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How to get text response in survey monkey via API
(2 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
I'm grabbing survey responses using "/surveys/" . $id . "/responses/bulk". For multiple choice questions, how do I include the label text for a response? Only choice_id is given. I've looked in the document and can't seem to find a clue.
Use the following API endpoint pattern to fetch all the information on the question, including the selects:{survey_id}/pages/{page_id}/questions/{question_id}
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Design RESTful query API with a long list of query parameters [closed]
(4 answers)
How to send a huge parameter list to a GET request
(3 answers)
Rest POST VS GET if payload is huge
(5 answers)
How to desing RESTful advanced search/filter
(1 answer)
Closed 6 months ago.
I'm trying to design a (simple?) REST API using openapi3.0 and the Swagger tools (and sort of new to this, I should add).
One of the endpoints will retrieve a set of items (from a database of several thousand items) based on one or more 'filters', or set of conditions.
Here is my first doubt: I have to pass a (potentially large) set of conditions to my query.
For example:
Does using the GET method imply that everything will be encoded into the URL itself? How will OAS/Swagger know that my URLs won't get too long? Or is this some parameter that I can tweak in the codegen part?
Alternatively, I could use the POST method, but wouldn't this be a betrayal of good API design, as this query would not be modifying the status of the system/database?
Also, GET or POST method aside, I will still need to model the complex query. Should I go with defining a 'filter' schema and have my request define an array of items with the 'filter' schema? Or am I missing a better API design strategy for a case like this?
Also, what about the backend? Will the format of the data the server receives be the same regardless of POST/GET and, above all, regardless of the programming language used for the backend? (.NET, Python Flask, Java, PHP,...)?
During tutorials it looks easy, but I'm sort of confused right now.
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Scraping data to Google Sheets from a website that uses JavaScript
(2 answers)
Closed last month.
Basically the title: I can fetch data from Yahoo Finance for ASML ticker by
=IMPORTXML("", "//*[#id=""quote-header-info""]/div[3]/div[1]/div/span[1]")
but it doesn't work if there a point/dot "." in the ticker:
=IMPORTXML("", "//*[#id=""quote-header-info""]/div[3]/div[1]/div/span[1]")
returning the infamous
error. I would appreciate it if you could help me know what is the problem and how I can resolve it.
P.S.1 Please note that the above URLs are both valid pointing towards different stocks.
P.S.2. I wrote a relevant post here.
P.S.3. The same issue was also identified by this post.
I do not know why all tickers with dots are not returning properly, but you can try using Apps Script as alternative via UrlFetchApp.fetch and use this custom function I created.
function customImportXML(link) {
var regex = /span class="Trsdu\(0.3s\) Fw\(b\) Fz\(36px\) Mb\(-4px\) D\(ib\)"[^>]*>([^<]*)</g;
return regex.exec(UrlFetchApp.fetch(link).getContentText())[1];
I used the class as identifier as the data-reactid is not permanent.
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Calling a Method From a String With the Method's Name in Ruby
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a table of scores that need processing at certain points. I am trying to avoid having walls of repetitive code so I am trying to get the values dynamically just by sending in the metric value but I cannot seem to get the syntax right and wasn't even sure how to properly search for this.
A typical value I need is something like this
s = score.total_weighted_strategic_values_score
All of these have the same structure to the name but one part changes based on the metric, so I have been trying something like this
s = score.total_weighted_"#{metric}"_score
Where metric is equal to a string strategic_values or whatever the metric is named.
This throws a syntax error, however, and I cannot find anything else to try. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You need to use public_send:
s = score.public_send("total_weighted_#{metric}_score")
Some more reading on it:
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How to check if a POST submitted field exists in VBScript?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to check if a variable exists on the current page in asp? i.e.
For the url:
I'd like to check if the ?question variable exists.
<%Request.ServerVariables("Query_String")%> would give question=something but I just want to know if the current url contains ?question. I don't care what the actual value is as long as it exists.
Ask the Request collection:
HasParam = Request("question").Count > 0
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Closed 12 years ago.
How can i get an unique id from one of installed hardwares? Something like h.d.d serial or motherboard, ....?
Check this URL :
Better one:
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