Can't position UIView to the bottom of TableView - ios

I tried to position the UIView to the bottom of the tableView but it always position itself to the bottom of the Navigation Bar
Promocode View is the UIView
Location TableView is the tableView
After I added the constraints to the bottom of the TableView
What should I do to position it nicely under the tableView?

You are in the correct path here. Adding constraints to the promo code view was the right thing to do.
However, once you started adding constraints to a view, IB tries to figure out the frame of the view basing solely on the constraints. If it can't, those red lines appear. You've only added this constraint:
right? This constraint says that the promo code view will always be 4 pixels under whatever is above it i.e. the table view.
The constraint you added defines the y position of the promo code view. To figure out its frame, you still need three more things:
x position
For the width and height, you probably want them to be fixed at the current value, so add these two constraints:
For the x position, I think you intend it to be centered? Then move it to the centre and add this constraint:
You also need to add constraints for the table view as well. I suggest a top, leading, trailing and height constraint.
After you're done, it should look like this:


I need to scroll a floating(fixed) UIView in my storyboard after a specific point in UIScrollView

In my storyboard, I have a parent UIScrollView in which I have a UIView of height about 2000px.
I have designed the whole view & placed an another UIView at bottom of parent scroll view so that it will be fixed in the UI. But at the specific point, I need to place that UIView(i.e.fixed) to get scrolled. Like after I scroll a UILabel, I want to scroll that UIView below that & get disappeared from the bottom.
I know its hard to explain but I am stuck at it for so long.
P.S. I'm using AutoLayout.
In this case it is probably best to have the view outside the scroll view but connect constraints to the inner view as well. You use priorities to control those constraints.
In your case you would decrease your bottom constraint priority (to 500 for instance). And you would add a constraint like <= insideView.bottom. So connect the outside view to one of the views inside the scroll view and create the relation be smaller (or greater if the 2 items are reversed) or equal to that view point.
To create a demo of this start a new project and open Main.storyboard:
Add a scroll view with constraints to leading, trailing, top, bottom
Add a blank UIView (now called innerView) inside the scroll view and add leading, trailing, top, bottom constraints
Add a height constraint to innerView to 2000
Add an equal width constraint between innerView and your scroll view
Set bottom constraint between innerView and scroll view to 100
Set a distinct color to innerView to see the effect
All other constraints should be set to 0
Add another UIView on the top level (now called outerView)
Pin outer view to leading, trailing and bottom. Also add a height constraint to 50
Set a distinct color to outerView to see the effect.
By now you should have a scrollable scroll view and a fixed view at the bottom if you run the app.
Now connect outerView with innerView and select "vertical spacing"
Double click the newly created constraint and modify it:
(If needed) Reverse first and second item so that the outer view is first item
Change relation to "less then or equal"
(If needed) select
(If needed) select innerView.bottom
Set constant to zero
Select outerView and find bottom constraint to safe area (or superview) and set its priority to 500.
Now run the app. If all is correct your fixed view will be fixed until you scroll down far enough. After 2000px is visible the fixed view will be scrolling with scroll view.
You can naturally pin it to any view in scroll view to get any possible effect you need.
I hope this is descriptive enough. Good luck.

Q: Auto Layout 4 squares Issue/General Auto Layout Issue

So I'm just trying to wrap my head around Auto Layout; I understand how to use constraints, just not how to apply them appropriately. In the picture below I had set no constraints and simply want this simple design to resize correctly on all size classes (Horizontally and Vertically).
What constraints would I need to put in to have these squares resize appropriately on all screens (horizontal/vertical) and can you do this in the ( W:Any H:Any ) size class or do you have to set constraints for each individual size class?
One size class is all you need in this case.
Set a constraint for each of the 4 gaps between the rects (i.e. the space between the top 2, between the top-left and bottom-left, ...).
Set a constraint for each rect to its 2 closest outer edges.
Now you've set four constraints for each rect - and that's all you need!
For that case: follow the steps
1.Add four uiview to screen, two top and two bottom.
2.In your case the view not touching to bottom layout guide,so you have to give fixed height.
Start the add constraints to views.
All views are correct width and height.
3.So take first view from left top,give leading space ,top space and adjecent spacing to right top view. And select the pin button from the canvas below right side option availabe, select height ,give how much height you need.
4.Now select right top view ,give constraint to top layout guide and trailing space.and also same height what you selected before for view one.
5.Now view three ,left bottom view , give leading ,spacing to top view and right spacing to fourth view and select same height .
6.Now fourth view, give spacing to top view ,trailing to container and select height.
Almost completed.
7.Select all views at once ,give equal withs(option available in pin).
lastly some warning will shows ,do update frames.

