Change HAML indentation from 2 to 4 spaces - ruby-on-rails

Is there a way to change the indentation from 2 spaces to 4 spaces for HAML on a Ruby on Rails application?
If I failed to indent properly, I get: The line was indented 2 levels deeper than the previous line.

Taken from
Haml’s indentation can be made up of one or more tabs or spaces.
However, indentation must be consistent within a given document. Hard
tabs and spaces can’t be mixed, and the same number of tabs or spaces
must be used throughout.
Here's my test:
%h1 Test
haml test.haml
<div id='content'>
<div class='title'>


Underscores in Thymeleaf Text Literals

Question: How to escape multiple consecutive underscores in text literals?
I am using the standard Thymeleaf dialect for HTML (I am not using Spring or SpEL here).
In Thymeleaf, I can create an underscore as a text literal as follows:
<div th:text="'_'"></div>
This renders as:
I can create literals with 2 and 3 underscores in the same way:
<div th:text="'__'"></div>
<div th:text="'___'"></div>
But for 4 underscores, I get an error:
org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Could not parse as expression: ""
I assume (maybe incorrectly) this is because two pairs of underscores (__ followed by __) are the markers used by Thymeleaf for the expression preprocessor. And when these are removed, I am left with an empty expression - hence the error.
I can escape the underscores using the backslash (\) escape character. The following all give the required results:
<div th:text="'\_\___'"></div>
<div th:text="'\_\_\_\__'"></div>
<div th:text="'\_\_\_\___'"></div>
<div th:text="'_\_\_\_\___'"></div>
<div th:text="'\_\_\_\_\_\___'"></div>
But I can't just escape every underscore.
This displays a stray backslash:
<div th:text="'\_\_\_\_\_'"></div>
The result is:
What are the rules for escaping underscores in text literals?
Is it really the preprocessor which is causing this behavior (inside text literals) - or is it something else?
Yeah, this is definitely part of the preprocessor.
It looks to me like the preprocessor only replaces an exact match of \_\_ with __. In any case where you have an odd number of \_'s, you will get the output \_ -- because it's not treating \_ as a real escape and instead only looking for \_\_.
I stumbled upon the same issue while providing underscore as placeholder for a code input field and found the following workarounds:
1. Insert zero width space as seperator
In the first example ('​_​_​_​_​') the zero witdh space is unescaped, but you can copy paste the string into your IDE of choice.
<div th:text="${'_​_​_​_​_​_'}"></div>
<div th:text="${'_​_​_​_​_​_'}"></div>
<div th:text="${'_​_​_​_​_​_'}"></div>
<div th:text="${'_&ZeroWidthSpace;_&ZeroWidthSpace;_&ZeroWidthSpace;_&ZeroWidthSpace;_&ZeroWidthSpace;_'}"></div>
2. Use string replace
Surprisingly, this also seems to work. You can use any character, but no underscores in the original string, I chose "......". You can also use it with a string of unknown length by specifying a variable instead of a fixed string.
<div th:text="${#strings.replace('......', '.', '_')}"></div>
<div th:text="${#strings.replace('......', '.', '_')}"></div>

Pandoc: multiple footnotes next to one another?

If I want to have two footnotes cited next to one another, separated by a comma, what is the syntax for doing so? The Pandoc documentation doesn't seem to specify how.
As an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
Some text here [^fn1, ^fn2] ## this clearly isn't the syntax, I've tried this.
Some text here 1, 2.
The syntax for multiple footnotes would be:
Some text here [^fn1][^fn2]
[^fn1]: foo
[^fn2]: bar
However, to separate them by comma in PDF output, you'll have to tell LaTeX to do so by including the following in your pandoc template:
For HTML output, you'd have to to something similar in CSS:
.footnote-ref ~ .footnote-ref :before {
content: ', '

How to escape whitepace in Rails?

I know that rails automatically escapes characters like '<' or '&', but this does nothing for multiple spaces next to each other. I would like to escape everything, including spaces.
I understand that normally you don't want to use and that you should use css instead. However, I'm trying to take user input and display it, so css isn't feasible.
For example, I have the user input: test . When I display it with <%=#user_input%> in the view, the extra whitespace is displayed as a single space (though it appears correctly in the source).
Is there an easy way to escape the whitespace? Should I just use h #user_input and then replace all the spaces?
The whitespace isn't removed. Browsers simply interpret multiple whitespace characters as a single space.
You could convert each space to if you want:
<%= raw #user_input.gsub(/\s/, " ") %>
You could alternatively replace each space with an empty <span class="whitespace"></span> tag, and then use CSS to style the whitespace 'characters' however you like.
Finally, you can do this with only CSS too using the white-space: pre style (example below).
Edit (to answer the follow-up in your comment)
<%= raw h("this is a sample & with ampersand.").gsub(/\s/, " ") %>
This escapes the & as & in the source (and will do similar for other HTML entities), and then does the " " to conversion.

