Not able to install my ARKit supported app in iPhone 6, but demo app by apple is running successfully on same iphone - ios

When I try to install ARKit supported app in iPhone 6 its saying requires the “arkit” capability which is not supported by your's iPhone but then how the demo app of ARKit provided by apple is running on the same iPhone.

I had a similar question, although the purpose was different. I hope this answer helps someone:
If you have an iPhone that came out before the iPhone 6S it will not work. However, you can have an app that has ARKit if you remove UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities from the plist. This way you are able to run (although you will not see anything). This allows you to have an app that has ARKit as a bonus (and only enable/disable a button if ARKit can be used)

at WWDC 2017, Apple officially announced that minimum device required for ARKit to work is iPhone 6S

These are ARKit supported iPhone models. ARKit designed for iPhones and iPad that use the A9, A10 & A11 Processors.
iPhone 6s
iPhone 6s Plus
iPhone SE
iPhone 7
iPhone 7 Plus
iPhone 8
iPhone 8 Plus
iPhone X

For ARKit 3
People Occlusion and the use of motion capture, simultaneous front and back camera, and multiple face tracking are supported on devices with A12/A12X Bionic chips, ANE, and TrueDepth Camera.
It means ARKit 3 new features will be supported by iPhone XR and greater models.


6.5 inch (iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR) screenshot is required

For earlier versions of my app, I was able to submit an app with just a single device screenshot that was on 5.5 inch (iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus).
But, while uploading an update to the app now, got to know that 6.5 inch (iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR) screenshot is also required in addition to the existing 5.5-inch display screenshot.
I just want to know is this a recent change in the requirement by Apple or am I missing on something?
Moreover, is there any workaround or alternate available if I don't have iPhone XR or XS Max?
This question seems especially aged to answer now as No good answer is here. I think this will be useful to new Apple developers or flutter developers. Many need to accomplish this issue as they may not have a mac book or many apple resources.
We have two options. The first one is to use a different simulator on Xcode & MacBook or Resize screenshots images. One can use to do this.
For the first choice, suggested simulator use
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max for 6.5
Apple iPhone 8 Plus for 5.5
For the second option, Take screenshots on any iPhone and resize them as
iPhone 6.5" Display (414 x 896 px)
iPhone 5.5" Display (414 x 736 px)
Please keep in mind that applications' resized screenshots work only if the app is a 100% responsive application.
i am sorry for previious answer
it is required now, if after taking screnshot from simulator or real device you are still getting error saying wrong size you go to any photo editor
i am using sketch and make a rectangle of size given by apple and insert your screenshot into that rectangle and export that rectangle as a png then you will be able to upload that

What are the FPS of the FaceTime Camera for the iPhone 6S vs 7+ vs X vs iPad Pro?

We are capturing video from iOS devices and processing it using OpenGL but are encountering a FPS difference between the devices when trying to set them at their maximum rate.
The iPhone 6S and iPad Pro FaceTime cameras are maxing at 60 fps.
The 7+ and iPhone X however are maxing at 30 fps.
It seems unusual that the FPS would decrease with later versions of Apple's hardware. We are trying to figure out if this is a software issue or simply the technical specifications for the frame rate for the FaceTime camera.
We looked on Apple's technical specifications page but the frame rates of the FaceTime cameras aren't listed (though the rear cameras are.) For example:
What are the FPS of the FaceTime Camera for the iPhone 6S vs 7+ vs X vs iPad Pro?
It looks like you’re correct. According to Apple’s iOS Device Compatibility Reference...
iPhone 6s series front camera does up to 60 FPS (all formats)
iPhone 7 series front camera does up to 30 FPS
iPhone 8 series / X front camera does up to 60 FPS, but only in binned formats (so you probably need to set the device’s activeFormat, not just choose a preset)
iPad Pro info is also in the tables at that link.

