How to upload file in angular 2 - angular2-forms

This is the function I am using to upload file but is is giving me the error : Length is undefined. what I have to change in this code. where to give path of file to upload.
fileChange(event) {
let fileList: FileList =;
if(fileList) {
let file: File = fileList[0];
let formData:FormData = new FormData();
formData.append('uploadFile', file,;
let headers = new Headers();
/** No need to include Content-Type in Angular 4 */
headers.append('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data');
headers.append('Accept', 'application/json');
let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });`assets/Files/info.txt`, formData, options)
.map(res => res.json())
.catch(error => Observable.throw(error))
data => console.log(fileList),
error => console.log(error)

you need to use xhr request to transfer files
fileChange(event: EventTarget) {
let eventObj: MSInputMethodContext = <MSInputMethodContext> event;
let target: HTMLInputElement = <HTMLInputElement>;
let files: FileList = target.files;
if(files) {
let file: File = files[0];
public upload(filedata: File) {
let url = 'your url'
if (typeof filedata != 'undefined') {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let formData: any = new FormData();
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
formData.append('icondata', filedata,;'POST', url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'JWT ' + localStorage.getItem('id_token'));
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {

I understand that this is not the functionality you want to have but with no backend you can not upload files to be persistent, they should be stored somewhere. If you just wanna manipulate file names for instance, skip the express part in my answer. I personally used this code which I altered to upload multiple files.
In your Component :
import {FormArray, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup} from "#angular/forms";
declare FormBuilder in the constructor:
constructor (private http: Http, private fb: FormBuilder) {}
in ngOnInit() set a variable as follows :
this.myForm ={chosenfiles: this.fb.array([])});
this is the code for the upload method :
// invoke the upload to server method
// Should be in a service (injectable)
upload() {
const formData: any = new FormData();
const files: Array<File> = this.filesToUpload;
const chosenf = <FormArray> this.myForm.controls["chosenfiles"];
// iterate over the number of files
for(let i =0; i < files.length; i++){
formData.append("uploads[]", files[i], files[i]['name']);
// store file name in an array
chosenf.push(new FormControl(files[i]['name']));
}'http://localhost:3003/api/upload', formData)
.map(files => files.json())
.subscribe(files => console.log('upload completed, files are : ', files));
the method responsible for the file change :
fileChangeEvent(fileInput: any) {
this.filesToUpload = <Array<File>>;
const formData: any = new FormData();
const files: Array<File> = this.filesToUpload;
const chosenf = <FormArray> this.myForm.controls["chosenfiles"];
// iterate over the number of files
for(let i =0; i < files.length; i++){
formData.append("uploads[]", files[i], files[i]['name']);
// store file name in an array
chosenf.push(new FormControl(files[i]['name']));
Template is something like this
<input id="cin" name="cin" type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)" placeholder="Upload ..." multiple/>
Notice multiple responsible for allowing multiple selections
The express API which will handle the request uses multer after an npm install
var multer = require('multer');
var path = require('path');
specify a static directory which will hold the files
// specify the folder
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'uploads')));
As specified by multer
PS: I did not investigate multer, as soon as i got it working, i moved to another task but feel free to remove unnecessary code.
var storage = multer.diskStorage({
// destination
destination: function (req, file, cb) {
cb(null, './uploads/')
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
cb(null, file.originalname);
var upload = multer({ storage: storage });
And finally the endpoint"/api/upload", upload.array("uploads[]", 12), function (req, res) {
console.log('files', req.files);


how to display a file using react-native

So, I have those "cards" to which are attached files.
I want to be able to display the content of these files (when possible; I do not expect to show binary files obviously, but text, pdf, images,...) to the user.
Upon a longPress on an attachment, the openAttachment() function is be called. That function downloads the file from the server if necessary and then (tries to) open it:
// Opens an attachment
const openAttachment = async (attachment) => {
try {
// Download file if not already done
const fileInfo = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(FileSystem.cacheDirectory +
let uri
if (!fileInfo.exists) {
console.log('Downloading attachment')
resp = await FileSystem.downloadAsync(
server.value + `/index.php/apps/deck/api/v1.0/boards/${route.params.boardId}/stacks/${route.params.stackId}/cards/${route.params.cardId}/attachments/${}`,
FileSystem.cacheDirectory +,
headers: {
'Authorization': token.value
uri = await FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(resp.uri)
} else {
console.log('File already in cache')
uri = await FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(fileInfo.uri)
console.log('Opening file ' + uri)
} catch {{
type: 'error',
text1: i18n.t('error'),
text2: error.message,
The issue always arrise at the Sharing.shareAsync(uri); line: Whatever I put there, it fails:
Sharing.shareAsync(uri) does not seem to be supported on my platform:
Linking.openURL(uri) does not support the file:// scheme (the uri is in the form file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5C1CB402-5ED1-4E17-B907-46111AE3FB7C/Library/Caches/test.pdf)
await WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync(uri) (from expo-web-browser) does not seem to be able to open local files
How am I supposed to do to display those files? Anyone has an idea?
I found a solution using react-native-file-viewer
// Opens an attachment
const openAttachment = async (attachment) => {
try {
// Download file if not already done
const fileInfo = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(FileSystem.cacheDirectory + "")
let uri
if (!fileInfo.exists) {
console.log('Downloading attachment')
const resp = await FileSystem.downloadAsync(
server.value + `/index.php/apps/deck/api/v1.0/boards/${route.params.boardId}/stacks/${route.params.stackId}/cards/${route.params.cardId}/attachments/${}`,
FileSystem.cacheDirectory +,
headers: {
'Authorization': token.value
uri = await FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(resp.uri)
} else {
console.log('File already in cache')
uri = await FileSystem.getContentUriAsync(fileInfo.uri)
console.log('opening file', uri)
} catch(error) {{
type: 'error',
text1: i18n.t('error'),
text2: error.message,

Can't send readable stream with Pinata SDK to IPFS - 400 bad request and Unhandled rejection

Due to the nature of my project I have a image dataURL (NOT an actual image file) that I am trying to upload to IPFS via Pinata SDK. I have converted the image dataURL into a buffer(array) and tried 2 different methods but none of them works. Here is my code:
var myBlob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(myBuffer)]);
var myReadableStream =
ERROR: Unhandled Rejection (TypeError): source.on is not a function
var myBlob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(myBuffer)]);
var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("pinata_api_key", "MY_KEY");
myHeaders.append("pinata_secret_api_key", "MY_SECRET_KEY");
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("test", myBlob);
var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: formdata,
redirect: 'follow'
fetch("", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log('result',result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));
ERROR: 400 Bad Request, result {"error":"Unexpected field"}
with buffers things can be a little tricky. You'll need to format your request in a slightly different way.
I would take a look at this code snippet for an example of how somebody got this to work:
const pinataSDK = require("#pinata/sdk");
const pinata = pinataSDK(
"Pinata API Key",
"Pinata API Secret"
const { fs, vol } = require("memfs");
(async () => {
try {
const base64 = "base64 file string";
const buf = Buffer.from(base64, "base64");
memfs.writeFileSync("File Name", buf);
const read = vol.createReadStream("File Name");
const res = await pinata.pinFileToIPFS(read);
} catch (error) {