Interpret newlines as <br>s in markdown (Github Markdown-style) in Ruby

I'm using markdown for comments on my site and I want users to be able to create line breaks by pressing enter instead of space space enter (see this meta question for more details on this idea)
How can I do this in Ruby? You'd think Github Flavored Markdown would be exactly what I need, but (surprisingly), it's quite buggy.
Here's their implementation:
# in very clear cases, let newlines become <br /> tags
text.gsub!(/^[\w\<][^\n]*\n+/) do |x|
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
This logic requires that the line start with a \w for a linebreak at the end to create a <br>. The reason for this requirement is that you don't to mess with lists: (But see the edit below; I'm not even sure this makes sense)
* we don't want a <br>
* between these two list items
However, the logic breaks in these cases:
*this line is in italics*
another line
> the start of a blockquote!
another line
I.e., in all of these cases there should be a <br> at the end of the first line, and yet GFM doesn't add one
Oddly, this works correctly in the javascript version of GFM.
Does anyone have a working implementation of "new lines to <br>s" in Ruby?
Edit: It gets even more confusing!
If you check out Github's official Github Flavored Markdown repository, you'll find yet another newline to <br> regex!:
# in very clear cases, let newlines become <br /> tags
text.gsub!(/(\A|^$\n)(^\w[^\n]*\n)(^\w[^\n]*$)+/m) do |x|
x.gsub(/^(.+)$/, "\\1 ")
I have no clue what this regex means, but it doesn't do any better on the above test cases.
Also, it doesn't look like the "don't mess with lists" justification for requiring that lines start with word characters is valid to begin with. I.e., standard markdown list semantics don't change regardless of whether you add 2 trailing spaces. Here:
item 1
item 2
item 3
In the source of this question there are 2 trailing spaces after "item 1", and yet if you look at the HTML, there is no superfluous <br>
This leads me to think the best regex for converting newlines to <br>s is just:
text.gsub!(/^[^\n]+\n+/) do |x|
x =~ /\n{2}/ ? x : (x.strip!; x << " \n")
I'm not sure if this will help, but I just use simple_format()
from ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
ActionView simple_format
my_text = "Here is some basic text...\n...with a line break."
output => "<p>Here is some basic text...\n<br />...with a line break.</p>"
Even if it doesn't meet your specs, looking at the simple_format() source code .gsub! methods might help you out writing your own version of required markdown.
A little too late, but perhaps useful for other people. I've gotten it to work (but not thoroughly tested) by preprocessing the text using regular expressions, like so. It's hideous as a result of the lack of zero-width lookbehinds, but oh well.
# Append two spaces to a simple line, if it ends in newline, to render the
# markdown properly. Note: do not do this for lists, instead insert two newlines. Also, leave double newlines
# alone.
text.gsub! /^ ([\*\+\-]\s+|\d+\s+)? (.+?) (\ \ )? \r?\n (\r?\n|[\*\+\-]\s+|\d+\s+)? /xi do
full, pre, line, spaces, post = $~.to_a
if post != "\n" && pre.blank? && post.blank? && spaces.blank?
"#{pre}#{line} \n#{post}"
elsif pre.present? || post.present?

What is the meaning of "-" in blocks of server-side code in ruby on rails?

I often see things like this in rails views:
<% form_tag some_path do -%>
<% end -%>
Why is there a "-" at the end of each of those lines? My code works fine without it, but is it a best practice or some kind of security measure?
Adding the "-" to the end of the tag removes the line break for that line, and any whitespace characters that may follow. Likewise, adding it to the beginning removes any whitespace characters that may precede it.
For instance,
Some text.
<% -%>
More text.
results in:
Some text.
More text. # The linebreak in line 2 was suppressed in the output.
It prevents extra whitespace from being output:
With most of the tags, you can change how ERB trims white space on the same line. Basically the addition of a "-" character to the end of a tag will prevent ERB from including any white space after the tag on the same line to the HTML, including the final carriage return. A "-" at the start of the tag does the same for characters before the tag.
