Iphone starts lagging and not responding while debugging via Xcode - ios

I've been trying to test my app on IPhone but the phone freezes time to time and stop responding for a while and so .. when its connected to Mac
(Mac is Installed on VMWare and there has been nothing wrong with it till now even the emulator)
any Idea on what may cause the problem ?

I suggest restarting the simulator and Xcode
first quit Xcode then make sure the active window is the simulator next what you want to do is look up at the task bar (gray bar at the top of the screen) click on hardware and then scroll down to reboot and click that, the simulator will now restart when the simulator finishes restarting navigate over to simulator and click on "reset all content and settings"
if that does not fix the problem try using another simulated device in my experience some work better then others (try the iPhone SE or the iPhone 5s they have worked better for me)


Simulator has black screen and does not load

Normally, when I start the iPhone simulator, the chosen simluator appears, I get a black screen and a loading indicator in the screen of the phone.
Today, I started the simulator (not prom a Xcode project or something else, but from the App Simulator, searched with Spotlight) and the only thing there is: a black screen. No loading indicator, nothing. There is nothing happening. The phone just stays black... I did not update Xcode, the simulator, nor am I starting the Simulator from a project, but from the "bare" Simulator App.
What I tried so far to solve the issue:
I tried changing the simulator to another device, with the same result. I tried Erase Content and Settings but that did not even open the usual menue I see.
Open the Activity Monitor, search for sim and kill all processes
Open the terminal, sudo xcrun simctl erase all but that goes on and on and on forever and yields no results. Not sure what is happening there.
Restart the computer.
Try another phone on the simulator.
Not sure why this helped, but I opened a random Xcode project and did a deep cache clean through cmd+alt+shif+k and now it works...

Xcode simulator doesn't work

I use Xcode 7.2. I click Build to run the iPhone 6 PLUS simulator in Xcode it tells me "running app on iPhone 6 Plus". The simulator icon appears and it either just jumps up and down and never stops. Or it stops jumping I open it it's a black simulator screen with a white apple symbol. Then I wait 5-10 minutes and it never loads the app. Sometimes it loads up to home screen in simulator but then again never loads the app.
What could be the reasons for this iPhone simulator not working?
Do you have the simulator open from a beta version? That will stop the simulator from working in a non-beta version (or vice-versa).
I'd also open up Console.app and see if there is anything in the logs with a reason why it might not be running.

iOS simulator showing black on 3/4 of screen

I tried several apps running in fresh install (yosemite) of Xcode 6.3 simulator but all of them displays only on first 1/4 of simulator screen.
I changed scaling - did not help.
All devices have this problem.
On another mac the apps are displaying in simulator correctly.
Here the screenshot from simulator:
I frequently have this issue with a VMWare OSX development machine I'm using to develop iOS native apps. From what I've seen it is related to the Window > Scale menu option being set to something different than 100% from a previous launch that messes around all the subsequent initialization phases.
To get rid of it, try doing this:
Exit from VMWare full-screen mode, switching to windowed mode instead.
launch iOS Simulator using its stand-alone shortcut (not from XCode) and wait until it finishes loading/booting the default device.
go to Window > Scale and set it to 100%.
go to iOS Simulator > Reset contents and settings... and click OK.
close and reopen the iOS Simulator using its stand-alone app (not from XCode).
As soon as you see it loading without the glitch, you can switch back to VMWare full-screen mode and also use the Window > Scale as you like.

iOS simulator scaled bug

Today morning I build and run my xcode project. When simulator launched I saw this:
The screen is scaled, I see only 1/4 part, other 3/4 parts are hidden.
Did anybody faced with same problem? The issue happens in xCode6, Xcode5, also in AppCode.
I tried to Clean project, switched to iPhone5 screen, iPad, the same problem.
Also, this happens with my other iOS projects.
Finally, I got the reason why this bug appears at work and not at home :)
Because at work I don't have external display (monitor), but at home (DELL, non-retina off course)
If you want this bug not to appear, just connect your macbook to external non-retina monitor. Then you may work fine, run simulator in macbook retina display, also in external monitor display, while Apple hard works to fix this bug in OS X.
Here is the video proof: http://youtu.be/4gkFEkOJN9s
Within the iPhone/iPad simulator, go to the top-menu and select "iOS Simulator" -> "Reset Content and Settings..."

IOS simulator problem app only runs when started for the second time..

My app runs fine on my physical device (iphone 4), it also runs fine on the IOS simulator, but only after the second time I ty to run it from Xcode.
So the sequence in which things are happening is:
IOS simulator closed.
I press "ctrl R" in XCode
IOS simulator starts, app starts but gets no further then the splash screen (does
not crash it just sits at the splash screen)
I press the stop Button in Xcode (app stops running in Simulator)
I Press "ctrl R" again
App starts in IOS simulator and runs like a charm..
If I close the IOS simulator reopen open it from finder and run the installed version, it runs without problems.
Two questions,
has anyone had a similar experience?
am I in trouble when submitting my app to the appStore
Thnx, Sebastian
The problem went away when I removed the majority of my logging messages (I had ton's of them). So either there was an issue with one of the messages or it had to do with the amount of them , hope this helps anyone who experiences the same problems.
