NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification not sent - ios

While working with data sharing between iOS app and Today Extension, I faced the problem that the NSUserDefaultsDidChangeNotification is never sent from either main app or extension when I change UserDefaults. The thing is that I can read and write data to the UserDefaults successfully for the App Group I created. So the data is actually shared by the app and extension. But the notification of the UserDefaults change is never fired (or detected). Can somebody tell me what can be an issue?
The writing of the data in the UserDefaults
NSUserDefaults defaults = new NSUserDefaults("group.com.name1.name2",NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
defaults.SetString("UPDATE " + DateTime.Now.Minute, "data");
The notification handler
NSValueTransformer.UserDefaultsDidChangeNotification, (notification) => {
NSUserDefaults defaults = new NSUserDefaults("group.com.name1.name2",NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
string str = defaults.StringForKey("data");

You can use CFNotificationCenter from your container app to post a cross-process notification to your extension app.
Shared Constants:
const string id = "group.sushihangover";
const string key = "LastUpdateTime";
Container app / Setup an observer on your NSUserDefaults object:
var todayWidgetUserDefaults = new NSUserDefaults(id, NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
NSValueTransformer.Notifications.ObserveUserDefaultsDidChange(todayWidgetUserDefaults,(sender, e) =>
CFNotificationCenter.Darwin.PostNotification(id, todayWidgetUserDefaults, null, true, true);
Today Extension App:
var todayWidgetUserDefaults = new NSUserDefaults(id, NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
void ObserverAction(string notificationId, NSDictionary userInfo)
if (notificationId == id)
var observerToken = CFNotificationCenter.Darwin.AddObserver(id, todayWidgetUserDefaults, ObserverAction, CFNotificationSuspensionBehavior.DeliverImmediately);
Note: App Group entitlements must be setup in both your container app and the Today Extension App.

So, SushiHangover provided perfectly working piece of code.
However, the problem was in the Info.plist file. In order to be able to exchange the notification the Background Mode should be enable for the app with Remote Notification feature. It sounds like a very obvious thing to do, but none of the tutorials for exchanging data between Extension and app with User Defaults that I read mentioned this. Perhaps, it is an obvious thing to do. But I am writing this just in case somebody might have missed this thing too.


UIPasteboard not giving value

An object that helps a user share data from one place to another within your app, and from your app to other apps.
This is the statement written at the very beginning of UIPasteboard docs. But when I try to use it in two different apps accessing data set by other app I am getting nil everytime
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
var i = 1
while(i > 0) {
let v = UIPasteboard.general.string
print("Task : \(i)")
print("Value: \(v)")
i = i + 1
I am fetching data in above code and setting data as in below code.
UIPasteboard.general.string = "Hello"
NB: I have tested locally in this app it is setting data
Are you running iOS >=10? There was a privacy change regarding passing value between apps. Try reading the UIPasteBoard api doc : (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uipasteboard).
Tl:dr You need to have both apps to be in the same app group (Communicating and persisting data between apps with App Groups)
To note: iOS apps are sandboxed. So the change in iOS 10 just enforces that feature.
EDITED: Since you can't use App Groups (different developer and/or products), you have to send data via a different channel. Try searching urlSchemes or store/fetch through a common server(tedious tho)

iOS Notification Content Extension - How to pass data to app?

