Can't Add testers in TestFlight - ios

I added a person in iTunesConnect (User and Roles) with the role as developer.
After he accepted the invitation, he is ready to be added to test the build.
I could add the user to my particular app build.
Then I tried sending an invitation to him. But the status of the user is "-".
Please refer the screen shot.
Earlier I could add number of testers, but why am I getting a problem only with this user?

Try removing the user, re-add him and Resend the invitation. It always works in my case.


How can a company invite me to TestFlight?

Slightly programming related, but I cant seem to figure it out. I have an Apple Developer Account and an iTunes Connect account. When the company invities me, all I get is a "XY Ltd. invited you to join iTunes Connect".
If I log in via the link nothing happens, I get my own iTunes Connect account. I don't seem to able to switch between roles or anything like that. What's the issue here?
The email they sent me:
There are 2 things here:
1) You need to add the tester in users tab in itunes connect(if you want internal testing feature).
Here the user will get a mail from itunesconnect asking them to activate their apple id(the mail id you added in the user section). This is the mail you have attached in the screenshot. Once they activate the id, you will be able to see the user in the "users & roles" tab as registered.
2) After the first step you need to add that tester to the app's testflight section. This step is only after the user activates the account.
Go to the testflight section of the app and add the user there. Remember the user should have minimum Marketer role or else the user won't be shown in testflight. Here the user will get an email from testflight, with a link "VIEW IN TESTFLIGHT", you can either open the link on mobile which will redirect you to the testflight app OR you can open the link on your system browser and enter the code in the testflight app.
You need to do this process only once.
Hope this helps

When I add new testers to TestFlight do I have to put out a new build for them to be "notified"?

I added around 50 new testers to my external testing via TestFlight in iTunes Connect tonight, but a few hours later none of them have received an email, and the "status"/iOS column in the users list has nothing in it, while some users in previous additions have "Notified" or "Installed".
Do I have to push out a new build or something? Or is it just a matter of time until they get an email and change status to "Notified"?
in my usage, i add new external users to testflight, then click 'save' and within minutes the new external testers receive email from apple. first time i did this it did not work because i added new users, but did not click 'save' button in upper right. see screenshot, need to do both '1' and '2'. my issue is some folks get notified and others do not, and i am going to post this question to stackoverflow.
itunes connect screen shot
No you don't.
If you have a Testflight active and add some tester, iTunes Connect will ask for confirmation and the added users will be notified.

Adding internal testers to TestFlight not working - email not sent

I am trying to add new users to my Users and Roles in iTune Connect. I go through the steps, assigning them as Technical/Admin, and hit the Add button.
I get the confirmation on the dashboard that they have been sent a verification email... but it seems nothing is being sent!! And as a result I cannot add them to the Internal testers list.
Is there a reason why verification emails are not being sent to new users being added?
iTC TestFlight has been notorious for dropping emails. Apple has also been having outages recently related to iTC (as well as other systems). The only thing you can do is remove the user and later re-add them - that will trigger the invite email again, and if iTC is working properly at the time they'll get the email.
You might also want to reach out to support so they can see if there is anything going on with your account. I had to do this for an iTC issue last week...and I heard back a week later that the issue was resolved.
Good luck!

Apple TestFlight : can't invite people

I'm using the new Apple TestFlight for internal testing, I've invited a bunch of emails who all worked fine.
But I still have one who don't work.
So, I added the tester email in the internal testers section and configure it as an internal tester with Admin role.
In the app prerelease section, I see that user, but with an email.
And when I selected it and click on "invite" button, it says "invited", but the user didn't receive the email to test the app. And in the list, he's status is not like he is part of the test (not accepted and installed the testflight).
What's happening?
One problem that I found (and it's pretty crazy) is that if you enter the Internal Tester's name with any uppercase letters in the email address, you will not be able to complete the Invitation process for a specific app. I had this with two users and only deleting their User account and re-inviting them to iTunesConnect with the same email entered in all lower case solved the problem.
This was not an issue of them being both Internal and External Testers which is another known problem.

Apple TestFlight error 'Couldn't accept the invite'

I have installed an app successfully as an internal tester. Now the app is ready for external testing, and has passed Apple review. In the email received from Apple, I clicked the Open in TestFlight button, which opened the TestFlight app and displayed the app details.
Clicking the INSTALL button fails with the following alert:
Couldn't accept the invite
You've already accepted the invite for this app.
The message does identify the problem. Any ideas how to resolve it?
Also make sure that you're not trying to install as internal tester while being added as an external tester in a previous build because this will for sure result in the same error. To resolve this problem simply log in to iTunes Connect and remove this account from the external testers list - then you should be able to install as internal tester without problem.
I fixed this by unsubscribing to the old version of the app and then accepting the invite.
I got the same message. In the TestFlight app I had the previous version of the same app with the 'Expired' status. I clicked on that expired version and on the detail view scrolled to the bottom and tapped on "Stop testing". After this, I was able to accept the most recent invitation.
You can only be associated with an app as either an internal or external tester. You cannot be both at the same time.
You will need to unsubscribe from one of them, if you wish to be part of another.
Same thing applies if you need to send out another email invite. Remove from beta testing, then add to beta testing.
Old question, new answer.
It is possible for an invitation to be sent to an email address and accepted with a different email address. This is only likely to happen if you use two different Apple IDs
An invitation was sent to my work email not associated with my Apple ID. I opened the email from my iPhone and accepted the invitation with my personal Apple ID. Months later, I received another invitation. I opened the invitation on an iPad where I was signed in using my work email address. The error message above was displayed.
Fix the problem by signing into the device with the same Apple ID you used to originally accept the invite.
I tried removing the user from the External testing, All Testers, and Internal Testing and re-doing everything but still had the issue. I then realized that I had public links enabled way back and I think I used one of them with that Apple ID, after proceeding to remove all public links from All Testers" I was able to re-accept the invite from the Internal Testing group.
