catch any error in angular dart (like angular's ErrorHandler) - dart

I need to catch any front end (angulardart) error and send it back to the server.
I saw there is something like his in regular Angular ErrorHandler, but I can't find any equivalent in angular dart (or dart it self).
Maybe I should hack the Exception object's constructor, but I don't find it a good approach (assuming it's possible)
any hints please?

In Dart it's quite similar:
class ErrorHandler implements ExceptionHandler {
ApplicationRef _appRef;
ErrorHandler(Injector injector) {
// prevent DI circular dependency
new Future<Null>.delayed(Duration.ZERO, () {
_appRef = injector.get(ApplicationRef) as ApplicationRef;
void call(dynamic exception, [dynamic stackTrace, String reason]) {
final stackTraceParam = stackTrace is StackTrace
? stackTrace
: (stackTrace is String
? new StackTrace.fromString(stackTrace)
: (stackTrace is List
? new StackTrace.fromString(stackTrace.join('\n'))
: null));
_log.shout(reason ?? exception, exception, stackTraceParam);
// We can try to get an error shown, but don't assume the app is
// in a healthy state after this error handler was reached.
// You can for example still instruct the user to reload the
// page with danger to cause hare because of inconsistent
// application state..
// To get changes shown, we need to explicitly invoke change detection.
Provide the error handler
return bootstrap(AppComponent, [const Provide(ExceptionHandler, useClass: ErrorHandler)]);
For errors that might be caused outside Angular, see also How to catch all uncaught errors in a dart polymer app?


Q: Using Circuit Breaker in SAP Cloud SDK resilience

When I tried to use ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable() to enable circuit breaker, I have to throw out ResilienceRuntimeException in my callable to make the circuit break work. Sample code as below. Without it, circuit breaker is always closed. is this the right way to do it?
response = ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(() -> {
HttpResponse response1 = tryHttpClient.get().execute(request);
if (response1.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 404){
throw new ResilienceRuntimeException("404 error is raised when calling SB api");
return response1;
e -> {LOG.warn("resiliience fallback call: " + e); return response1;});
I am asking since I don't see any document of it. Also when I check how destination configuration in SCP is retrieved, I saw the following code in . It doesn't throw out ResilienceRuntimeException, when using ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(). so my question is do I need to throw out ResilienceRuntimeException or not to make circuit breaker work? if I don't need, anything wrong in my code?
return (String)ResilienceDecorator.executeCallable(() -> {
XsuaaCredentials xsuaaCredentials = (new ServiceCredentialsRetriever()).getClientCredentials("destination");
AccessToken accessToken;
if (propagateUser) {
accessToken = xsuaaService.retrieveAccessTokenViaUserTokenExchange(xsuaaCredentials.getXsuaaUri(), xsuaaCredentials.getCredentials(), useProviderTenant);
} else {
accessToken = xsuaaService.retrieveAccessTokenViaClientCredentialsGrant(xsuaaCredentials.getXsuaaUri(), xsuaaCredentials.getCredentials(), useProviderTenant);
return this.fetchDestinationsJson(servicePath, accessToken);
}, ResilienceConfiguration.of(DestinationService.class).isolationMode(ResilienceIsolationMode.TENANT_OPTIONAL).timeLimiterConfiguration(TimeLimiterConfiguration.of().timeoutDuration(Duration.ofSeconds(6L))).circuitBreakerConfiguration(CircuitBreakerConfiguration.of().waitDuration(Duration.ofSeconds(6L))));
I'm not the most experienced in this specific part, but looking at your code it seems fine to me. When a server returns 404 Not found it's not an indication of a service failure or error, but that resource is simply not found. If in your case 404 means that an error took place and the request has to be retried with a resilient approach, you have to throw that exception to inform Resilience4J that smth went wrong.
While we're working on improving our documentation, I recommend you take a look at the existing tutorial explaining resilience within the SAP Cloud SDK context. There we also throw ResilienceRuntimeException for clarity:
public List<BusinessPartner> execute() {
return ResilienceDecorator.executeSupplier(this::run, myResilienceConfig, e -> {
logger.warn("Fallback called because of exception.", e);
return Collections.emptyList();
private List<BusinessPartner> run() {
try {
return businessPartnerService
.orderBy(BusinessPartner.LAST_NAME, Order.ASC)
} catch (ODataException e) {
throw new ResilienceRuntimeException(e);
Regarding the code snippet from the DestinationService, I believe that fetchDestinationsJson() method throws an implicit exception thus letting Resilience4J know that smth went wrong. While in your case HttpClient won't throw anything when receiving 404 as it's a correct response code as any other.
I also think that checking CircuitsBreaker examples from Resilience4J library might be helpful.
I hope it helps:)
No you do not have to throw a ResilienceRuntimeException. In fact the SDK only uses that to wrap checked and unchecked exceptions into an unchecked exception which wraps all kinds of failures that occur within a resilient call.
Please expand your question with more details, I'll then expand this answer:
Which version of the SDK are you using?
How (and how often) do you invoke the decorated callable? Please expand the code block.
Please specify the exact behaviour you observe. What exception is thrown when you invoke the decorated callable? If the circuit breaker opens this should be a CallNotPermittedException wrapped inside a ResilienceRuntimeException
Reduce the callable to simply throw an exception in order to simplify the code
Reduce the resilience configuration to only use a circuit breaker (leverage ResilienceConfiguration.empty()). If that works add stuff back in again until it doesn't.
For reference also please find the documentation of resilience4j which the SDK uses under the hood to perform resilient operations.

