Is there a way to share app configuration between devices? - ios

I've got several games on my phones and tablets that carry over their settings and states between devices (e.g., I leave a game on my phone, and I start it up on my tablet it'll be basically where I left off on the phone).
Or, I can uninstall and reinstall the game and not have lost any progress in the game.
Now, I understand that the state is being saved on a central server by the game publisher, and being downloaded each time the game starts. And I understand that they are linking my profile between them through Game Center.
I'd like to do something similar, but the app I'm working on is not a game. Is there a similar method to know the user of this phone is also the user of this tablet and have the devices pull app settings from my server?

The most similar API would be CloudKit. Its essentially free for this sort of thing. Like Game Center its iOS only.
Like kchromik said Firebase would be another option. It works with other platforms as well but doesn't necessarily integrate as well into iOS.


Is it okay to use my own app from my own device which contains AdMob advertisements

I have implemented an iOS application which has AdMob advertisements in it.
As far as I know if you don't identify your device as a test device during the development phase, Google finds it out and suspends (temporarily or even permanently sometimes) your account.
My app is live on AppStore now. Can I use my own app? Since I used my iPhone as a test device before, I am a little bit worried about it.
Thanks in advance...
Once the app is in production phase and live in the app store, you can use it as any normal user would. However, you should refrain from clicking the ads multiple times as that would lead to click fraud.

Itunes Connect shows desktop as platform for ipad app

Today i noticed that iTunes Connect sales and trends section has a new skin and some new functionality, however it seems that the app (solely for iPad/iPhone) of my company has downloads on a desktop?
Does anyone know what "desktop" could mean for iOS apps?
it is for mac app store applications. since it is a new content on iTunes they are still ironing it out. it will function properly in a short while. like everything else apple does. i actually called the iTunes department for that.
as apple advisors let me know: that means someone downloaded the app from their desktop. so it seems that consumers have the ability to download the iOS apps from their desktop. ha, good to know.:)
This is a tool that provides information about installs, not usage. It doesn't really tell you anything about how people are using the application. I would expect "Desktop" to mean that somebody bought the application through iTunes running on a Mac.
By desktop, it simply means on a Mac or PC someone downloaded the app from iTunes (which stores in your iTunes until you connect your device and sync). Sometimes when you are at your computer it's easier to grab something on sale from iTunes even if you don't sync. The app is still flagged as bought, and if the price goes up you don't have to pay anything.
When browsing or grabbing lots of apps, the computer is usually a bit faster to navigate and easier to flip to app reviews and videos.
For us developers it's an irritating category because we don't know if they are getting the app for an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch.

Can an app keep running while the screen is locked, on a jailbroken iphone?

I have an idea for an app that I'd like to develop, but before I invest a lot of time learning objective C and the iOS APIs, I'd like to make sure that what I want to do is feasible.
The app I want to make is a purely auditory (sound-only) version of Google Glass. I'm visually impaired, so spending a lot of money on something visual, even though it can read content to you, would not be worth it. But if I could use an iPhone to give many of the same options as Google Glass, that would be great.
Many times, I've wanted a piece of information while walking down the street, where I couldn't easily get to my iPhone, because I have my cane in one hand, and something else in the other. In such cases, it'd be awesome if I could say a command, and get a voice response.
I'd use the microphone built into the Apple earphones for audio input, but I'm not sure if it's possible to listen for audio input while the screen is locked. I'm certain it's not possible with a non-jailbroken iPhone.
Can anyone can tell me if this is possible?
Yes, you can do this.
In order to keep your app running all the time, even when the iPhone is locked, you could build a Launch Daemon. A launch daemon can start when the phone does, and is not subject to the restrictions that iOS puts on sandboxed apps, installed to /var/mobile/Applications/.
You do need to have a jailbroken device to take advantage of Launch Daemons. Here is a good tutorial on building one.
Launch Daemons are also a normal part of OS X, so if you need more information, you might try consulting the OS X docs online. Most aspects of Launch Daemons work the same way on a jailbroken iPhone.
You'll also want to be able to detect certain events, to activate your app. You certainly don't want to be processing an audio stream at all times (maybe you only activate the app when you start walking with your cane). To detect events, like a home button press (or however you want to activate your code), I would take a look at RPetrich's libactivator library.

Method for demonstrating iPad application in online meetings

We have recently developed an iPad application and now need to start demonstrating it to customers and prospects as part of our overall product suite during webinars. As part of our Agile methodology, we also need to periodically review the application with key customers without having to distribute it since the application is not a standalone application and requires a connection to web services installed at each customer site.
We have searched high and low for any solution that doesn't involve rooting the device but have been unable to find one. The most common suggestion seems to be to point a webcam at the device, but that comes across as very unprofessional.
I know that there are VGA out adapters that can be plugged into the iPad and we have used these to present through a projector when the customer is physically present, but this is a relatively rare occurrence. Perhaps there are solutions that we are unaware of that can be used to send VGA output back into a desktop device for screen sharing?
Put a Slingbox on your LAN and connect the iPad video to the Slingbox video input. Then use a web browser on your computer to view the Slingbox feed and share your screen with WebEx as usual.
EDIT - BTW, there are other gadgets besides the Slingbox to get composite video into a computer such as Elgato Video Capture to name one.
A better option would be to use
(Im not affiliated with the company).
I use this app.
It can be used with Windows or Mac.
Easy to use -- the only trouble I have is I keep poking my PC instead of the iPad.

Blackberry Development, communicating two Blackberry device in a multiplayer game programatically

We are developing a game application for Blackberry, which will have multi player option to let two or more player compete against each other. We have implemented the logic for that and already two or more player are able to play the game simultaneously on single device.
Now we want to upgrade our application so that two or more user can compete each other playing from different device and different locations.
Can anyone please help me by providing me the way (or code) to achieve this (communicating two blackberry devices over the air to access single session programmaticaly)?
I found the code to connect two device using Bluetooth but as the player may situated in different geographic regions we need to achieve this using over the air connection.
what about pin messaging. after making move of one player send pin messages about his move to other players than read received pin messages through your code using folder listener and change the UI.
pin messaging is free
but both handset should be blackberry.
i have read your article Really Nice one.because Now a days not only big companies like Adobe, Microsoft are doing Blackberry App Development in India at their development center. But now many other small to medium scale companies have started Blackberry Software Development, ipad html5 development and started entering into iPad Web Development. It is considered that, increase in business will be around 100% in Wireless Application Development.