I wrote a custom Notification Content Extension for my Push Notifications like this:
The thing is, whenever the user is on a certain item in the carousel, I want the GO TO APP button to send a String to the app when it's opening, and from there, handle that string to move the user to the correct ViewController.
I already have the handling part inside the app, I just need to know how to pass that String from the Notification Content Extension to the container app.
Thanks! :)
Enable app groups in capabilities and use suite userDefaults to write the key and read it in the app
NSUserDefaults*defaults= [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:#"group.com.company.appName"];
// Write in extension
[defaults setObject:#"anyThing" forKey:#"sharedContent"];
// Read in app
[defaults objectForKey:#"sharedContent"];
If your app is configured for Universal Links or you have defined a Custom URL Scheme for your app, you can also open your app's URL (e.g. with data in query parameters) by calling
in your NotificationViewController.
iOS 13, Swift 5.
Based on the answer by Sh_Khan, here is some Swift Syntax. Obviously I have added App Group as a capability to the target of the main app + the target of the extension, naming the group as "group.ch.Blah" for this example.
Setting your app group, saving a string in our case, needed to set the type as Any cause strings not a type that is available in groups.
let localK = getPrivateKey64() as Any
let defaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "group.ch.Blah")
defaults?.set(localK, forKey: "privateK")
Setting your app group, and reading the string back, needed to recast it back to string.
let defaults = UserDefaults.init(suiteName: "group.ch.Blah")
let localK = defaults?.object(forKey: "privateK") as? String
Worked perfectly with a notification service extension.

Notification of changes in Core Data SQLite store between iPhone and Apple Watch app

I have an iPhone (iOS 8) and Apple Watch (watchOS 1) apps that share their data using Core Data (SQLite store, placed in shared app group). Both apps are using the same data access code that is placed in shared framework. NSPersistentStoreCoordinator is being set up in the following way:
lazy var persistentStoreCoordinator: NSPersistentStoreCoordinator = {
let sharedContainerURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier(self.sharedAppGroup)!
let storeURL = sharedContainerURL.URLByAppendingPathComponent(self.databaseName)
let coordinator = NSPersistentStoreCoordinator(managedObjectModel: self.managedObjectModel)
var error: NSError? = nil
if coordinator.addPersistentStoreWithType(NSSQLiteStoreType, configuration: nil, URL: storeURL, options: nil, error: &error) == nil {
fatalError("Unable to add persistent store: \(error)")
return coordinator
From my understanding, in runtime each app has its own NSPersistenStoreCoordinator instance (as iPhone apps and WatchKit extensions do have completely separate address space), but these two connect to exactly the same SQLite database file.
How can an iPhone app be notified when Watch app changes some data in the common SQLite store and the other way around: how can a Watch app be notified when the iPhone app changes some data in the common persistent store?
The solution that I've found quite satisfactory was to use MMWormhole library.
It works by using CFNotificationCenter Darwin Notifications and writing/reading data files in the shared app group, which results in instant communication between an iOS app and an app extension (Watch app, today's widget, etc).
Basic code goes like this:
Wormhole initialization
wormhole = MMWormhole(applicationGroupIdentifier: appGroup, optionalDirectory: nil)
Passing data object to a wormhole
let payload = ["Key": "Value"]
wormhole.passMessageObject(payload, identifier: theSameMessageIdentifier)
Listening for incoming object from a wormhole
wormhole.listenForMessageWithIdentifier(theSameMessageIdentifier) { message -> Void in
if let payloadDictionary = message as? Dictionary<String, String> {
// Do some work
It's as simple as that.
Not easily. There is no way to send a direct communication between the two applications.
My current recommendation in this regard is to use files on disk that include the objectIDs of anything that has changed from one app to the other.
When you detect a save to disk you write a file that, for example, is JSON and includes up to three arrays: update, insert, delete. The file name should be some form of timestamp.
Separately you should be watching the directory for any files created by the other app and consume them. Load the ObjectIDs and then create a notification out of the ala iCloud or in iOS 9 a remote notification. Then delete the file after process.
On launch, remove all files from the other store since you will automatically be aware of anything that happened pre-launch.
Not simple but fairly straight forward.