Why does Mono.doOnSuccess() suppress errors?

In the following code snippet, an exception is thrown, as is to be expected:
public void testError()
Mono.error(new NullPointerException())
However, in the following code snippet no exception is thrown:
public void testErrorWithDoOnSuccess()
Mono.error(new NullPointerException())
.doOnSuccess(aValue -> {})
When I use the block operator instead of the subscribe operator, the exception works again:
public void testErrorWithDoOnSuccessAndBlock()
Mono.error(new NullPointerException())
.doOnSuccess(aBoolean -> {})
The documentation of the Mono.doOnSuccess operator does not say anything specifically about its behavior w.r.t. errors, but I wouldn't expect this behavior at all given the name of the operator. Why does it suppress exceptions (and only when not using the block operator)? Is this intended behavior, or is this a bug?
Reactor version used is the most recent one at time of writing, 3.1.8.RELEASE.
This is a bug, the operator should suppress the "No error callback implemented" exception only in the case where you use doOnTerminate/doAfterTerminate, not doOnSuccess...
That said, operator still propagates the NPE and this bug is easily worked around by implementing best practices: always define at least value handler and error handler in subscribe(...).

JavaFX WebView / WebEngine

I have a JavaFX WebView that is being updated with background messages and executes scripts to update the page.
new ChangeListener<State>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue ov, State oldState, State newState) {
if (newState == State.SUCCEEDED) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// JSException: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function
This normally runs correctly, however when I create a second WebView with it's own WebEngine and try and execute foo2() on that second page, at about the same time as execution foo1 on the first page, I get this:
JSException: TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function
I could have a synchronization block, but it seems it should be unnecessary since the webEngines are suppose to be independent, are there other solutions?
This is a session management error in your program.
2 WebViews compete for the same session, and ... assuming you haven't implemented protocol and session handlers, including cookie storage, etc..., the second webengine which is unable to obtain the connection will run the script over something that doesn't exist ( as far as the webengine is concerned ) hence an UNDEFINED object.. thus the error.
I'm using this stuff over HTTPS protocols, and have experienced this.

