Show now playing info on lock screen XAMARIN iOS - ios

I use BASS.Net in my project to play audio files. It works well but now I'd like to show playing information on lock screen. I tried to use MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.DefaultCenter.NowPlaying property to setup info. However it doesn't work as expected - on emulator I do see my info but now playing window doesn't understand that it's playing and shows play button. On iPhone there is no info at all.
Not sure what to do because in mostly all examples use NowPlaying property.
I need some help here. Anyone?


Rox Video Xamarin Forms Ios Not working

I am using Rox video plugin to play videos in Xamarin forms iOS. It plays the video perfectly however if I change device orientation or change to a different screen the video continues to play in the background. I can hear the audio continuing. When returning to the video player view I it loads a new version of the video up.
Can anyone with experience in the Rox Video plugin assist? or offer a free alternative to this plugin?
I searched the issue list of RoxXamarinVideo on github but found nothing about your problem.
I suggest you use FormsNativeVideoPlayer, it seems to have a great support on orientation changes.

How to play video in line without open up to full screen?

This is my first message app. The tutorial i been watch only teach me how to play the video with full screen. It will be cool if i can play the video without open up to another window or full screen.
i been trying a lot of other stuff but still cant get it to work.
Also now when i playing the video it goes to full screen and the load bar is gonna too. (Xcode 8, iOS 10)
How would modify my code for the video not playing in full screen?

Cordova - 'AVAudioSessionDelegateMediaPlayerOnly end interruption' error after pausing and resuming an app

This issue has arose using Cordova to play videos within an iOS application. I had thought to use the pause/resume feature to interact with the HTML5 video. However even when the video has stopped playing and the element has been set to display:none, or faded out etc, this error still appears in the console after the app is resumed - which then renders all video playing useless after it.
MP AVAudioSessionDelegateMediaPlayerOnly end interruption. Interruptor
<________-1874> category <(null)> resumable <0>, _state = 1
I have found issues relating to this, but are answered using C Objective for native app building.. and because I am using Cordova to build they do not apply unfortunately.
Has anyone else playing videos within PhoneGap/Cordova/Chrome Apps come across this and can offer a solution? Or anyone coding Native iOS apps could offer some advice as to why it is happening?
So to fix this (for anyone who may come across this in the future!), i had to resort to a bit of a hacky method.
When the Cordova iOS app is pushed to the background, and resumed, it looks as though any running video tags were unable to continue load and play video - the error above pops up in Xcode console and the video element is black no matter what. (I was fading still images on top of a video tag, then loading a new video using data attributes after a hotspot on the image is pressed). So when the app is paused I had to use JS/jQuery to remove and on resume it re-creates the video element and used the last selected data attributes to pick up the info from where it left off..
Seems to work, and is surprisngly seamless! :)

Using YouTubeVideoPlayer with Monogame

I'm currently trying to integrate a video player into my monodroid application. Wondering if there are any helpful solutions to this issue. Unable to load the player into the application (seems that multiple SurfaceViews can't be loaded at the same time). I'm currently trying to hide the monogame window by setting it invisible, and then adding the player to a containing FrameLayout. It seems after getting the player to display correctly, I'm unable to recover the game window, and I'm left with a blank screen (Even after removing all manually loaded textures from the application, I'm still not able to get anything to render! see here).
I'd like to know if anyone's found a successful solution to incorporating the MediaPlayer into monogame?
Not for youtube but, in the monogame samples there is a video player project. It was building and running for me but not showing the video on the emulator, I couldn't test with a real device
To run the project you can go to and open the MonoGame.Samples.Android.sln

application is crashing while user exits from fullscreen mode in mpmovieplayer

hi folks we do have a video file in our application,every thing is going fine except one,i.e the application crashes when user exits from fullscreen mode while the movie is playing and also when we pause the movie in fullscreen mode and minimize it,the video starts from the beginning i tried searching whether there is any notification available to notify but of no use plz help me out.thx in advance.
atlast after studying a lot about mpmovieplayer class refernece i could find the answer for my question which i had posted yesterday.The reason for that was i was not able to provide all the available notifications i need, now i had mentioned each and every notification for entering into full screen,exit the fullscfreen and also playbackfinished now its working fine.The only problem is when i press the toggle screen it maximizes perfectly and plays from the current playbacktime but that not the case when i minimize the screen the video plays from the begining.
