Using OpenCover or other tool to generate test report incremently - code-coverage

We are using OpenCover in C# project. Is there any way to append the result of new runs of the tests to the old results.xml generated by OpenCover? Or is there any other tool with this functionality?

AxoCover, which uses OpenCover and can be installed in Visual Studio through Tools - Extensions and Updates..., for every run creates a directory containing the file coverageReport.xml which uses the same format as OpenCover.
These reports could then be merged using XSLT. See the results here for how to do this


MS test does not improve code coverage in sonarqube

I am using .Net MVC with Web API project in Visual Studio 2015.
The project is configured with the SonarQube Version 8.7.
Currently the Code coverage percent is 0%.
Recently I have added a unit test project in my solution and added around 25+ test methods for my Web API Controllers.
All the test methods are passed. I am using MS Test for Unit testing.
On executing the SonarQube script I am not able to see any improvement in my Code coverage inspite of adding unit test cases.
Please guide me for what have been gone wrong resulting in 0 percent of Code coverage in SonarQube
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: After OP add a comment for more clarity, the following block is necessary for understanding issue:
From documentation that is linked below.
We support:
Import of coverage reports from VSTest, dotCover, OpenCover, Coverlet and NCover 3.
Import of unit test results from VSTest, NUnit and xUnit.
To include tests results and test coverage you need to create an XML report that will be read by SonarQube. Official documentation can be found here.
Since MS forum says that:
Visual Studio includes the VSTest and MSTest command-line tools for testing purposes.
We can use both VSTEST and MSTEST to run automated unit and coded UI tests from a command line.
My advice is to use VStest since MStest is not supported. Also, there are some cases that should be looked at, so please check the documentaion.
Run Unit Tests To Collect Code Coverage
"%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\vstest.console.exe" /EnableCodeCoverage "UnitTestProject1\bin\Debug\UnitTestProject1.dll"
Convert the Code Coverage Report from Binary into XML
"%VSINSTALLDIR%\Team Tools\Dynamic Code Coverage Tools\CodeCoverage.exe" analyze /output: "%CD%\VisualStudio.coveragexml" "%CD%\VisualStudio.coverage"
If anyone uses NUnit, here are steps to include it:
Run Unit Tests and Save Results in file "NUnitResults.xml"
packages\NUnit.ConsoleRunner.3.7.0\tools\nunit3-console.exe --result=NUnitResults.xml "NUnitTestProject1\bin\Debug\NUnitTestProject1.dll"
Import unit test results
To import a test execution report, during the Begin step you need to pass a parameter that points to the file that will be generated:
sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPaths for NUnit
Full command will be something like:
dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:PROJECT_NAME /d:sonar.login=LOGIN_TOKEN / /d:sonar.cs.nunit.reportsPath=PATH_TO_NUnitResults.xml
My first guess is that you're running VS community edition or pro. To have Visual Studio generate a coverage file, you need Enterprise, or a 3d party coverage plugin.
The code coverage feature is available only in Visual Studio Enterprise edition.
In which case you'll need to configure dotCover or any of the other mentioned coverage tools or upgrade to VS Enterprise.

No test result files were found using search pattern '...\**\TEST-*.xml

I am running my test in TFS (Nunit plus Visual Studio with Adapter) and I have set the build definition as below
Build succeeds but no test result file was generated
Does TFS writes this Xml file ?
2017-02-08T08:08:40.8151428Z Executing the powershell script: D:\A1\agent\tasks\PublishTestResults\1.0.20\PublishTestResults.ps1
2017-02-08T08:08:41.0963795Z ##[warning]No test result files were found using search pattern 'D:\A1_work\1\s**\TEST-*.xml'.
If the Nunit plus Visual Studio with Adapter means you have two test steps: one for unit tests and the other one for vs tests.
Please also add two "Publish Test Results" step one for Nunit format.
Also run your test manually on the build server to see if test result file .trx generated on the machine.

Can't run SpecFlow tests from Visual Studio with MSTest

I had this working on a previous project and now on a new project I've setup SpecFlow, got it generating tests from my feature file but I can't run the tests from the feature file and instead have to go to the code behind to run the tests. I've also installed the VS extension "Spec Flow for Visual Studio". What can I try?
as Greg suggested the first thing to check is that your config is set up correctly for ms test. you basically need this:
<unitTestProvider name="MSTest"/>
Also worth checking your generated feature.cs tests to see what unit test language they are in

How do I automate testing using nUnit as part of a build process using compiled dll's in .Net?

I'm using psake, msbuild and nUnit to automate my build and testing of an MVC web app, which will be carried out (kindly), by Jenkins, once I have it working.
My build steps work fine, creating two DLL's in the build\bin dir:
I'm using nunit-console.exe to run the automated tests as part of the psake build script, pointing it at the newly built MyWebApplication.Test.dll. However, the tests fail due to is saying it could not load file or assembly MyWebApplication.dll, despite it being in the same directory as the test dll file.
How do I go about executing tests using nunit in this scenario?
It's most likely looking for the application .dll in the workspace root, which is the current directory by default in Jenkins. Try changing the current directory to %WORKSPACE%\build\bin before launching the test.
I found the answer to my own question.
I had to compile a debug version of my projects as part of the build script, then run the Nunit console exe against my csproj file for the test project. With this, it executes the tests properly.

Running Delphi builds under TFS MSBuild

Wanting to build and test a bunch of Borland Delphi 6 projects that are integrated with ASP.NET services. Had been using WANT and CruiseControl for building Delphi. With TFS Build agent we can tie all together and do some testing. I am looking for guidance and direction.
One issue I see is that there is no "solution" in a Delphi project to be given to MSBuild as a '<'SolutionToBuild'>'.
<SolutionToBuild Include="There is no such thing as a Delphi.sln">
Also, I have references to <UsingTask> but am a little unsure how to use them. The <UsingTask> allows run custom task for Delphi command-line compile.
Your guidance would be appreciated.
Can you upgrade? Delphi 2006+ uses MSBuild by default. There is nothing to configure.
You can use MSBuild to run the Delphi command line compiler. It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure either the IDE supports command line compilation or there is a stand-alone compiler that can be run from the command line. In either case, you would need to create an <Exec> task that runs the appropriate command line build tool with the required parameters.
When you say you have "references to <UsingTask>" do you mean that you are importing an external MSBuild task? The <UsingTask> element is used to pull in a custom MSBuild task that resides in an external assembly (DLL). Once the task is imported, you use it just like you would any other built-in task.
