Printing directly from a ti nspire - printing

I got the new ti nspire cx.
I want to print graphs directly from my calculator.
The idea I got to be able to do this was by saving the file to a folder, and the printer automatically checks for files in the folder and prints and deletes them. What would be the best way to make the printer check for this without having a computer involved.


Flutter cannot retrieve iPhone file (sometimes)

I have an app that lets the user pick local files and send them to the backend to add to their vault. To pick the file, I use FilePicker.platform.pickFiles. It seems to work fine, the file is picked and when it's an image we show a preview to the user (and it always works).
Once the user has picked all their files, we create a list of Future to try and send the files to the backend, then we await the list to resolve. If we deem a picture is too big, we reduce the size using FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile.
This usually works, but on iPhone, there is a seemingly random behavior where the file isn't found and an error is thrown : Cannot retrieve length of file, path = '/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/3600F812-FD42-4441-A654-766991E45E04/tmp/' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
The file in the example works just fine in other instances, the problem seems random and not directly tied to the file I chose. The problem is not exclusive to pdf files either, as it also occurs on images even though they're picked correctly and displayed in the app.
Any idea what could be causing this ?
Thanks in advance !

Modify basic files used with gwbasic

I have a batch file which launches other .bas files with the help of gwbasic.
Here is the code of the batch file:
cd basic
gwbasic menut-hp/d
cd \
Then I have the possibility by typing 1 or 2 etc + ENTER to choose which program i want to run. The programs are located in the same directory as my batch file. The programs are xxx.BAS files.
The problem is:
I have a piece of software written in GWBASIC that currently is set up to just print locally to LPT1.
When I disconnect the local printer, the software (gwbasic i guess) sends automatically the things to print to the network printer.
The result is that a lot of A4 papers come out with only a few lines written.
On the local printer, the printer only printed when i exited the batch program.
On the network printer, it's like its non stop synchronizing, and not only when i exit the batch program.
I see 2 solutions:
manage to put a tempo for the printing on the network printer (to refresh every 2 minutes for example)
or try to add a line in the .BAS files, to save the text in a .txt of .pdf file, instead of printing it.. or print it in a pdf file.
I have almost no idea how gwbasic works, even after some researches.
Moreover, i haven't managed to view (and modify) the code of the .BAS files
Sorry for my bad english,
If anyone has any idea, it would help me a lot!
Thank you very much :)
Maybe later, but I enjoy scripting with BASIC and CONSOLE APP.
I recommend you run a command BAT before you BAS code to get default printer
wmic printer get name,default | find "TRUE" > Printer.txt
With this linen you get the similar response into Printer.txt
TRUE Microsoft Print to PDF
After that, in your BAS code, read them and validate printer name or discard network printer before print.
Happy coding!

Troubleshooting ZPL editing and saving to printer flash

I am using ZebraDesigner to create labels and save them as .zpl, files, then manually editing the zpl code to customize it further, and then save it in the printer's directory in onboard flash memory.
I see the .zpl files, listed with their sizes, in the flash directory, but the files are blank when opened, or sometimes contain text belonging to another file. If I try to paste new code into the file in flash, I'm unable to save it; meaning, I click save, and the web pages merely changes the file extension from ".zpl" to "---", then if I save again, then I get an error the script could not be saved.
I've been unable to get sufficient information nor resolution by contacting Zebra or looking at the product documentation. Advice would be appreciated.

Dropbox iOS SDK "Broken"?```

I am trying to use the latest official version of the DropBox iOS Core SDK, in particular the DBRestClient, to efficiently keep a document tree up to date on my local computer. However, several features of the SDK don't seem to be implemented as you'd expect, and I was wondering whether I am doing something wrong, failing to understand something, or on the other hand just looking for features that aren't there.
Dropbox has (at least?) two kinds of entities it stores: files and folders. If I make a change to a file in Dropbox, I can detect it by a change in the file's "rev" string.
However, for folders, the rev string doesn't change when the contents changes. For example, it doesn't change in response to any of the following:
Adding a file
Deleting a file
Editing a file
Question 1:
Is this the expected behavior ? If so, does that mean that when I want to know if any of my Dropbox files have changed I must walk through the entire folder tree every time ?
There is a command to get a "delta" of the current contents (of something, the command takes no path parameters) related a "cursor" string. The command looks like it is supposed to return a record of edited files/folders along with a new "cursor" string specifying the current state. However, when I get the delta, the contents are always empty. If I make a change in dropbox, and then send back the previous returned "cursor", I still get an empty delta.
Question 2:
Are deltas currently working in the SDK, and if so can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong ?
Question 1: Yes, that's the expected behavior. Typically you would use delta to watch for changes.
Question 2: Yes, I would assume that delta is working. You haven't shown any code, so it's impossible to guess what's going wrong.

Need help opening printer spool shadow file (.SHD) that is locked

I'm interested in some information inside a shadow file (.shd) located inside the windows print spooling directory "C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS". Every time a print job is started, a spool file (.spl) and a shadow file (.shd) are created in that directory. So far I have been successful in detecting when a print job has started, and have been able to pause that print job. If you don't pause the job, the files eventually make their way to the printer and then are deleted by windows.
My problem is. I cannot open the .SHD files because they are locked in such a way that you can not read them while they are open by the sprint spooler. I've even tried going to the file in windows explorer and simply copying the file to another file, and that didn't work either. The .SPL spool files I can open though. I simply wait, and fairly quickly the spooler release that file. For the shadow file though, it permanently holds on to this file. Unfortunately, its the one I need.
The line of code I'm using specifically to open the file is as follows:
m_spoolJobStream = new FileStream(spoolFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
The IOException I get is:
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\FP00083.SHD' because it is being used by another process.
So yes, it is being used by another process. Its being used by the window's print spooler service. But I don't think there is anything I can do about that. All I want to do is read the file. I don't want to make any changes to it. Is there anything I can do here or am I just screwed?
Check the option: "Keep printed documents" (if you have HP printer) and then see your spool file folder, both shadow and spool files would be there.
Well, I did not find a way around this problem. I suspect there is no solution for this and it is by design. However I did find another way to get the information I wanted (at least it seems so thus far).
I'm using the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification() routine out of the winspool.drv library. This guy returns a pointer to a PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO structure, which in turn contains an array of PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA structures. Within that array, there is an element with its "Field" member marked as "JOB_NOTIFY_FIELD_DEVMODE". This element contains a fairly large structure of type DEVMODE. The structure is explained by M$ here . This structure looks like it contains what I'm looking for and apparently is wrapped up in the .SHD file anyways according to this page I'd like to know what else is in that .SHD file, but I still can't open it because its locked while the job is paused, and I suspect that it stays locked until the job is complete. Oh well, I think my new solution is more elegant anyways.
Just make sure you pause the job in the spool on BOTH your box and the server, then you should be able to copy/open/move the shd file just like you can the spl file. Worked for me, anyway...
This works for me:
- Hang your printer (e.g. jam the paper)
- Print and observe .SHD and .SPL being created
- Stop Print Spooler
- Open the file
The problem might be the FileShare.ReadWrite parameter. You're asking to read and write on the file and maybe that's why you get an error. You should try asking for read-only permission.
