Startup crash iOS App on certain devices - ios

I have a lesson-planning app for music teachers (CS Music Teacher) that was recently released. For most users it's working fine, but for 3 users, the app quits immediately on launch.
Here are the steps:
User opens app (just fine), signs up for service (just fine), logs in (just fine).
User creates first lesson (just fine).
User leaves, opens app to continue working, and it crashes immediately after splash screen.
Deleting and reinstalling app does not solve the problem. For some strange reason, deleting the lesson solves the problem, but it repeats when they make a new lesson.
Yet there's nothing different about the lessons. In fact, one user can use the app fine on his iPad, but the crash happens on his iPhone. Another user has crashes on an iPad mini.
I don't have access to the crash data from the users :(
So here are my guesses. If you think one of these is the right area to look, I'll try to figure out what code to add:
Core Data is corrupted: This often causes this kind of immediate crash. But in the past, I thought a full delete/reinstall would clear this?
Every lesson is synced with a server, and there is a problem when the app tries to sync/download on startup. But again, I have no idea why this would be different for a few devices.


TestFlight vs Live - app crashing on load when Live but not in TestFlight

I have a strange problem with a number of my app users that I’m struggling to figure out.
I’ve had reports from a small portion of my app users that their app starts to crash when they open it. It shows the splash screen but as soon as it is about to engage the main form it crashes back to the home screen of the phone.
The strange thing is that the exact same build prior to submitting to Apple, if installed through TestFlight opens fine. As soon as an affected user then installs the exact same build from the Live Store over it, the app crashes on load again 100%
I’d like to understand what happens technically to an app binary when it transitions from TestFlight to Production in the Apple App Store and wonder if anyone knows?
This may be a red herring and no doubt it’s a bug in my code but I’m suspicious that TestFlight builds behave differently and I’d like to determine if it’s related.

Released app crashes several days after install

I have developed an app and have it successfully released on App Store. I have downloaded it from the App Store onto my device. At first everything worked perfectly, until after a few days, when some parts of (not all of) the app stops working properly, specifically, the device returns to its home screen when certain buttons are clicked.I have received reports from users about this issue as well.
After using XCode to build and run the app on my device, everything goes back to normal. Since this only happens after several days have passed, I cannot recreate this problem right now, hence apologies for not having error messages to show. Any ideas on possible reasons of this issue?

Swift application quits after open, works from Xcode

I am encountering a strange situation with a simple application I develop. When I deploy the application using Xcode (with debugger attached), it works perfectly.
When I close Xcode, disconnect the phone, kill and restart the application, it works just fine, too! For several hours that is.
After some time (usually the next day morning) when I try to open the app up, it immediately fails. A white rectangle filling the screen animation does happen, but when the application is supposed to flash its UI in, it quits instead.
How can I get ahold of the crash logs from the iPhone? Does it store any? This application is not from the AppStore, it's my development application installed through Xcode.
When I re-deploy it after finding this has happened again, hoping I'll get something with a debugger attached, it starts working again. This has happened to two of my apps.
You could try to look into your device's logs: Window->Devices -> Select your device-> Click 'View Device Logs'. Find your app crash there and on the right side you should see a crash report.

app keeps getting closed (NOT CRASH)

I have an enterprise distribution and I got it installed on a user device.
Device was little old.
After all the setup, when the user opens the app, it keeps getting closed and goes back to device home screen.
It does not crash because when I open it, it authenticates and then close again.
Its not my device but a device of one of the user.
I can open it multiple times and each time it authenticates, connects and then close. I would assume its not crashing then I guess because of a crash in app code base.
What could be the reason?

iOS app won't start after app upgrade

One user has a problem with one of my apps after the latest upgrade. She says the app will not open. It sounds like she sees the Default launch screen for a second and then it disappears i.e. it crashes when trying to run app code.
Also, she says when she double taps the Home button to see the apps currently running, she sees my app, with the "normal" type of screen i.e. a table with a few entries (which was created with the version prior to the upgrade).
She has tried powering off and on.
Can anyone offer any suggestions on what might be happening. No other user has reported the same problem.
It may be that she could remove the app and reinstall, but then she would lose all of her data which would be bad. Is there any way of reinstalling without removing from the iPhone?
EDIT: I just got a little more information from the user. As I said before, after the crash, when she presses the Home button twice to see running apps, she sees my app, with a few entries in the opening screen table. What is interesting, for the upgrade, I changed the order of the entries. I also added a tool bar with 2 buttons. She sent me a screen shot and what she is getting is the screen you would expect when running the old version i.e. the table ordered in the old way, and no toolbar. I don't know if this just means my app started to run and crashed before reordering the table and adding the toolbar, or if the installation got corrupted so she is not really running the new application properly. Does that sound feasible? Would there be any way to reinstall the app without removing it (and its data) first?
Are you using CoreData? If you are, and you made changes to the manage model without properly migrating, you may have caused your app to crash.
Look here for more information:
