Microsoft Graph: Unable to Select ExtensionAttributes when using Delta Query? - microsoft-graph-api

I've been using the Microsoft Graph to perform Delta Queries on Users. My requirement is to return the values of ExtensionAttributes (custom properties synced to Azure AD from AD on-prem).
The following request works:
And returns the extension attributes as desired:
"value": [
"extension_8928938292839829832_value": "String1",
However when trying to use the Delta Query and including extension attributes:
The value returned is just the basic user properties, NOT the requested extension value:
"value": [
"deletedDateTime": null,
"accountEnabled": true,
"assignedLicenses": [],
etc, etc, etc
I'm not sure if the extension values are exposed in the v1.0 Delta Query.
Anyone have thoughts on how to approach this issue? Grabbing these extension attributes and using the delta query to track changes is vital to my solution.

I'm afraid this isn't supported at the moment. This is listed in the Known Issues:
Delta query
OData context is sometimes returned incorrectly when tracking changes to relationships.
Schema extensions (legacy) are not returned with $select statement, but are returned without $select.
Clients cannot track changes to open extensions or registered schema extensions.


Query string with OData linked service in Azure Data Factory

Setting up a OData linked service on public OData like at:
works fine in the Azure Data Factory. Hard coding a url in the OData linked service to:
from an associated data set shows the entities: People, Airlines, Airports. Previewing is helpful when setting up linked services and data sources. Would be great if that was doable with Azure Search OData endpoints.
The Azure Search requires that the api-version exist in the query string. A query string can not be added until either a Copy or LookUp activity (see documentation). Previewing in the LookUp seems not to take with it the query and the preview fails with:
Invalid or missing api-version query string parameter
Debug doesn't show the url or header with the api-key from linked service nore the path from data source. But the output does show the query (with the api-version):
"source": {
"type": "ODataSource",
"query": "api-version=2021-04-30-Preview",
"httpRequestTimeout": "00:05:00"
"dataset": {
"referenceName": "AzureODataSearch",
"type": "DatasetReference",
"parameters": {}

Microsoft Graph translateExchangeIds not returning the same id as EWS

I am working with both EWS and the Graph API.
I would like to create events (online meetings with skype/teams) in an calendar that is already available via EWS.
To match the calendar to the one available via Graph API i try to use
The calendar i created has this id when returned by the FindFolder call:
<t:FolderId Id="AAMkAGNiY2YxMjY3LTUxYjgtNGI1Yy1hOTM2LTU4MTM5OTZiNjdjYgAuAAAAAABW2gY0kRG1SqggDTNZN6i8AQAPJkKZ1XJkQ6huFmcVa6XaAAGixNZ3AAA=" ChangeKey="..."/>
I create a request to the graph api:
"inputIds": [
"sourceIdType": "ewsId",
"targetIdType": "restId"}
and get the result
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.convertIdResult)",
"value": [
However, if i call i get a different id
"name": "Test",
Is there a way to match the (ews) calendar i already have to the one returned by the Graph API?
This is a shot in the dark, because I've never dug this deeply into the weeds on the Graph Ids, but you might try calling Graph with the header that selects "immutable ids." I tried to find some details on what this actually means without much luck.
The header is:
request.Header("Prefer", "IdType=\"ImmutableId\"");
HTH, and if not, sorry for guessing.

Microsoft Graph present #nextlink even with $top=1?

We are querying data using MS Graph OData API, but I found msGraph presents nextlink unexpectedly.
For example, even though I intend to query only one record by specifying $top=1:$top=1
in the response there is a #nextlink, which leads to another query to this link by our tool.
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users",
"**#odata.nextLink**": "$top=1&$skiptoken=X%2744537074020001000000223A4164616D73404D333635783231343335352E6F6E6D6963726F736F66742E636F6D29557365725F36653762373638652D303765322D343831302D383435392D343835663834663866323034B900000000000000000000%27",
"value": [
"id": "6e7b768e-07e2-4810-8459-485f84f8f204",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Conf Room Adams",
"givenName": null,
"jobTitle": null,
"mail": "",
"mobilePhone": null,
"officeLocation": null,
"preferredLanguage": null,
"surname": null,
"userPrincipalName": ""
One can reproduce it in graph-explorer
Is it working as expected?
I think there should be no nextlink since I only want one record. Is this a bug?
Using $top=x doesn't actually mean
I want you to show me only first x record(s) and ignore the rest
Its role (based on the query parameter docs) is:
Sets the page size of results.
What you saw is the expected outcome, as using $top is one of the cases where paging is used:
Some queries against Microsoft Graph return multiple pages of data either due to server-side paging or due to the use of the $top query parameter to specifically limit the page size in a request.
And further:
When a result set spans multiple pages, Microsoft Graph returns an #odata.nextLink property in the response that contains a URL to the next page of results.
Which precisely answers your question. If you want. feel free to read more about paging here.
Also remember that while using $top query parameter it's a good practice to remember about sorting (source: OData official documentation).

fetching json data using yql from yahoo finance.quotes is not working from 01/11/2017 22:00

I am getting an empty result from yahoo finance when i use the api to table
I used your query to check the interface and the result is NULL. Apparently there is a malfunction.
steps for testing:
go to
show community tables
Mark checkbox: show community tables
Select a table: finance.quotes
A default query will appear
select * from where symbol in ("YHOO","AAPL","GOOG","MSFT")
The result
"query": {
"count": 0,
"created": "2017-11-02T13:21:01Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"results": null
Very sadly and quite outrageously Yahoo decided to stop this service without any warning.
See admin message here
So many services depend on it, it's like Google saying they would suddenly stop their maps API... At this point I am blocking yahoo in our DNS so no one in our company will ever use Yahoo again since they are not a reliable entity.

Contains filter on Microsoft Graph query not working

I'm trying to user the contains filter on a /users query, like this for example:$filter=contains(displayName, 'Garth')
However, this results in a BadRequest response saying "An unknown function with name 'contains' was found. This may also be a key lookup on a navigation property, which is not allowed."
According to the OData 4.0 specs, the contains filter should be available though. Is there a way to use a contains filter on a list of users?
The contains function is not available for users. startsWith is available though.
Additionally you can try the people API (this is only available on /beta). This supports $search AND will do fuzzy and phonetic matching.$search=Garth
$search can replace $contains
for example to show all the users that their names may contain the string "sa"$count=true&$search="givenName:sa"
"value": [
"givenName": "Sammy",
"givenName": "Sabrina",
