Released app crashes several days after install - ios

I have developed an app and have it successfully released on App Store. I have downloaded it from the App Store onto my device. At first everything worked perfectly, until after a few days, when some parts of (not all of) the app stops working properly, specifically, the device returns to its home screen when certain buttons are clicked.I have received reports from users about this issue as well.
After using XCode to build and run the app on my device, everything goes back to normal. Since this only happens after several days have passed, I cannot recreate this problem right now, hence apologies for not having error messages to show. Any ideas on possible reasons of this issue?


Two Ionic apps on iPhone appearing to open each other

I have two completely different Ionic apps running on my iPhone and I can get one to open the other and visa versa!
First app, App-V3, is an Ionic V3 app that has been in production for years and has been downloaded for App Store. Second app, App-V4, is an Ionic V4 app that is still in development and loaded onto my phone with Xcode. The code bases are completely different as are the back-ends and remote databases.
Procedure: both apps have been stopped, i.e. will restart, display launch image, to open.
Either app - start, wait for launch image to come and go, and then the app becomes live.
Close this app using home button on my iPhone6S.
Then immediately open the other app.
The correct launch image displays but the original app appears!! The order makes no difference, start with App-V3 or App-V4, will have that app running in the other with above steps.
This does seem to be time dependent. After opening one app, after that app becomes live, if I wait for approximately 6 seconds or more, then close it, and immediately open the other app, then this app will start correctly. It seems that if I wait for only 5 seconds or less, then I will see the issue.
I would like to understand why this is happening. Thanks.
Maybe you have the same Id in the config.xml of your both projects, I know in android wont let you install it if its the same.

TestFlight vs Live - app crashing on load when Live but not in TestFlight

I have a strange problem with a number of my app users that I’m struggling to figure out.
I’ve had reports from a small portion of my app users that their app starts to crash when they open it. It shows the splash screen but as soon as it is about to engage the main form it crashes back to the home screen of the phone.
The strange thing is that the exact same build prior to submitting to Apple, if installed through TestFlight opens fine. As soon as an affected user then installs the exact same build from the Live Store over it, the app crashes on load again 100%
I’d like to understand what happens technically to an app binary when it transitions from TestFlight to Production in the Apple App Store and wonder if anyone knows?
This may be a red herring and no doubt it’s a bug in my code but I’m suspicious that TestFlight builds behave differently and I’d like to determine if it’s related.

"Sideloaded" iOS app unavailable after sideloading to another device [duplicate]

I am currently working an iOS app, nothing serious, just a simple budget tracker. The workflow is the following: coding some new stuff into app => connect my iPhone to my mac => building app with Xcode to my iPhone 6 and my wife's iPhone 6 plus (so two different device!). At this point everything works fine.
But after a while (sometimes just a few days, sometimes weeks), the app suddenly stop working on both devices at the same time, without any foreshadow: We don't update iOS and don't do any changing in the environment, the app just start to do like this: (but in my case, the app can't reach the first view, crashing immediately after start).
The most weird thing is, the crashing issue starts exactly the same time on both different device, but the "no-problem interval" is never the same: sometimes the crash starts after one day, sometimes after two weeks, etc.
After I rebuild the app to devices with Xcode, the whole thing starts over, and the app works fine for a while.
I already tried these things to debug this problem:
Fixing all the warnings cased by the Swift's frequent syntax change, so my app always free of warnings => same problem still there
Checking the diagnostic debug logs on devices, no logs for the time of crashing
Checking memory usage on startup, its about 25MB on login screen (first view), and the max memory usage is about 38-40MB in the app.
Debugging app with Xcode, but as I mentioned above, there is no errors/warnings, and after the successful build, the app works fine again.
What is happening here?
If application is installed with XCode and you don't have a Paid Program Developer Account, the life expectancy of the app is like 48h approximately
(There is no official time of validity for that)
, for a paid program, it's a few month with the correct certificate. Currently it seems to be approx 60 days.
If you didn't sign your app, it has low life expectancy. It's quite new that Apple allow you to deploy for a free account, but it just for testing purpose (other than simulator), if you want more days to test on device, you have to pay for the developer program.
Hope This will help you...
Do let me know if you have any other query.

My WatchOS2 app stuck on launch with Spinner

I built a demo app on WatchOS 2.0.1, on every launch it was getting stuck with App name on Top Left corner and spinner in middle of screen on iWatch (38mm). Watch is brand new and have only native apps installed till now so there should not be any issue with memory.
I tried many times to open the app but it was repeatedly closing automatically after showing Spinner for sometime. After lots of trial my Apps screen got visible and then after on every launch it worked fine without sticking on launch. I tried to double check by Force quit my app using Power button but it worked fine then after.
Then I uninstalled the app from watch and reinstalled it and same thing happened again. It started sticking. Do anyone have Idea on this? Please help on this part.
WatchOS Version : 2.0.1
Your app is crashing, as evidenced by it "automatically closing."
You should be able to track down the reason for the crash by examining the crash report (which can be found in the Xcode Window -> Devices pane). Alternately, you should be able to interactively debug this by running the app within Xcode.
As for it eventually no longer crashing until you deleted and reinstalled the app, the app reached a state where the reason for the crash no longer occurred. This probably is related to needing to handle some error pertaining to a path or file which it is finally able to create or access. Deleting the app recreated the condition where it repeatedly crashed again.

Startup crash iOS App on certain devices

I have a lesson-planning app for music teachers (CS Music Teacher) that was recently released. For most users it's working fine, but for 3 users, the app quits immediately on launch.
Here are the steps:
User opens app (just fine), signs up for service (just fine), logs in (just fine).
User creates first lesson (just fine).
User leaves, opens app to continue working, and it crashes immediately after splash screen.
Deleting and reinstalling app does not solve the problem. For some strange reason, deleting the lesson solves the problem, but it repeats when they make a new lesson.
Yet there's nothing different about the lessons. In fact, one user can use the app fine on his iPad, but the crash happens on his iPhone. Another user has crashes on an iPad mini.
I don't have access to the crash data from the users :(
So here are my guesses. If you think one of these is the right area to look, I'll try to figure out what code to add:
Core Data is corrupted: This often causes this kind of immediate crash. But in the past, I thought a full delete/reinstall would clear this?
Every lesson is synced with a server, and there is a problem when the app tries to sync/download on startup. But again, I have no idea why this would be different for a few devices.
