Nested application ignores bundles -

I'm trying to run my ASP.NET MVC application as nested application so that I can access it as a subfolder, like
I've added it to an existing application by choosing Add Application a chosen separate application pool.
When I run my-application on its own URL it works fine however when I try to run it as it refuses to render bundles, neither style nor js.
What I have tried so far:
I have tried to enable and disable bundling and minification. When it's disabled Styles.Render adds nothing to markup. When it's enabled invalid link to bundle is added to markup, for example <link href="/calc/bundles/styles/mainlayout?v=" rel="stylesheet"/> and the link returns empty document.
I have tried to put my-application to empty website to ensure no side effects inherited. No difference here.
I have tried to put brand new application side by side with my-application and bundling worked fine there so it must be something wrong with my application and I can not find what exactly.
I have tried to ILSpy System.Web.Optimization code but couldn't find any help there.
I have failed to debug System.Web.Optimization as my VS just hung.
I didn't find any conflicting routes with my-application address.
If anyone faced the same issue then any advice appreciated.
UPDATE: I found what causes the issue. We intensively use T4MVC and we use it for bundles configuration as well. So our bundle declaration looks something like:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/scripts")
.Include("~" + Links.Scripts.Script1_js, "~" + Links.Scripts.Script2_js));
And "~" + Links.Scripts.Script1_js for nested application gives me ~/my-application/scripts/script1.js while VirtualPathProvider from inside Include method expects it to be ~/scripts/script1.js.
So the question transforms into: does anyone know how to prevent T4MVC from adding nested application path onto static files links so that application isn't aware of being nested? I bet #David Ebbo knows how to achieve this :)


asp mvc 6 include ckeditor via bower

I've included CKEditor (4.5.3) via bower.js, but on the View, I just can't figure out how to make it work.
I'm working on a default MVC6 project template and I haven't changed any gulp.js paths.
I'm guessing I'm missing something there, since It wants to join scripts from paths.webroot + "js/**/*.js";
and the CKEditor is located inside wwwroot/lib/ckeditor
Everything works fine if I add <script src="/lib/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> on the View...
But that's missing the point, since gulp should take care of it.
Can anyone please help?

download source code, but not working

I had a problem with part 3 of an orchard tutorial...
so I was attempting to download the source code for part 4 and continue on from there (which can be found about 3/4 of the way down at the end of the tutorial on the page
However when I run part 4 from webmatrix I get the error(see below)
im guessing this is because iv only downloaded the code but i need to put it inside a seperate project? is this correct? can someone advise me how to do this?
thanks for any replies
The error states that there is no default document configured in IIS. Attempt to access the document using the full URL.
For instance http://localhost:28266/default.aspx (or similar)
You can then adjust IIS to have the correct default document (if desired)
Edit: After reviewing the referenced ZIP archive.
This looks like a changed file zip for the application. This isn't a complete ASP.NET MVC application by itself and, as such, isn't viewable stand alone. I don't have the time to parse the exact steps required to make this application work alongside the demos provided, but be sure you're either combining all of the previous files and folders in order or follow the instructions detailed by the author.
As referenced, this is not a complete ASP.NET MVC application and isn't ready to be immediately rendered by IIS.
The problem is probably that the application can't start for some reason, which causes IIS to attempt to respond to the request with other handlers. Because there is no default document defined (and there shouldn't), it tries to do a directory listing, which is not allowed in your configuration. Do not focus on what IIS is telling you but rather on why your application doesn't run.
Things to check:
you have built the application
you are running in full trust
you are running in integrated mode
there is no exception in app_data/logs
you added the module to a working Orchard instance, in its Modules directory

MVC application deployed to IIS5 using Wildcard mapping causes 401 and 404 errors on CSS and JS