Autolayout. Set two views vertically with dynamic height

I have a view1 which can have dynamic height depending upon content with in it. Just below that view, I have to show the table view. Top space constraint of tableview is view1 and bottom constraint of tableview is view 3 that has fixed height and stick to the bottom.
The problem is that I can neither set height constraint of view1 nor tableview as top view can be dynamic and tableview have to take remaining height that varies in different device and I am getting error:
"Need constraint for Y position or height" for both view 1 and tableview. Although I have set costraint for y position for all views.
How should I solve this.
Add a constraint so that the top of your tableview is adjacent to your view 1.
Create a constraint for view 1's height. Doesn't matter what value you pick, just pick something.
Create an outlet for your constraint in step 2.
You should now be able to programmatically update the constraint in step 3 to have whatever value you really want for the height, and the rest should happen like magic.
4a. You might need to call layoutIfNeeded to make the view redraw and relayout things.

Two uiview not fitting for all screen with same size

I am new to iOS. I am learning my self. No resource are to clear my problem.
I have two view with 270 X 338. that I have to keep in Horizontally in Viewcontroller. But, when I add some constraints it's not fitting for below 5s. I checked in simulator also in preview option.
When i use autoresizing, also it's not fitting for below 5s screen. Please help me with some idea. I need to do only in storyboard.
I tried this tutorial Here but it din't help
This is my preview screen
Constraints for Back View;
These steps will help you align two views.
Add top, leading, and height for first and second views.
Add trailing constraint from First view to Second view as 8.
Add Equal Width for First view and SuperView and set its multiplier to 0.49* and constant as 0.
Add Equal width for two views again by selecting two views.
Finally update constraints the view will align for all sizes.
0.49 will leave 8 points as trailing constraint.
Constraints for First View
Constraints for Second View
Edit :
For third step you can do by selecting first view and hold Control button and and move mouse to super view.
The selected view in the below image is the Superview
View 1
View 2
you can do it by adding contraints like this also
Use leading, top and relative height and width constraint that will solve your problem... set relative height and width in view with autolayout from below steps
Set equal height and width with superview.
Go to properties of constraint where you find a property multiplier in which set exact multiplier value which you want or which satisfy your constraint.
This will make height and width of view relative to superview that changes according to superview.

Swift - UIScrollView Scrolls Partially

My problem is slightly different from other's 'Swift UIScrollView' problems when using auto layout:
Unlike others, when I run my app, it scrolls. My problem is that the scroll cuts off the bottom 20-30% of the content. I can pull to see the buttons did build and are down there, but when I let it go the scroll snaps back to a false bottom which cuts off my content!!! I've been trying, for days, to fix it to scroll the entire height but it continues to cut off!!
Description of app:
I used auto layout to layout 6 buttons and labels. Each button a rectangular image, with a label directly beneath it. (sorry, the site won't let me post pictures!)
I have my views arranged like this:
MainView > ScrollView > ContentView > Buttons & Labels
I have my contentView pinned to my ScrollView and my ScrollView pinned to my MainView. My buttons and labels all have constraints that are building correctly, to create a list that looks like:
Rectangular button
Label beneath it
Rectangular button
Label beneath it
Can anyone tell me why I can't scroll the full length of the view?
Your description of how your items are constrained is vague, so I'm going to list all of the constraints you need to make this work. Then you can compare what you have to what you need and adjust accordingly.
Your ScrollView should be pinned on all 4 sides to the MainView. (This isn't absolutely necessary. You can constrain your ScrollView however you want, but make sure it can grow as the device and/or orientation changes).
Your ContentView should be pinned on all 4 sides to the ScrollView with offsets of 0.
Since you want your ScrollView to scroll vertically only, constrain the width of the ContentView to the width of the ScrollView using an Equal Widths constraint. To do this, in the Document Outline view, Control-drag from your ContentView to your ScrollView and select Equal Widths from the pop up.
The height of ContentView will be set by the sum total height of everything in it. In order for this to work, your topmost button needs to be pinned to the top of the ContentView, all of your buttons and labels should be pinned to their nearest neighbors, and the bottommost label should be pinned to the bottom of the ContentView. In addition, all of your buttons and labels should have constraints for their widths and heights. I would suggest setting an explicit width constraint and explicit height constraint for your buttons and centering them horizontally in the ContentView. For your labels, set an explicit height constraint and pin the left and right edges to the ContentView.
If you have these constraints and no other ones, your ContentView will be properly sized.
Using contentView, like you said, usually fixes the issue. So chances are you need to take a second look at your contraints. Maybe try this solution in a clean/new project to see that it works. (it does work). My guess would be that some of your constraints conflict each other.
Otherwise I think it would be a good idea to setContentSize of your scrollView in your viewDidLoad.
Another hack would be to place 2 UI objects with their alphas set to zero on the right top corner and left bottom corner. This would hint scrollView to set its contentSize.
