {
completion?(generalBlockModels, nil)
This function is located in the PeopleSearchManager and calls the cloud function
func searchPeopleFirstRequest(success: ((_ searchLocationModels: [UserSearchLocationModel]) -> Void)?, fail: ((_ error: Error) -> Void)?) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let location = LocationManager.shared.currentLocation else { return }
let realmUserSettingsManager = RealmUserSettingsManager()
let miles = realmUserSettingsManager.getMaxDistanceInMiles() ?? 15
let parameters = ["miles" : miles, "latitude" : location.coordinate.latitude, "longitude" : location.coordinate.longitude] as [String : Any] .background).async {
Auth.auth().currentUser?.getIDTokenForcingRefresh(true, completion: { (token, error) in
if let error = error {
// Handle error
guard let _token = token else { return }
let headers = ["X-Auth-MyApp-Token" : _token]
guard let url = URL(string: BackendEndPoint.searchPeopleFirstRequest.path) else { return }
AlamofireMyAppManager.shared.request(url, method: .get, parameters: parameters, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers).responseJSON(completionHandler: { (response) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):
guard let dict = value as? [String : Any] else {
guard let result = dict["result"] as? [[String : Any]] else {
let userSearchLocationModels = Mapper<UserSearchLocationModel>().mapArray(JSONArray: result)
// for second request
if let lastUserSearchLocationModelID = dict["lastUserSearchLocationModelID"] as? String {
debugPrint("lastUserSearchLocationModelID", lastUserSearchLocationModelID)
self.peopleSecondRequestModel = PeopleSecondRequestModel(lastUserSearchLocationModelID: lastUserSearchLocationModelID, location: location, radius: miles, offset: userSearchLocationModels.count)
case .failure(let error):
Cloud function
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const GeoFire = require('geofire');
const moment = require('moment');
const map = require('lodash').map;
const filter = require('lodash').filter;
const sortBy = require('lodash').sortBy;
const last = require('lodash').last;
module.exports = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const token = req.header('X-Auth-MyApp-Token');
const miles = req.query['miles'];
const latitude = req.query['latitude'];
const longitude = req.query['longitude'];
let currentUserID;
let outputUsers;
const startTime = moment();
const timers = {};
.then((decodedToken) => {
timers.afterVerify = moment() - startTime;
currentUserID = decodedToken.uid;
console.log('userID', currentUserID);
const getUsersSearchModelsByLocationPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const userLocationRef = admin.database().ref().child('userLocations');
const geoFire = new GeoFire(userLocationRef);
const geoQuery = geoFire.query({
center: [Number(latitude), Number(longitude)],
radius: Number(miles) * 1.609
const usersIDs = [];
const keyListener = geoQuery.on('key_entered', (key) => usersIDs.push(key));
geoQuery.on('ready', () => {
timers.gotIdsFromGeofire = moment() - startTime;
} catch (error) {
.then((userIDs) => {
return Promise.all(map(userIDs, (id) => admin.database().ref().child('userSearchLocationModel').child(id)
.then((snapshot) => snapshot.val())
.then((users) => {
timers.gotUserSearchLocationModels = moment() - startTime;
return Promise.resolve(users);
const getBlockedUsersIDsPromise = Promise.all([
.then((snapshot) => snapshot.val())
.then((users) => {
timers.gotBlockedUsersIDs = moment() - startTime;
return map(users, 'userID')
.then((snapshot) => snapshot.val())
.then((users) => {
timers.gotBlockedByUsersIDs = moment() - startTime;
return map(users, 'userID')
const getFilterSettingsPromise = admin.database().ref().child('userPeopleFilterSettings').child(currentUserID)
.then((snapshot) => snapshot.val());
return Promise.all([
.then(([users, blockedUsersIds, filterSettings]) => {
timers.gotAllInitData = moment() - startTime;
outputUsers = users;
// filter nulls
outputUsers = filter(outputUsers, (user) => user);
// filter blocked
outputUsers = filter(outputUsers, (user) => blockedUsersIds.indexOf(user.userID) === -1);
// filter by gender
outputUsers = filterSettings.filterGenderModeIndex !== 2 ?
