How to run the AppBuilder to deploy a NativeScript application - ios

I try to deploy my NativeScript application to my iOS device. I know there have been quite a few questions on this but I just can not get behind it.
What did I try to do?
I followed this tutorial:
It tells me to install the AppBuilder - which I did (like mentioned here, where I am told to simply run sudo npm install appbuilder -g --unsafe-perm). Executing this (in my project directory) it installs the appbuilder with the following message:
Autocompletion is already enabled
└── appbuilder#3.7.5
So far so good, so I ran appbuilder doctor
WARNING: Mono 3.12 or later is not installed or not configured properly.
You will not be able to work with Android devices in the device simulator or debug on connected Android devices.
To be able to work with Android in the device simulator and debug on connected Android devices,
download and install Mono 3.12 or later from
When you file an issue, these warnings will help the AppBuilder team to investigate, identify, and resolve the report.
Please, ignore them if you are not experiencing any issues with AppBuilder.
I ignored this warning, since I do not want to deploy to android (yet). So I went ahead on the tutorial and it told me I had to use code-signing of iOS-Apps. On this side they tell me to meet the following prerequisites:
Verify that your preferred AppBuilder client is running and you are logged in.
Verify that you have opened the code for your app in AppBuilder.
Which is where I am already passing out. How do I run the AppBuilder? I thought that was just like NativeScript and I could access anything of it just via the Terminal (if necessary).


IOS-Deploy and iOS developer certificate

I am trying to bring the demo application of IOS-Deploy on my iPhone.
I followed the instructions on this page.
make works and generates the bundle.
The command ios-deploy --debug --bundle from the Makefile does however issue an error message aka "Could not verify app".
Deploying a self-made app with xCode works however. In this case I also get a notification on the IPhone that allows me to confirm the execution of the app.
Among others, I am unsure whether IOS-Deploy digests my Apple Developer Certificate correctly. I did not do anything specific to install it.
I need to use IOS-Deploy for a project, so I cannot just switch to xCode.

React Native app not running in XCode iOS simulator

I try to make my first steps using React Native. Development for Android (on Windows host) works. Now I wanted to test iOS, and tried to set up a development environment on a MacBook Pro.
Problem: React Native starts the iOS simulator, and then nothing happens any more. The simulator runs OK, but my React native app won't start.
What do I need to do to get my React Native installation going?
More Info:
I set up XCode and React Native according to the docs on the MacBook Pro running OSx 10.13.2 (High Sierra). XCode was installed and tested successfully, including the simulator.
When I installed Node.js I deliberately picked an older version (containing npm 4.2.0), since forums say that React Native does still have problems with npm 5. I also installed Homebrew and Watchman, like stated in the docs.
To initialize an empty project, I used
create-react-native-app HelloWorldProject
and a projet structure got created in my Documents folder.
If I finally fire up my "Hello World" test app using
cd HelloWorldProject
sudo react-native run-ios
the system responds:
Starting packager ...
Starting simulator ...
and then nothing happens. The simulator does indeed start (boot --> apple logo --> progress bar --> IOs start screen), but nothing happens afterwards.
I have given up on React Native for several reasons, I leave this question here for documentary purposes, but I cannot verify or accept any answer, I don't have a React Native development environment any more.
It's probably because you used sudo. /.expo/ is owned by root. Try to change the ownership with
sudo chown -R `whoami` ~/.expo
Even everything in your app seems fine, sometime you face the issue that the app is taking too much time to load either through terminal or Xcode. If there is no any other specific issue with your project, the following solution works most of the time:
Go to your app folder and then go to 'iOS' folder.
Delete 'Podfile.lock' and 'Pods' folder.
Execute the following command in Terminal from your 'ios' folder, that will bring back the 'Podfile.lock' and required Pods will be installed to 'Pods' folder:
pod install
Delete the 'build' folder in your 'iOS' folder.
Run the following command in terminal:
react-native run-ios
While the terminal is running, open '.xcworkspace' in your 'ios' folder in Xcode.
The above steps will make sure it will be build your react native project newly and will run on the simulator.
Wasantha Wijayaratna

