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How to check if a POST submitted field exists in VBScript?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to check if a variable exists on the current page in asp? i.e.
For the url:
I'd like to check if the ?question variable exists.
<%Request.ServerVariables("Query_String")%> would give question=something but I just want to know if the current url contains ?question. I don't care what the actual value is as long as it exists.
Ask the Request collection:
HasParam = Request("question").Count > 0
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Calling a Method From a String With the Method's Name in Ruby
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a table of scores that need processing at certain points. I am trying to avoid having walls of repetitive code so I am trying to get the values dynamically just by sending in the metric value but I cannot seem to get the syntax right and wasn't even sure how to properly search for this.
A typical value I need is something like this
s = score.total_weighted_strategic_values_score
All of these have the same structure to the name but one part changes based on the metric, so I have been trying something like this
s = score.total_weighted_"#{metric}"_score
Where metric is equal to a string strategic_values or whatever the metric is named.
This throws a syntax error, however, and I cannot find anything else to try. any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
You need to use public_send:
s = score.public_send("total_weighted_#{metric}_score")
Some more reading on it:
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How to get text response in survey monkey via API
(2 answers)
Closed 7 months ago.
I'm grabbing survey responses using "/surveys/" . $id . "/responses/bulk". For multiple choice questions, how do I include the label text for a response? Only choice_id is given. I've looked in the document and can't seem to find a clue.
Use the following API endpoint pattern to fetch all the information on the question, including the selects:{survey_id}/pages/{page_id}/questions/{question_id}
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How to validate text isn't blank in Rails
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm trying to find a way to reject creation of a message if the form filled out is empty (including spaces and new lines). Currently I have the form set to required: true but that doesn't stop a user from hitting the spacebar and sending the message. I don't know if Rails has a built in validation or if there is some regex I would have to use.
You're after a presence validator in your model. It will explicitly require that your field's present? be true, which it won't be if the column contains only whitespace.
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What does map(&:name) mean in Ruby?
(17 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
In another answer, I saw an interesting syntax for calling a method on each object in a collection in Rails (or is this really just Ruby?) I tried searching for it but I couldnt find any documentation on it.
Is &: an operator? If not, what is it? What is it called? What else can be done with the &: operator?
&: is called symbol_to_proc
And it is ruby not rails specific
Relevant link
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Closed 12 years ago.
How can i get an unique id from one of installed hardwares? Something like h.d.d serial or motherboard, ....?
Check this URL :
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