I've been developing an MVC 2 application under the built in Web-server in VS2010. On Friday, I moved it to a virtual directory under IIS 5 in my WinXP development machine. I had the usual problems, and added a wildcard mapping to the Virtual Directory configuration in IIS to map .* to aspnet_isapi.dll (Framework 4). Neither the check file exists box nor the Script Engine box is checked.
The routing works and brings up the correct page. But none of the css or js files are served. Fiddler shows them getting either 401 (Not Authorized) or 404 (Not Found) errors (with no apparent rhyme or reason to which one - sometimes both). I went back in and added IgnoreRoute statements to the mapping tables for .css and .js, files, but that made no difference. I also added LOCALMACHINE\ASPNET to the security settings on the directory, giving it (for right now) full control permissions (I know that's a security hole, but I'll fix it after I get it running.)
I have not seen this problem referred to in any of the blog posts on getting MVC running on pre-IIS 7 servers. Has anyone else seen it, and how did you solve it?
The simplest and most straightforward way I've found to get the scripts/graphics/css files working is to specifically remove the wildcard mapping to aspnet_isapi for your content directories (graphics, scripts, css), in the same way that you added them for the project directory.
Right click on your scripts folder and select properties, and hit Create. The configuration button will now be available; click it and hit Remove to remove the custom mapping that the folder inherited from it's parent; click okay. Now back in the properties dialog for the folder, click Remove, so it's no longer a virtual directory, and click OK. Repeat for other such folders.
This is because when your app servers url like : it will try to get images from Try to install firebug and see the net section. Good fix to this is use a helper method to add css reference that adds fully qualified path for css reference like:

ASP .Net MVC - Images not being shown in published build

I am developing an ASP .Net MVC application and on my dev machine, the application runs as expected and, more importantly, the images mentioned in the CSS file are displaying correctly too.
However, when I publish this application to a testing server, the web app runs fine, but the images are not shown.
If I modify the URL in IE when testing the output from the test server, the image is returned, meaning that the file is there but it just won't appear within the view page when using the site normally.
I have tried alternative servers too, but the result is the same.
To confirm, here's a line from the CSS page referencing the image...
background-image: url('/Content/Images/Logo/myLogo.jpg');
Any suggestions?
The URLs are not correct, likely due to the fact that you are publishing in a subfolder and so they are no longer at the root of the server. I usually use Url.Content( "~/Content/Images/..." ) to build the url instead of hard-coding it. That way it will take into account the routes when building the path.
<img src='<%= Url.Content( "~/Content/Images/banner.jpg" ) %>' alt="Banner" />
I had the same issue, but I found the reason why it was forcing authentication on the Contents folder.
When a user is not logged in yet, they are classified as Anonymous Authentication. In IIS7 (which is what I am using, guessing it is the same in IIS6) you need to open the authentication window in features view. Then edit the Anonymous Authentication, to use your application pool identity, or the default one, just make sure that user has permissions to read in that folder.
That fixed it for me, hope it works for you.
Possible relative paths are wrong...Possible that they are wrong for CSS file itself. You can use FireBug to see if CSS loaded correctly, then you can examine image request, often in such situations you will see red(error) items. This could help to localize problem.

Should cs files be deployed when publishing an ASP.Net MVC application?

I have a project that compiles and runs fine on my development machine but when I run it on the web server I get the following error.
Parser Error Message: The file '/Views/Shared/Main.master.cs' does not exist.
The file mentioned does not exist on the server but the file '/Views/Shared/Main.master' does.
I use the 'Publish' command to upload the project. Is it missing the cs files?
Is there some setting where it does just in-time compiling that need to turn off?
I stumbled upon this solution.
The master page has the following attribute CodeFile="Main.master.cs". When I replaced this with CodeBehind="Main.master.cs" it works as expected.
The file originally came from an older web application but I don't know what the difference means. If someone else can come up with a better explanation I will accept their answer instead of this one.
Glad you got it figured out. It may come from an issue when converting from "Web Site" to "Web Application" project type.
Usually the files are marked with a reference to a dll that exists in the bin, e.g. App_Web_nnnnn in the inherits declaration of Main.master. Is that the case for that file on the web server and does the referenced dll exist in the bin? If not then it may not be pre-compiling as it should.
As far as I have seen with MVC, I don't think you even need the code-behind pages, do you?
I have removed the references from any pages in my app that were there for any reason.
Also, when you create a new View, I don't think it even creates the code-behind page in MVC, does it? (Really threw me to start with!!)