PDFTron webviewer - how to save the whole redacted pdf to server using MVC Core

I am currently a developing an application in MVC Core that is using a PDFTron webviewer. Is there anyway to save the edited pdf edited with pdftron webviewer to the server?
There is a feature of pdftron that saves annotations to the server, but I need to save the whole pdf with the edits to the server.
path: '/lib/WebViewer',
initialDoc: '/StaticResource/Music.pdf', fullAPI: !0, enableRedaction: !0
}, document.getElementById('viewer')).then(
function(t) {
var n = t.docViewer;
n.on('documentLoaded', function() {
document.getElementById('apply-redactions').onclick = function() {
title: 'Apply redaction?',
message: 'This action will permanently remove all items selected for redaction. It cannot be undone.',
onConfirm: function () {
alert( );
var options = {
xfdfString: n.getAnnotationManager().exportAnnotations()
var doc = n.getDocument();
const data = doc.getFileData(options);
const arr = new Uint8Array(data);
const blob = new Blob([arr], { type: 'application/pdf' });
const data = new FormData();
data.append('mydoc.pdf', blob, 'mydoc.pdf');
// depending on the server, 'FormData' might not be required and can just send the Blob directly
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", '/DocumentRedaction/SaveFileOnServer', true);
req.onload = function (oEvent) {
// Uploaded.
return Promise.resolve();
When i send the request to the Controller i am not getting the file it is coming null
public IActionResult SaveFileOnServer(IFormFile file)
return Json(new { Result="ok"});
Can any one suggest me where i am going wrong
Thanks in adavance
For JavaScript async function, you need to wait for it completes before doing other things. For example, AnnotationManager#applyRedactions() returns a Promise, the same for AnnotationManager#exportAnnotations() and Document#getFileData().
For JS async functions, you can take a look at:
So here you may want to use await to wait for the Promise completes.

how can i save received image or document file from sender whatsapp using twilio?

I have a scenario like user will send the image or pdf file to twilio whatsapp number so i need to save that image/pdf in folder which will be processed to next level.
How can i save the files? I am using Node SDK.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you've already configured your webhook on your sandbox page, so that messages containing media from Whatsapp are getting to your app.
As documentation says, you'll receive MediaContentType{N} and MediaUrl{N} as long as body and other parameters. The following snippet was translated-ish from a Python example from official documentation:
const Fs = require('fs')
const Path = require('path')
const Axios = require('axios')
const num_media = req.body.NumMedia;
const media_files = []
for (let i = 0; i <= num_media; i++) {
const id = req.body.MessageSid
const media_url = req.body[`MediaUrl{i}`];
const mime_type = req.body[`MediaContentType{i}`);
media_files.push({'media_url': media_url, 'mime_type': mime_type});
download(media_url, id);
async function download(url, name) {
const path = Path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', name)
const writer = Fs.createWriteStream(path)
const response = await Axios({
method: 'GET',
responseType: 'stream'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
writer.on('finish', resolve)
writer.on('error', reject)

ng-file-upload How to use Upload.rename(file, newName)

I am using ng-file-upload and multer to store files in an uploads folder and I also save the filename to database but of course not at the same instant. So if I want to save the original filename, multer will do this like:
filename: function (req, file, cb) {
cb(null, file.originalname);
I can use
cb(null, file.originalname + '-' +;
to make the name unique but then the filename in the database (taken from the ng-file-upload service) is different.
I want to use Upload.rename(file, newName) as on the github/danialfarid/ng-file-upload page but all my attempts to use it have failed.
This is the ng-file-upload code (first part)
$scope.uploadPic = function(files) {
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
var $file = $scope.files[i];
(function(index) {
$scope.upload[index] = Upload.upload({
url: '/',
method: 'POST',
file: $file,
}).progress(function (evt) {
$scope.files[index].progress = Math.min(100, parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /;
}).then(function (response) {
$timeout(function () {
$file.result =;
I have tried var newName = $ + '-' +
but then I am unsure of how to apply Upload.rename(file, newName)
I thought if I set the new name before multer gets hold of it then the uploads folder and the database will have the same name.
At least that's the idea. Can anyone help?
in the upload options, set the file key as the name of the file and use the same key for the multer options e.g:
if you have this for your ng-file-upload options:
$scope.upload[index] = Upload.upload({
url: '/',
method: 'POST',
nameOfImage: $file,
for multer, you should also have
I tried this using multer v1.2.0 and ng-file-upload 12.2.12
I was using an older version of ng-file-upload (7.X.X) which didn't have this in ng-file-upload.js
this.rename = function (file, name) {
file.ngfName = name;
return file;
I updated to version 10.0.2
So now I can use Upload.rename($file, 'preview1.jpg');
and the file is saved with the new name.