Groovy give NPE on list.find call but only after a period of time

We have a chunk of code something like this
// semi-pseudo code
def result = someList.find { condition == true }
(someList may be null, but that is ok in groovy as null.find{…} works fine.)
This line of code is running in an action of a grails controller and deployed in production to a server. After a period of time (sometimes hours, sometimes longer) the above line of code will start throwing a NullPointerException — and once it starts throwing the NPE it always throws the NPE.
Through debugging we've proven that it works fine even when someList is null (up until we get the seemingly random first NPE)… also through debugging we were able to get a more detail stacktrace that indicated there error was in Groovy's line 214.
I've googled every combination I can think of to see if there are any known Groovy bugs but found nothing of value.
(It is using Grails 1.3.7, thus Groovy 1.7.8)
A JMeter script was setup to run through a series of site interactions that makes this problem semi-repeatable. The script will iterate through 50-100 series and then the error starts appearing - once the error appears it is always in error until the application is redeployed to the server (Glassfish).
Tracing through the groovy code it looks something like this:
public Object call(Object receiver, Object arg1) throws Throwable {
return call(receiver, ArrayUtil.createArray(arg1));
public Object call(Object receiver, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (info.hasPerInstanceMetaClasses()) {
try {
return InvokerHelper.getMetaClass(receiver).invokeMethod(receiver, name, args);
} catch (GroovyRuntimeException gre) {
throw ScriptBytecodeAdapter.unwrap(gre);
} else {
return CallSiteArray.defaultCall(this, receiver, args);
public static MetaClass getMetaClass(Object object) {
if (object instanceof GroovyObject)
return ((GroovyObject) object).getMetaClass();
return ((MetaClassRegistryImpl) GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry()).getMetaClass(object);
public MetaClass getMetaClass(Object obj) {
return ClassInfo.getClassInfo(obj.getClass()).getMetaClass(obj);
So it appears the NPE is on the obj.getClass() — if that's the case I'm a little baffled how it ever works when someList is null (but that is a separate topic).
FWIW, we are not doing any class or instance level meta-class coding of our own on someList.
Is there a bug in Groovy or what could we possibly be doing wrong to cause a (random) NPE deep in Groovy code?
The observation is that someList is being set to a 'java null' instead of a 'groovy null' (NullObject). The object is coming from a map (flow context) via a flow in a controller action...
class SomeController {
def someActionFlow = {
action {
def someList = flow.someList
The case in question is when flow.someList has never been set it should always be null (groovy null). flow is just a map so it is the same as doing flow.get('someList')
The above code works fine for an unknown number of iterations and then starts returning 'java nulls' instead of 'groovy nulls'.
I'm going to hazard a guess that it's dependent on how someList is created. That is, if it's created in Groovy as
def someList = null
Then Groovy assigns the NullObject to the variable. However, if the value is returned from some other Java component as a real Java null, then it will throw the NPE. Going further, there might be some optimization in Groovy/Java/JVM where callsite caching is causing it to always return NPE.
Then again, this is just a wild guess.
Fixed: Similarly to GROOVY-5248 (call site caching missing null check), add a receiver null check to avoid NPEs under certain circumstances
commit 641c6a8d4b6b3046f4d8a1a2ac5f08f1f2769f0f

Grails Services / Transactions / RuntimeException / Testing

I'm testing come code in a service with transactional set to true , which talks
to a customer supplied web service the main part of which looks like
class BarcodeService {
/// some stuff ...
cancelBarCodeResponse = cancelBarCode(cancelBarcodeRequest)
} catch(myCommsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e)
where myCommsException extends Exception ..
I have a test which looks like
// As no connection from my machine, it should fail ..
The test fails cause it's catching a myCommsException rather than the
RuntimeException i thought i'd converted it to .. Anyone care to point out what
i'm doing wrong ? Also will the fact that it's not a RuntimeException mean any
transaction related info done before my try/catch actually be written out rather
than thrown away ??
From what I see, it looks ok. The problem might be in the ///some stuff and the ... parts of the code. Use a debugger to find out exactly where the exception is being thrown.