Installing Appcelerator Studio OS X El Capitan

I've been using Appcelerator Studio a lot, never seen this problem before. I recently did a fresh installation of OS X, then installing Xcode (7.3.1) and Command Line Tools for Xcode 7.3.1.
When installing Appcelerator Studio (build: everything is going great, the CLI gets installed. When starting up Appcelerator Studio, I have to configure SDKs, hence I am only interested in iOS at the moment, I uncheck Android in the Platform Configuration. The following is that Configuring SDK encountered a problem:
An internal error occurred during: "Configuring SDK". java.lang.NullPointerException
I continuing, and go to Preferences>Studio>Platforms>iOS, where the iOS SDK home says Not specified, I click refresh - nothing happens.
I run xcode-select -p and the correct path to Xcode Developer folder is printed.
Anyone having a clue of solving this?
I've check all the version statuses, also tried to reinstall and deleting all information that can impact to this.
Share the directory hierarchy where you have stored Android SDK and Platform screen folder. Also try to follow the guidelines of Titanium to integrate iOS, but remember to clean the hidden folders in root directory of your OS X system.
I believe the problem might be with your Xcode. Are you having multiple Xcode's installed?
Use sudo xcode-select -switch <xcode_folder_path> switch between Xcode's.
Then,run appc ti info -t ios and check whether CLI is able to identify the selected Xcode. If your Xcode is listed here, then studio should be able to identify it.

Running RoboVM/libgdx iOS app

I'm trying to develop an iOS app using RoboVM and libgdx. So far, I've just created a simple project, and have been trying to get it to run on iOS. So far, the farthest I've gotten is running this command:
robovm -verbose -arch x86 -os ios -cp robovm/lib/robovm-objc.jar:robovm/lib/robovm-cocoatouch.jar -jar <project>.jar
This generates a directory with a file called Info.plist, a file called <package_name>.<main_class>, and a lib directory. The file called <package_name>.<main_class> is a Mach-O executable i386. How would I go about running the file, and how would I go about uploading it to an iPhone as an app? There doesn't seem to be much documentation on RoboVM, and I've never really used a mac before, so I apologize if I'm missing something obvious.
Edit: To clarify, I want to both know how to run the app that was generated by RoboVM after I ran the command above, and to know how to upload that app to an iPhone to run it there. Preferably, I'd like to do this all without the RoboVM eclipse plugin.
Did you use the setup UI of libgdx? If so you can easy run the project:
iOS RoboVM: Right click the robovm project, Run As -> iOS Device App to run on a connected device, or Run As -> iOS Simulator App to run on the iOS simulator. If you run on a device, you need to provision it to be able to deploy to it! [Link about how to start developing with libgdx]
Install roboVM plugin for eclipse. Create the Projects with the setup UI. (Core and RoboVM) And rightclick the robo project Run As -> iOS and it should work.
You do not run it with commandline if you use libgdx. You are missing alot of lib and backend stuff from libgdx which need to be compiled too.
Moreover if you want to upload it to a device you need an Provision.

simple kivy application not running on android?

i'm trying to run kivy examples on my android emulator, i can build them and install them on my device without any problem but i can't start them. does anybody have this problem too?
i'm using android API 18 as target.
You can run adb logcat, then try to start your app. After it crashes, you can ctrl+c to stop logcat and search for "died". Your error should be shown a few lines before it says your app died.
First thing, I'm not your problem with an emulator or a device? Or you have different problems on each?
If it's an emulator, make sure you are using a recent android version (I think you need at least 4.1 or something), and it must have hardware acceleration enabled for kivy to work.
Either way, if the app installs but fails to start, that suggests something is crashing it at the initialisation stage. You should plug your device into your computer, enable adb in its developer options, and run adb logcat to see the device log in real time. Run your application, and you will see the initialisation log and any standard python log when the app fails. This should indicate the problem.
The adb tool comes with the android sdk, so you must have it if you built an apk, but you might need to find it manually somewhere in the sdk folder if it isn't already somewhere in your $PATH.
I have same issue in past and I solve by adding requirements in .spec
This requirements work for me:
requirements = hostpython3==3.7.8,python3==3.7.8,kivy==1.11.1, certifi,chardet, lxml, docutils, future, idna, Kivy-Garden, Pygments, requests, six, soupsieve, urllib3, deep-translator, arabic-reshaper, python-bidi, openssl, pyopenssl, numpy, pytz, python-dateutil, pandas, setuptools, zope.interface, datetime
you have to write all modules and parent module in requirements which your app is using.
To know module which you app is using has two method:
run command pip freeze in current app folder in powershell
install all the module as below photo which help to install your application module
