Jenkins re-run setup wizard - jenkins

Just installed latest Jenkins on Windows server.
Changed it to run as a service and my login no longer works. No problems, disable security for now.
But found out all my plug-ins are missing.
How can I have it rerun the setup wizard?

As seen in issue 310, you need on the server side to remove:
(Search those files on your Windows Jenkins installation folder, to adapt those paths accordingly)
And you would relaunch Jenkins with -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=true

I installed Jenkins through apt and my solution was a little different.
For Jenkins v2.140 I had to edit /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml and change the following line:
then restart Jenkins:
sudo service jenkins restart
Here is everything above in a script:
#! /bin/bash
sudo sed -i 's#<installStateName>NEW.*#<installStateName>RUNNING<\/installStateName>#g' /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml
sudo service jenkins restart
Please note you will have to install all plugins and create users manually. I used the Jenkins CLI


jenkins plugin installation with and without restart difference

What is difference between installation jenkins plugin with restart and without restart.
Can I install a plugin with restart when other builds are running?.
The main difference between 'with restart' and 'without restart' plugin installation is that you cannot upgrade or uninstall plugins without restart (because of the architectural choice made in Jenkins).
So, new plugin can be installed without restart (and when other builds are running as well).
For details, see the official post from Kohsuke Kawaguchi's blog.

Jenkins and Phabricator integration

I am new to jenkins and need to integrate it with phabricator.
I installed jenkins but when I tried to configure it, I can't find Phabricator Section.
It is mentioned that arcanist needs to be installed on jenkins nodes, but I don't know how to do that.
Can anybody help me out?
Here's the repo:
Thanks in advance.
Also to install Arcanist you can follow the Quick Start here.
If you are running Jenkins on a linux server you can quickly install with the command:
sudo apt install arcanist
Afterwards you can use the Manage Jenkins button on the sidebar to navigate to the Plugins Manager page to install the Phabricator Differential plugin seen here

jenkins - plugin (credentials) install manually

I'm trying to setup jenkins version 1.651.3 with manual installation of credentials plugin.
But failed to install the plugin.
Here is what I tried;
Download jenkins from
Install jenkins_1.651.3_all.deb on Ubuntu 16.04.
I can see the default credentials plugin version is 1.18.
Delete old files; rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/credentials*.
Download latest credentials plugin from
Restart jenkins; service jenkins restart.
Still the credentials version is 1.18 not 2.1.13.
How can I install the latest credentials plugin manually? I mean without accessing web UI (Manage Jenkins -> Manage plugins)?
Jenkins creates a directory named after the plugin for every .hpi file you have in your $JENKINS_HOME/plugins/.
Try to find that directory (name should be 'credentials') and delete it.
I found the doc describing this behavior; plugin pinning.
After creating xxx.jpi.pinned it worked.

Is there a way to install the ios-universal-framework on a cloudbees spawned Jenkins slave?

Using a Master Jenkins on premises, and the cloudbees plugin, I am able to kick off iOS builds to a cloud bees instance. It's pretty sweet.
My IOS developers require cloning the ios-universal-framework repo, and then running an script contained within that repo. Everything works fine until the script issues a "sudo" command to copy files into the directory
The cp command needs sudo privileges. I'm thinking this is not possible but since I'm on the free trial plan, this is where I can find support. Thanks to all for reading.

Jenkins user and group removed automatically

I installed Jenkins 1.531.1.1 on CentOS 5.5 by executing the below mentioned commands:
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum install jenkins
I changed the JENKINS_HOME variable in the /etc/sysconfig/jenkins file to something other than /var/lib/jenkins. I changed the default port on which jenkins runs from 8080 to 9999. I also generated the ssh keys needed to pull code from github.
Unfortunately, when I try to define the github repository url in a Jenkins job, it failed to authenticate. When I checked grep jenkins /etc/passwd, the jenkins user was no longer there. I did the whole process twice and the user seems to be getting removed. Any pointers would be helpful!
The deployment team had set up a script to automatically delete any new users created just for maintenance purposes. The fact that it happened across multiple CentOS servers actually triggered me to ask this question.
