Amount of random tests generated by QuickChick in Coq - libraries

Whenever I use QuickChick in Coq, it has a default of 10000 tests. Is there a way to change this default value to generate a different amount of tests?

I figured out a way:
Extract Constant Test.defNumTests => "42".
QuickChick test_predicate.
Will test test_predicate up to 42 times:
+++ Passed 42 tests (0 discards)

You could also try using QuickChickWith, stdArgs and updMaxSuccess as follows:
QuickChickWith (updMaxSuccess stdArgs 42) test_predicate.
However, most of the time I use your extraction hack to avoid large natural numbers.


Is there a way to detect NaN and -NaN?

I want to save lua number to string and handle NaN case correctly.
Detecting any NaN is easy, x ~= x.
However, only one way which I've found to detect is it NaN or -NaN is to use tostring(x) == 'nan'. Is there a better way to do it?
Instead of tostring(x) == 'nan', which is not portable, you can do the comparison with the actual tostring call: tostring(x) == tostring(0/0) or tostring(x) == tostring(-(0/0)) depending on what you need. If you need to do multiple comparisons, you can save the result of tostring and reuse it.
There are more than two NaNs exist (actually, there are 2^52-1 NaNs according to IEEE-754).
Their tostring-ed representations are platform-dependent.
This is an example how to get three different NaNs (I'm using Lua 5.3 built with Visual Studio):
n = string.unpack(">d", string.pack(">d", 0/0):sub(1, -2).."#")
print(0/0, -(0/0), n) --> -1.#IND 1.#QNAN -1.#QNAN
So, it would be more correct to not distinguish between different variants of NaN.

Other ways to call/eval dynamic strings in Lua?

I am working with a third party device which has some implementation of Lua, and communicates in BACnet. The documentation is pretty janky, not providing any sort of help for any more advanced programming ideas. It's simply, "This is how you set variables...". So, I am trying to just figure it out, and hoping you all can help.
I need to set a long list of variables to certain values. I have a userdata 'ME', with a bunch of variables named MVXX (e.g. - MV21, MV98, MV56, etc).
(This is all kind of background for BACnet.) Variables in BACnet all have 17 'priorities', i.e., every BACnet variable is actually a sort of list of 17 values, with priority 16 being the default. So, typically, if I were to say ME.MV12 = 23, that would set MV12's priority-16 to the desired value of 23.
However, I need to set priority 17. I can do this in the provided Lua implementation, by saying ME.MV12_PV[17] = 23. I can set any of the priorities I want by indexing that PV. (Corollaries - what is PV? What is the underscore? How do I get to these objects? Or are they just interpreted from Lua to some function in C on the backend?)
All this being said, I need to make that variable name dynamic, so that i can set whichever value I need to set, based on some other code. I have made several attempts.
This tells me the object(MV12_PV[17]) does not exist:
x = 12
ME["MV" .. x .. "_PV[17]"] = 23
But this works fine, setting priority 16 to 23:
x = 12
ME["MV" .. x] = 23
I was trying to attempt some sort of what I think is called an evaluation, or eval. But, this just prints out function followed by some random 8 digit number:
x = 12
test = assert(loadstring("MV" .. x .. "_PV[17] = 23"))
Any help? Apologies if I am unclear - tbh, I am so far behind the 8-ball I am pretty much grabbing at straws.
Underscores can be part of Lua identifiers (variable and function names). They are just part of the variable name (like letters are) and aren't a special Lua operator like [ and ] are.
In the expression ME.MV12_PV[17] we have ME being an object with a bunch of fields, ME.MV12_PV being an array stored in the "MV12_PV" field of that object and ME.MV12_PV[17] is the 17th slot in that array.
If you want to access fields dynamically, the thing to know is that accessing a field with dot notation in Lua is equivalent to using bracket notation and passing in the field name as a string:
-- The following are all equivalent:
local fieldname = "foo"
So in your case you might want to try doing something like this:
local n = 12
ME["MV"..n.."_PV"][17] = 23
BACnet "Commmandable" Objects (e.g. Binary Output, Analog Output, and o[tionally Binary Value, Analog Value and a handful of others) actually have 16 priorities (1-16). The "17th" you are referring to may be the "Relinquish Default", a value that is used if all 16 priorities are set to NULL or "Relinquished".
Perhaps your system will allow you to write to a BACnet Property called "Relinquish Default".

How to create a dummy variable

I'm working in a project that uses the IBM SPSS but I had some problems to set a dummy variable(binary variable).The process to get the variable is following : Consider an any variable(width for example), to get the dummy variable, we need
to sort this variable in the decreasing way; The next step is make a somatory of the cases until a limit, the cases before the limit receive the value 1 in the dummy variable the other values receive 0.
Your explanation is rather vague. And the critical value you give in the printscreen should be 2.009 in stead of 20.09?
But I think you mean the following.
When using syntax, use:
compute newdummyvariable eq (ABr gt 2.009477106).
To check if it's okay:
fre newdummyvariable.
In order to compute a dummy based on the cumulative sum, the answer is as follows:
If your critical value is predetermined, the fastest way is to sort in decending order, and to use the command create with csum() to compute an extra variable which I called ABr_cumul. This one, you use to compute the newdummyvariable. As follows:
sort cases by ABr (d).
create ABr_cumul = csum(VAR00001).
compute newdummyvariable = (ABr_cumul le 20.094771061766488).
fre newdummyvariable.
the dummy comes from the sum of all cases, after decreasing order raqueados when cases of a variable representing 50% of the variable t0tal, these cases receive 1 and the other 0 ...

Syntax for counting cases

I work with SPSS and have difficulty finding/generating a syntax for counting cases.
I have about 120 cases and five variables. I need to know the count /proportion of cases where just one, more than one, or all of the cases have a value of 1 (dichotomous variable). Then I need to compute a new variable that shows the number / proportion of cases which include all of the aforementioned cases (also dichotomous).
For example case number one: var1=1, var2=1, var3=1, var4=0, var5=0 --> newvariable=1.
Case number two: var1=0, var2=0, var3=0, var4=0, var5=0 --> newvariable=1.
And so on...
Can anybody help me with a syntax?
Help would much appreciated!
Here we can use the sum of the variables to determine your conditions. So using a scratch variable that is the sum, we can see if it is equal to 1, more than 1 or 5 in your example.
compute #sum = SUM(var1 to var5).
compute just_one = (#sum = 1).
compute more_one = (#sum > 1).
compute all_one = (#sum = 5).
Similarly, all_one could be computed using the ANY command to evaluate if any zeroes exist, i.e. compute all_one = ANY(0,var1 to var5).. These code snippets assume that var1 to var5 are contiguous in the data frame, if not they just need to be replaced with var1,var2,var3,var4,var5 in all given instances.
You could read up on the logical function ANY in the Command Syntax Reference manual, if you negated a test for ANY with "0", then that is effectively a test for all "1"s. Use of the COUNT command would be another approach.

py3k print significant figures

In python3 is there a nice way to set significant figures - i.e if I have a list:
l = [2.2738257169723513, 2.2725769281387329, 2.3101812601089478]
I can use the nice new print system and do
But I'm unclear as to how to set the sigfig with out doing
m = "%.2f, %.2f, %.2f" % (l[0], l[1], l[2])
I was wondering if there was an option to print to just say - print all floats to 2 dp?
I guess I could use a loop but that seems not very Python like
Actually, it is definitely pythonic, and it is the only way to do what you're asking. That said, you can still use a comprehension to make this more concise (in this cause a tuple, but you can use a list or use list(map():
# I've changed the name to float_list because l should not be
# used as a variable name in Python according to the standard
# style recommendations
print(*('{0:.2f}'.format(x) for x in float_list), sep="\t")
