Simulator has black screen and does not load - ios

Normally, when I start the iPhone simulator, the chosen simluator appears, I get a black screen and a loading indicator in the screen of the phone.
Today, I started the simulator (not prom a Xcode project or something else, but from the App Simulator, searched with Spotlight) and the only thing there is: a black screen. No loading indicator, nothing. There is nothing happening. The phone just stays black... I did not update Xcode, the simulator, nor am I starting the Simulator from a project, but from the "bare" Simulator App.
What I tried so far to solve the issue:
I tried changing the simulator to another device, with the same result. I tried Erase Content and Settings but that did not even open the usual menue I see.
Open the Activity Monitor, search for sim and kill all processes
Open the terminal, sudo xcrun simctl erase all but that goes on and on and on forever and yields no results. Not sure what is happening there.
Restart the computer.
Try another phone on the simulator.

Not sure why this helped, but I opened a random Xcode project and did a deep cache clean through cmd+alt+shif+k and now it works...


Xcode 12.0.1 Screenshot is capturing only Home-screen on iOS simulator

While trying to capture a screenshot on Xcode V12.0.1 - the app screen turns to "Home screen" (of IOS) and a screenshot on the home screen is prodcued instead of the app screen.
It was working fine a week before, but my OS and Xcode were auto updated last week to MacOS 10.15.7 and Xcode V12.0.1 and since then i am unable to take screenshots of the simulator.
I ran into this issue and as of now I can only provide a work arround - Use command line to take the screenshot
cd to the folder that you want save the screenshots to.
Run xcrun simctl io booted screenshot Screenshot.png
Firstly, this problem still happens (at least, for me) in Feb 2021 with Xcode 12.3.
Secondly, I was running Xcode and the simulator on an older (slow) Mac mini, so doing something like xcrun simctl io booted screenshot Screenshot.png worked for me too, but it took over 30 seconds from pressing "enter" to when the snapshot was captured, so by then the simulator screen had changed (I was trying to get a screenshot of the launch image). I suppose with careful timing, to use the command 30 seconds or so before the time the simulator is displaying the desired screen, is one way, but tricky and error prone.
Thirdly, I tried restarting Xcode, after quitting the simulator as well, and it worked for me. It seems to have a good chance of working when Xcode is first started, although later the "home screen" bug appears to surface for some unknown reason.
If you copy the screen it seems to work as well.
Simulator -> Edit -> Copy Screen
Then paste the image from clipboard into an image editor etc.

Iphone starts lagging and not responding while debugging via Xcode

I've been trying to test my app on IPhone but the phone freezes time to time and stop responding for a while and so .. when its connected to Mac
(Mac is Installed on VMWare and there has been nothing wrong with it till now even the emulator)
any Idea on what may cause the problem ?
I suggest restarting the simulator and Xcode
first quit Xcode then make sure the active window is the simulator next what you want to do is look up at the task bar (gray bar at the top of the screen) click on hardware and then scroll down to reboot and click that, the simulator will now restart when the simulator finishes restarting navigate over to simulator and click on "reset all content and settings"
if that does not fix the problem try using another simulated device in my experience some work better then others (try the iPhone SE or the iPhone 5s they have worked better for me)

Xcode Simulator showing black screen after app launces

Today, while working on an app, I went to run the simulator and instead of seeing the normal progression, I see only a blank grey screen. I never see the usual apple loading screen, the home screen, or my app launch. However, I know that the app is launching because print statements in my ViewDidLoad all print. Additionally, if I click in the area where buttons are, they run their functions.
I know that the problem is not a bug in the app, because I went back and ran old apps I have developed in the past and they also show only the grey screen.
I tried resetting content and settings on the simulator, but that did not help. I also played around with the scale of the simulator, but that didn't help either. I tried on the iPhone 5, 6, 6 plus, and others and they all have the same issue.
Anyone have any ideas?
If you have an external monitor, try unplugging it, restarting the simulator, and plugging the monitor back in. Worked for me.
Not sure what happened, but restarting my computer seems to have solved the issue.

Simulator shows black screen on second time run

I'm using Xcode 6.1, on first time launch iOS 8 simulator is always fine. But if I quit it, and tried to open it again, I'll get a black screen.
I've tried reset content and settings button, but it is not helping. If I reboot my laptop, it will be fine. But still if it shows black screen on second time.
Can anyone please give me some suggestion here? There must be something I could do to reset the simulator.
Sometimes it can take a while to boot the simulated device. You can check on the progress by looking at the simulated device's syslog:
tail -F ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator/<Device UDID>/system.log
You can determine the UDID by running xcrun simctl list
Select project-> go to general-> add launchscreen.xib in app icons and launch screen file

Black screen after splash on iOS (Xamarin)

Note: I'm using an iPhone 5 and Xamarin. I have an Indie license.
When I try to run a debug build (connected to my machine) my app launches, the splash screen is fine, and then I get a black screen. The app hasn't crashed, and the debugger is stuck in a "Waiting for debugger to connect" mode.
I can run a release build no problem on my phone, and I can run debug builds in the simulator without a problem. But running a debug build on my phone, that results in a black screen and "waiting to debug"
I've had this issue and couldn't find a fix.
There was a work-around that worked for me though: debugging over WiFi.
After catching all exceptions and logging them, and numerous other activities to try and determine what all apps, even new ones, caused the black screen I deleted all of the apps I had created off my phone, did a Clean of the build of my main app, and redeployed.
The application now loads in debug mode and runs as it should.