filter(outputUsers, (user) => user.genderIndex === filterSettings.filterGenderModeIndex) :
// filter by age
outputUsers = filter(outputUsers, (user) => {
const userAge = moment().diff(user.birthdayTimeStamp * 1000, 'years');
if (filterSettings.maxAgeValue === 55 && userAge >= 55) return true;
return (userAge >= filterSettings.minAgeValue && userAge <= filterSettings.maxAgeValue);
// sort by recent activity timestamp
outputUsers = sortBy(outputUsers, 'recentActivityTimeStamp');
// slice
outputUsers = outputUsers.slice(0, 99);
timers.filtersAndSortsDone = moment() - startTime;
return res.status(200).send({
timers: timers,
result: outputUsers,
lastUserSearchLocationModelID: last(outputUsers)
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error: ', error);
return res.status(500).send({
code: error.code,
message: error.message,
stack: error.stack
Also I want to say that I read this post, but as I wrote at the beginning, that even the heated function works like this. I also asked my question here. What is the reason for such a big difference in the result? How can this be remedied or what are the solutions to this problem?
Swift: run function when for in loop completes and responses returned
I've been trying multiple ways to run a function in a for in loop and when all have returned to run another function but for some reason it appears the final function is running before one or more of the others have returned a result. This is my latest attempt: (both functions work it is just the order which is the issue) var counter: Int = 0 for owner in arrOwnerList { self.removeDevice(device: self.device, account: owner as! String) { (isSuccess) -> Void in print(isSuccess) if isSuccess { } } } if self.arrOwnerList.count == self.counter { self.removeDeviceFromServer(device: self.device) self.sendEmail(to:"", subject:self.device+" has been removed", text:self.device+" has been removed from the server, please check the sim for bar and termination") } } func removeDevice(device: String, account: String, completion: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let dictHeader : [String:String] = ["username":username,"password":password] let dictArray = [device] self.counter += 1 WebHelper.requestPUTAPIRemoveDevice(baseURL+"rootaccount/removedevices/"+account+"?server=MUIR", header: dictHeader, dictArray: dictArray, controllerView: self, success: { (response) in print(response) if response.count == 0 { self.Label1.alpha = 1 print("response count == 0") DispatchQueue.main.async { GlobalConstant.showAlertMessage(withOkButtonAndTitle: GlobalConstant.AppName, andMessage: Messages.ServerError, on: self) } } else { } }) { (error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { GlobalConstant.showAlertMessage(withOkButtonAndTitle: GlobalConstant.AppName, andMessage: error?.localizedDescription ?? Messages.ServerError, on: self) } } let isSuccess = true self.Label1.alpha = 1 completion(isSuccess) } func removeDeviceFromServer(device: String) { let dictHeader : [String:String] = ["username":username,"password":password] WebHelper.requestDELETEAPI(baseURL+"defaultdevice/"+device+"?server=MUIR", header: dictHeader, controllerView: self, success: { (response) in if response.count == 0 { DispatchQueue.main.async { GlobalConstant.showAlertMessage(withOkButtonAndTitle: GlobalConstant.AppName, andMessage: Messages.ServerError, on: self) } } else { if response.count != 0 { self.Label2.alpha = 1 DispatchQueue.main.async { self.Label2.alpha = 1 } } else{ DispatchQueue.main.async { GlobalConstant.showAlertMessage(withOkButtonAndTitle: GlobalConstant.AppName, andMessage: Messages.NoDataFound, on: self) } } } }) { (error) in DispatchQueue.main.async { GlobalConstant.showAlertMessage(withOkButtonAndTitle: GlobalConstant.AppName, andMessage: error?.localizedDescription ?? Messages.ServerError, on: self) } } }