Delete keychain items when an app is uninstalled

I am using idandersen's scifihifi-iphone code for keychain and save password using
[SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:#"User" andPassword:#"123"
forServiceName:#"TestService" updateExisting:YES error:&error];
When I delete the application from the device, the password remains in the keychain.
I want to remove the password from the keychain when the user deletes the application from the device. How can I do this?
You can take advantage of the fact that NSUserDefaults are cleared by uninstallation of an app. For example:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
//Clear keychain on first run in case of reinstallation
if (![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:#"FirstRun"]) {
// Delete values from keychain here
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setValue:#"1strun" forKey:#"FirstRun"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
//...Other stuff that usually happens in didFinishLaunching
This checks for and sets a "FirstRun" key/value in NSUserDefaults on the first run of your app if it's not already set. There's a comment where you should put code to delete values from the keychain. Synchronize can be called to make sure the "FirstRun" key/value is immediately persisted in case the user kills the app manually before the system persists it.
For users looking for a Swift 3.0 version of #amro's answer:
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
if !userDefaults.bool(forKey: "hasRunBefore") {
// Remove Keychain items here
// Update the flag indicator
userDefaults.set(true, forKey: "hasRunBefore")
*note that synchronize() function is deprecated
There is no trigger to perform code when the app is deleted from the device. Access to the keychain is dependant on the provisioning profile that is used to sign the application. Therefore no other applications would be able to access this information in the keychain.
It does not help with you aim to remove the password in the keychain when the user deletes application from the device but it should give you some comfort that the password is not accessible (only from a re-install of the original application).
For those looking for a Swift version of #amro's answer:
let userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if userDefaults.boolForKey("hasRunBefore") == false {
// remove keychain items here
// update the flag indicator
userDefaults.setBool(true, forKey: "hasRunBefore")
userDefaults.synchronize() // forces the app to update the NSUserDefaults
C# Xamarin version
const string FIRST_RUN = "hasRunBefore";
var userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults;
if (!userDefaults.BoolForKey(FIRST_RUN))
//TODO: remove keychain items
userDefaults.SetBool(true, FIRST_RUN);
... and to clear records from the keychain (TODO comment above)
var securityRecords = new[] { SecKind.GenericPassword,
foreach (var recordKind in securityRecords)
SecRecord query = new SecRecord(recordKind);
Files will be deleted from your app's document directory when the user uninstalls the app. Knowing this, all you have to do is check whether a file exists as the first thing that happens in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:. Afterwards, unconditionally create the file (even if it's just a dummy file).
If the file did not exist at time of check, you know this is the first run since the latest install. If you need to know later in the app, save the boolean result to your app delegate member.
#amro's answer translated to Swift 4.0:
if UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "FirstInstall") == nil {
UserDefaults.standard.set(false, forKey: "FirstInstall")
This seems to be the default behavior on iOS 10.3 based on behavior people have been witnessing in beta #2. Haven't found any official documentation about this yet so please comment if you have.
Just add an app setting bundle and implement a toggle to reset the keychain on app restart or something based on the value selected through settings (available through userDefaults)

Storing accessToken in Facebook iOS SDK

I have the Facebook iOS SDK set up in my app. However, I have trouble determining when my session is finished. How to check if it's finished, and where (how) to store the access token received by the login?
I need to determine whether I have the access token or not right from the beginning so I know whether to log in again, or go forward in the app.
Are you familiar with NSUserDefaults ? It is for storing preferences for your app.
They are extremely easy to use, and probably what you are looking for. So it's just something like ..
NSUserDefaults *factoids;
NSString *whateverIDstring; // make this a property for convenience
factoids = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
self.whateverIDstring = [factoids stringForKey:#"storeTheStringHere"];
if ( ( whateverIDstring == Nil ) || ( [whateverIDstring isEqualToString:#""] ) )
// it does not yet exist, so try to make a new one...
// we already made one last time the program ran
// when you make a new one, save it in the prefs file like this...
[factoids setObject:yourNewString forKey:#"storeTheStringHere"];
[factoids synchronize];
Hope it helps!
ONE get the preferences in to 'factoids' as in the example above
TWO decide on a name for your preference. 'storeTheStringHere' in the example.
THREE get your string 'whateverIDstring' in the example using stringForKey:
FOUR check if it is either nil or blank. if so, start fresh.
FIVE once you get the value, save it as shown!
Hope it helps!
