Twilio whatsapp integration - twilio

Is it possible to send/receive SMS from whatsapp using twilio number? Anybody tried twilio with whatsapp? I asked customer care, if it is possible, he said, not sure but many people asked about that.

In case anyone else lands here, Twilio just released a WhatsApp integration via their new Business API

Twilio developer evangelist here.
Whatsapp do not have an API, so it is not possible to send or receive messages to Whatsapp using the Twilio API either.
If you are looking to send and receive messages to services like Whatsapp, then you might be interested in Twilio Channels. Channels are the various APIs that we are integrating into the one Twilio API so it's easy for you to send to all these third party services.
Channels lets you send and receive messages to services like:
SendGrid (for email)
Amazon Alexa
And will be supporting the following soon:
You can sign up for early access to Channels here:


How can i send a message to whatsapp group?

I need to send a message to WhatsApp group, Is it possible with Twilio? Thanks for the help
No I don't think they do
one of the faq here
Can I send messages to WhatsApp groups or manage groups?
WhatsApp deprecated the Groups API in April 2020. Twilio offers a group messaging solution using the Conversations API. You may reference this sample code in CodeExchange: WhatsApp Group Messaging. For more info, please refer to Twilio Conversations.
But with Twilio's Conversations API, you can implement group chats in WhatsApp, a feature that is not offered natively in WhatsApp's API.

How can I reply to a specific message with Twillio API?

I am developing an integration service with twillio api and i need to have the lability to replay to a specific message, same as sliding the message to the left on the app.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
As far as I can see, the WhatsApp messaging API does not support responding to a particular message. You can check their messaging API reference here. Consequently, the Twilio API for WhatsApp also does not support replying to a specific message.

Twilio conversations with email channel

I'd like to have email as one of the channels used in Twilio conversations. From the docs I see that Twilio conversation supports SMS, WhatsApp and InApp chat. Wonder if there is any API or library to add email as option? I guess I can use Sendgrid and most probably need to handle email integration on my own back-end.
Today, Twilio Conversations does not support email as a channel.

Does Twilio Whatsapp solution support messaging to a whatsapp group

I am trying to use the Twilio API to send WhatsApp messages to a group but I could not find any support. WhatsApp Business API supports this use case, so I was wondering if Twilio has support for messaging to WhatsApp groups instead of individuals.
Looked at Twilio documentation but there wasn't any API for it.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Under these FAQs on the docs, it mentions that this is not supported yet but is expected to be so in the future.
"Can I send messages to WhatsApp groups or manage groups?
Currently, our API does not support messaging with or managing
WhatsApp groups. We expect to add support for groups in the future."
Hope this helps!

How to send hero card from bot framework to WhatsApp by Twilio WhatsApp API

I'm currently using Twilio WhatsApp API and Bot Framework Direct Line channel to try integrating my chatbot to WhatsApp.
Since my chatbot conversation is guided, a lot of PromptDialog.Choices messages are used (which is a hero cards). Is there a way to send these messages as their expected form (meaning with buttons for clicking) to Whatsapp using Twilio WhatsApp API ?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Currently the Twilio API for WhatsApp doesn't support media. This is being developed.
However, the WhatsApp API itself doesn't support the concept of a hero card or buttons for responding to messages.