DispatchGroup will solve the problems. ( let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() for owner in arrOwnerList { dispatchGroup.enter() self.removeDevice(device: self.device, account: owner as! String) { (isSuccess) -> Void in defer { dispatchGroup.leave() } print(isSuccess) if isSuccess { } } } // This block execute when the loop is completed. dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main) { [weak self] in guard let self = self else { return } self.removeDeviceFromServer(device: self.device) self.sendEmail(to:"", subject:self.device+" has been removed", text:self.device+" has been removed from the server, please check the sim for bar and termination") }
How to use SignalProducer.timer for ReactiveCocoa 9.0
I'm working on updating an app from Swift 3 to Swift 5. This requires updating ReactiveCocoa. There is some code that was using a timer within a SignalProducer that no longer works when updating. Here is the before and after: Swift 3 Code func start(beats: [Beat]) -> SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> { var index: Int = 0 let oneSecondTimer = timer(interval: DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(1), on: QueueScheduler(), leeway: DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(100)) .on(starting: { // initialize index = -1 }, value: { date in index += 1 }) .flatMap(.latest) { [weak self] (_: Date) -> SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> in guard let strongSelf = self else { return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(error: Error.unknown("self reference missing")) } if index < beats.count { let data = beats[index].toDeviceFormat() strongSelf.device.writeRate(data: data, delegate: strongSelf) return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(value: "boom") } else { return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(error: Error.noMoreData).delay(1.0, on: QueueScheduler.main) } } let startSignal = SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> { [weak self] (innerSink, disposable) in guard let strongSelf = self else { innerSink.send(error: Error.unknown("self reference missing")) return } strongSelf.beatSink = innerSink let beatDisposable = oneSecondTimer.observe(innerSink, during: strongSelf.reactive.lifetime) disposable += { let data = DatedBeat.stopPlayingDeviceFormat() strongSelf.device.writeRate(data: data, delegate: strongSelf) } disposable.add(beatDisposable) } return startSignal .on( started: { _ in print("Start sending beats") }, failed: { (error) in print("error \(error)") }, completed: { _ in print("completed stopped beating ") }) } Swift 5 Code func start(beats: [DatedBeat]) -> SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> { var index: Int = 0 let oneSecondTimer = SignalProducer.timer(interval: DispatchTimeInterval.seconds(1), on: QueueScheduler.main, leeway: DispatchTimeInterval.milliseconds(100)) .on(starting: { // initialize index = -1 }, value: { date in index += 1 }) .flatMap(.latest) { [weak self] (_: Date) -> SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> in guard let strongSelf = self else { return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(error: Error.unknown("self reference missing")) } if index < beats.count { let data = beats[index].toDeviceFormat() strongSelf.device.writeRate(data: data, delegate: strongSelf) return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(value: "boom") } else { return SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error>(error: Error.noMoreData) .delay(1.0, on: QueueScheduler.main) } } let startSignal = SignalProducer<PlayedBeat, Error> { [weak self] (innerSink, lifetime) in guard let strongSelf = self else { innerSink.send(error: Error.unknown("self reference missing")) return } strongSelf.beatSink = innerSink if lifetime.hasEnded { let data = DatedBeat.stopPlayingDeviceFormat() strongSelf.device.writeRate(data: data, delegate: strongSelf) innerSink.sendInterrupted() return } _ = oneSecondTimer.observe(on: innerSink as! Scheduler) } return startSignal.on( started: { print("Start sending beats") }, failed: { (error) in print("error \(error)") }, completed: { print("completed stopped beating ") }) } Currently the line _ = oneSecondTimer.observe(on: innerSink as! Scheduler) throws an error when trying to case innerSink to Scheduler. If I remove that line, then the timer is never started. If anyone has thoughts on the proper way to start a timer in ReactiveCocoa, that would be super helpful. Thanks!
