Which version of JavaScript (ECMAScript) does JS++ extend? - js++

Since JS++ is a superset that extends the JavaScript language, which specific specification of JavaScript does JS++ extend?

JS++ extends the ECMAScript 3 specification (ECMAScript 3rd Edition, Dec 1999). This should provide browser compatibility for Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 1.0+, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
There are some changes, such as semicolons being required.


Modernizing the look of Application.Messagebox for Windows 11

Is there a method to modernize how the Application.MessageBox() dialog looks in Win11? Perhaps by creating a manifest file or something to make classic desktop app to look newer?
In a word, no.
Application.MessageBox() calls the Win32 MessageBox() API, which is an old dialog.
For a newer look, you need to use the Win32 Task Dialog API that was introduced in Windows Vista, instead of using MessageBox().
Modern Delphi versions have a TTaskDialog component, and TaskMessageDlg...() wrapper functions in the (Vcl.)Dialogs unit. But those do not exist in Delphi 7, so you will have to define and import the Task Dialog API types and functions manually.

Fill Formulardata in Firefox using Delphi

i'm search any solution to fill login-form-data in Firefox from external application. For programming i use Delphi 10.3 Rio.
I must use Firefox. Chrome, Opera or IE are not possible. I dont can use an embedded TxxxBrowser-solution.
I need a way to access the formfield on the active tab in a firefoxinstance. Can anybody help?
Some Password-Safe-Tools can do this. So i think there must be a way in delphi.
Thank for support

Is there any web browser component for C++ Builder 6 except IE?

Hello is there any commercial or free web browser component to work with C++ Builder 6 except IE that is included ?
A related thread you could read is How to embed a browser object, other than IE<n>, in a Delphi application
but consider that:
the last release of the Mozilla ActiveX project by Adam Lock was around Firefox 1.5, so the project is now seriously out of date;
the Chromium Embedded Framework is very interesting but I don't think it can be adapted to C++Builder 6 (
fail to install chromium embedded on C++ Builder from Delphi files).
There are issues even with "modern" C++Builder (http://code.google.com/p/delphichromiumembedded/issues/detail?id=7) but it can be done.
A good starting point, if you would like to take the hard way, is Embedding Mozilla but it's a GNU project using GNU tools.
You could build the DLL via MinGW/MSYS and then getting access to the functions exposed by the relevant DLLs...
You could also try a different approach: transforming a target executable top-level window in a child window of own application via the SetParent function (take a look at Embed an application (exe file) into another exe file (mozEmbed like)).

Printing support for Windows Mobile

I'm a windows developer looking for implementation of priting support for Windows Mobile 6.5.
As the WM6.5 is based on the Windows CE 5.0, I have gone through the architecture of Printing in Windows CE and what I have realized from the Windows CE Printer architecture is :
For a USB class printer the main components required for printing in Windows CE apart from Display driver and GDI components would be :
Printer driver : PCL.dll
The underliying port driver for USB class driver : USBPRN.dll
These components' source code exist in the driver samples provided by the WinCE 5.0 platform builder.
Though these components exist no third parties (ex: PrintBoy,PrintCE ) seems to be utilising them.
My Queries are:
1.Can I use the Microsoft supplied source code of these compenents as it is to support Printing in Windows Mobile?
2.According to Microsoft's Shared source License agreement,are there any source code usage viaolation if I use them?
3.Can I use the source code of PCL and USBPRN to support in Windows Mobile as it is? or do I need to modify it?
(I assume Windows Mobile have GDI and Display driver components by default.)
I Don't believe WinMo includes the printer pieces for CE.
I'm not a lawyer (nor do I play one on TV) but my interpretation is that you can't take the pieces from Platform Builder and use them in your WinMo OS. You are licensed to modify them if you need and use them in your own custom OS.
See #2. PCL would probably work as-is, but I'm guessing the USB printer driver might need at least some configuration work for your platform.

Support for object tags with embedded ActiveX in Mozilla/Safari

I am using an object tag to load ActiveX extension controls like so:
<object name="controlcontainer"
This works fine in IE, but we are looking into creating a port of our application for the iPad. Is there any way we can load ActiveX controls on the Mozilla/Safari platform?
ActiveX controls do not and will not ever work on Mac, the iPad, or any other non-microsoft platform. There is currently no method that I know of for creating a browser plugin of any kind on an iPad, though if there were it would be either a WebKit plugin or a NPAPI plugin.
If you want to port your application to work on firefox, chrome, etc and work on Mac, you may want to look at the FireBreath project, but since Apple doesn't allow such software on the iPad you'll need to approach it a different way there.