AR.js distorted perspective: How to use a personalized camera calibration file `camera_para.dat` so that the "floor" plane is horizontal?

I'm looking into AR.js for an augmented reality use case where 3D objects do not appear directly on the hiro marker, but somewhere around the marker.
When I view my AR scene through my iPhone 7 from the top, everything looks fine, but when I tilt my camera to get more perspective, AR.js doesn't apply the same perspective to the AR world so that distant virtual objects appear as if they were located on an inclined plane.
I created an example page to illustrate this behaviour: When viewed from above, the grids match perfectly, but when viewed from the side, the planes mismatch.
Are there any settings I can apply to configure AR.js (or ARToolKit, which it depends on)? Maybe there's a way to define the field of view of my webcam there?
[EDIT] One week later, I would reword my question to: How can I use a device-specific camera_para.dat ARToolkit camera calibration file in AR.js without generating side effects such as a distorted rendering?
Updating the intrinsic optical characteristics of the camera, also known as calibration, might help!
The artoolkitx-calibration app is made for calibrating cameras. Unfortunately, the app is not available on the App Store currently. You can, however, deploy it to your development device using Xcode.
Alternatively, the ARToolKitX calibration server might contain camera calibration results for your smartphone - Unfortunately, it returns 204 (no content) for the iPhone 7 (a.k.a. apple/iPhone/iPhone9,3, camera 0, aspect ratio 16:9).
By the way,
camera_para.dat for several older iOS devices can be found on GitHub:
iPad 2: 0,7 MP
iPad Air 2: 8 MP, f/2.4
iPad Mini 3: 5 MP, f/2.4
iPhone 4: 5 MP, f/2.8
iPhone 4s: 8 MP, f/2.4
iPhone 5: 8 MP, f/2.4
iPhone 5s: 8 MP, f/2.2 (similar to iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus)
iPhone 6s Plus: 12 MP, f/2.2 (similar to iPhone SE, iPhone 6s)
Unfortunately, newer iPhone cameras have different specs (e.g. iPhone 7 or iPhone 8: 12 MP, f/1.8) so I doubt that any of these camera calibration settings would fit perfectly for them...

If only supporting iOS6 and above, can eliminate iPhone non retina images?

I'm wondering, if I only support iOS6 and above on my app, is it safe for me to remove all non retina images art images that are geared specifically for the iPhone? I know that I still have to support non retina for the iPad because iPad2 and iPad Mini (non retina) can still run the latest OS, but is there any flaw in my thinking that I don't have to support iPhone or iPod non retina anymore?
Since imageNamed: and UIKit in general will use the retina artwork if no non-retina artwork is provided, it's always safe to omit the non-retina artwork.
To more specifically answer the question from your comments, at present there are no non-retina iPhone or iPhone devices that can run iOS 6 or iOS 7 so it is currently safe to assume those devices are all retina. It is possible that in the future Apple will release a new device with that form-factor that isn't non-retina (imagine a reduced cost iPhone or iPod) though, so it's not a permanently safe assumption.
Bottom line, you don't need to include any non-retina artwork as long as you properly name and reference your retina artwork.

iPad Retina development

If I currently have an ipad app that supports ios 5.0 how do I go about merging my graphics to fit flush on an ipad 3 & ios 5.1?
I have been looking through these apple docs, but I'm not finding anything about 5.0 to 5.1 conversion. Any tips?
I just want to be able to use high resolution graphics. My current graphics are all pixelated on the 5.1 sim.
You'll need to update your apps with #2x versions of your iPad graphic assets, at a minimum. So for MyImage.png you'll need a double-size version named MyImage#2x.png. If you have a universal app, and say, the following 3 images for iPhone, iPhone Retina, and iPad:
you would need to create MyImage#2x~ipad.png.
I think I have that right.... Could be that in this case the iPhone images would have ~iphone in their names too, but I don't think that is a requirement. (It's allowed, but not a requirement, I believe.)