Async function not handled by completion handler
I am using the google maps distance matrix api and using a compeletion handler to pass my async function calls like this: func configureRoute(origin:String,destination:String, completionHandler: #escaping (_ duration:Int) -> ()){ let jsonURL = "\(origin)&destinations=place_id:\(destination)&key=MYAPI" guard let url = URL(string: jsonURL ) else {return} print(jsonURL) URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, err) in guard let data = data else {return} do { let route = try JSONDecoder().decode(Welcome.self, from: data) // print(self.durations) completionHandler(route.rows[0].elements[0].duration.value) } catch let jsonErr { } let dataAsString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) }.resume() } and then I try and use that result like so, however my output results are still blank and I am unable to use any of the calls that I have received. I am not that good with compeltion handlers, so if anyone could let me know what I have done wrong? func majorConfigure() { permutations(placeID.count, &placeID, origin: startPlaceID, destination: endPlaceID) for eachArray in finalRoutes { for i in 0..<(eachArray.count-1) { configureRoute(origin: eachArray[i], destination: eachArray[i+1]){ duration in self.durations.append(duration) } } groupedDurations.append(durations) durations.removeAll() } print(groupedDurations) } After using Dispatch group this is my updated code: func majorConfigure(){ permutations(placeID.count, &placeID, origin: startPlaceID, destination: endPlaceID) let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup() for eachArray in finalRoutes{ for i in 0..<(eachArray.count-1){ dispatchGroup.enter() configureRoute(origin: eachArray[i], destination: eachArray[i+1]){ duration in self.durations.append(duration) print(self.groupedDurations) dispatchGroup.leave() } } dispatchGroup.notify(queue: .main){ self.groupedDurations.append(self.durations) self.durations.removeAll() } } } The result when I print groupedDurations is: [] [] [] [] [] []
give this a try : func majorConfigure() { permutations(placeID.count, &placeID, origin: startPlaceID, destination: endPlaceID) for eachArray in finalRoutes { for i in 0..<(eachArray.count-1) { configureRoute(origin: eachArray[i], destination: eachArray[i+1]){ duration in self.durations.append(duration) if i == eachArray.count - 1{ groupedDurations.append(durations) } if i == eachArray.count - 1 && eachArray == finalRoutes.last! { print(groupedDurations) durations.removeAll() } } } } } EDITED ANSWER You can achieve this in this manner : var indexFinalRoutes = 0 var indexEachArray = 0 func loopFinalRoutes(){ self.indexEachArray = 0 let eachArray = finalRoutes[indexFinalRoutes] loopEachArray(eachArray: eachArray) { (success) in self.indexFinalRoutes = self.indexFinalRoutes + 1 if self.indexFinalRoutes < self.finalRoutes.count - 1{ self.loopFinalRoutes() }else{ self.indexFinalRoutes = 0 print(self.groupedDurations) } } } func loopEachArray(eachArray : [String] , completion: #escaping (_ success:Bool) -> Void){ if indexEachArray + 1 < eachArray.count - 1 { configureRoute(origin: eachArray[indexEachArray], destination: eachArray[indexEachArray+1]){ duration in self.durations.append(duration) self.indexEachArray = self.indexEachArray + 1 let nextEachArray = self.finalRoutes[self.indexFinalRoutes] self.loopEachArray(eachArray: nextEachArray, completion: completion) } }else{ groupedDurations.append(durations) durations.removeAll() completion(true) } } call loopFinalRoutes functuin from your majorConfigure function and you will have the output.
Label not change in callback swift 3
I want to change my label text after getting a response from the server but it doesn't change after getting a response from server!! here is my code : func getOrderCost() { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "۰") var price = 10 if let p_code = self.customView?.getPromotionCode() { self.orderPriceObject.promotion_code = p_code } self.registerOrderVM.getOrderPriceEstimation(orderInfo: self.orderPriceObject).asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { (response) in if let res = response as? [String: Int], let p = res["price_with_added_value"] { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "cost : \(p)") } }, onError: { (error) in self.view.showMessage(error.localizedDescription, type: .error, options: [.hideOnTap(true)]) }).disposed(by: self.disposeBag) } } and this is the setOrderPriceEstimate function in customView : public func setOrderPriceEstimate(price: String) { self.orderCostLbl.text = price }
DispatchQueue.main.async { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "cost : \(p)") } I think you have to update UI in main thread.
Making DispatchQueue.main.async outer doesn't guarantee that code inside getOrderPriceEstimation will run in main queue as code inside getOrder may be in other thread func getOrderCost() { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "۰") var price = 10 if let p_code = self.customView?.getPromotionCode() { self.orderPriceObject.promotion_code = p_code } self.registerOrderVM.getOrderPriceEstimation(orderInfo: self.orderPriceObject).asObservable().subscribe(onNext: { (response) in if let res = response as? [String: Int], let p = res["price_with_added_value"] { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "cost : \(p)") } } }, onError: { (error) in self.view.showMessage(error.localizedDescription, type: .error, options: [.hideOnTap(true)]) }).disposed(by: self.disposeBag) } } verify if p exists or not if let res = response as? [String: Int], let p = res["price_with_added_value"] { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.customView?.setOrderPriceEstimate(price: "cost : \(p)") } } else { print("res or p is not found") } Also check if customView is nil
Are nested completion blocks a sign of bad design?
I have a method that calls three functions that each make a request to Firebase and pass back data in a completion handler. Once the data from 2 of the completion handlers is sent back, I call another method to pass in the data and send back a valid result. Is nesting blocks like this a sign of poor design? func fetchNearbyUsers(for user: User, completionHandler: usersCompletionHandler?) { self.fetchAllUsers(completionHandler: { (users: [User]) in ChatProvider.sharedInstance.fetchAllChatrooms(completionHandler: { (chatrooms: [Chatroom]) in self.validateNewUsers(currentUser: user, users: users, chatrooms: chatrooms, completionHandler: { (validUsers: [User]) in guard validUsers.isEmpty == false else { completionHandler?([]) return } completionHandler?(validUsers) }) }) }) } // Other Methods func fetchAllUsers(completionHandler: usersCompletionHandler?) { var users: [User] = [] let group = DispatchGroup() let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue") DatabaseProvider.sharedInstance.usersDatabaseReference.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in guard let data = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] else { return } for (_, value) in data { guard let values = value as? [String: AnyObject] else { return } guard let newUser = User(data: values) else { return } group.enter() newUser.fetchProfileImage(completionHandler: { (image) in serialQueue.async { newUser.profileImage = image users.append(newUser) group.leave() } }) } group.notify(queue: .main, execute: { completionHandler?(users) }) }) } func fetchAllChatrooms (completionHandler: chatroomsHandler?) { var chatrooms = [Chatroom]() let group = DispatchGroup() let serialQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "serialQueue") DatabaseProvider.sharedInstance.chatroomsDatabaseReference.observe(.value, with: { snapshot in guard let data = snapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject] else { return } for (_, value) in data { guard let value = value as? [String: AnyObject] else { return } guard let newChatroom = Chatroom(data: value) else { return } group.enter() self.fetchChatroomUsers(chatroom: newChatroom, completionHandler: { (chatroom) in serialQueue.async { chatrooms.append(newChatroom) group.leave() } }) } group.notify(queue: .main, execute: { completionHandler?(Array(Set<Chatroom>(chatrooms))) }) }) } private func validateNewUsers(currentUser: User, users: [User], chatrooms: [Chatroom], completionHandler: usersCompletionHandler?) { let chatPartners = self.chatPartners(currentUser: currentUser, chatrooms: chatrooms) let validUsers = users .filter { != $ } .filter { currentUser.distanceFromUser(atLocation: $0.coordinates) <= 8046.72 } .filter { !chatPartners.contains($ } completionHandler?(validUsers) } private func chatPartners (currentUser: User, chatrooms: [Chatroom]) -> Set<String> { var results = [String]() for chatroom in chatrooms { if == chatroom.firstUserId { results.append(chatroom.secondUserId) } else if == chatroom.secondUserId { results.append(chatroom.firstUserId) } } return Set(results) }