How to set a variable inside Jenkins Shell Command - jenkins

I have a Jenkins build job. It has section for shell command where I read "version" of the current application that i am building.
Now, i want to set the Jenkins custom variable "VERSION" with the "version" in the same shell command section.
I need to pass this value as parameter to some other job being triggered after successful build of this job.
Now, I would pass the Jenkins variable VERSION to some other Job.
Please suggest how can I do this.

Use EnvInject Plugin to inject runtime variables into Jenkins build process so that you can use in other build steps or you can pass it on to other Job's as input parameter.

I could get some clue from Suresh's answer. I did the following steps and it worked well.
Step 1: Install Plugin “EnvInject Plugin”.
Step 2: Set the custom env variable and store that in
Step 3: Add POST Build Action, “Trigger parameterized build on other projects”
Step 4: Add the variables that the Post Build Job is expecting:
Here the BUILD_NUMBER and FILE_VERSION are two parameterized variables
that the next Job is expecting. FILE_VERSION is passed as parameters
from properties file which was stored in STEP 2.


How to use the output of shell script in jenkins

I am trying to execute the following shell command
timeStamp=$(date +%s)
echo "###### TIMESTAMP IS #$timeStamp #######"
I wanted to pass this variable timeStamp to my second job that I am trying to trigger using "Trigger parameterized build on other projects"
I am not getting the value of timestamp in the variable timeStamp.
I have restrictions that EnvInjectPlugin cannot be used. Is there any other option available to pass the shell script output to another parameter.
I suggest you use the EnvInjectPlugin plugin. But since you have restrictions that EnvInjectPlugin cannot be used, you can choose to use property file and here is how.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Add Post-build action ==> Trigger parameterized build on other projects ==> Add Parameters ==> Parameters from preperties file
After that, you can use TIMESTAMP parameter in the downstreamJob.

Jenkins - How to read the environment variables in groovy post build step

I am trying to read the environment variables in Groovy Postbuild step. I am able to read the values of parameters passed to builds but unable to read the values of parameters which are set in one of my Execute Windows batch command.
In one example of my Execute Windows batch command I do this:
SET custom_param=myValue
if I use ${custom_param} in other jenkins steps/jobs, it gets my value. So I am sure it has the value. I just can't get it in groovy script
I have tried followings to do so, none of them have worked:
Any help here would be great
(Assuming you're not running your script in groovy sandbox)
Try the bellow:
build = Thread.currentThread().executable
String jobName = build.project.getName()
job = Hudson.instance.getJob(jobName)
my_env_var = job.getLastBuild().getEnvironment()["YOUR_ENV_VAR"]
Groovy Post build step run as separate process. It has access to environment as normal JVM process.
You could use EnvInject plugin as a a build step. Subsequent steps in build will able to read this via normal environment access (System.env in your groovy script)
When you set some custom variables in your "Windows command batch" step, these variables are available only during this Jenkins step.
Once Jenkins move on the next step, your variables are lost...
If you want to set some variables permanently, you can try to use the SETX command:
What is the difference between setx and set in environment variables in Windows?

How can I create parameterized Jenkins job?

I want to use same job in different machine. But I don't want to change the configuration of the job each time. Can I pass the machine name label as parameter and run the job in different machine ? (Not simultaneously).
I want to pass parameters while running a job to the script which I have written in th configuration (batch script). Can we do that ?
Can I get a return value from a job and use it in next job?
Example criteria:
User needs to use different environments for executions.
1. Select jenkins project
2. Job -> Configure -> Select this project is parameterized check box.
3. Select Add parameter drop down - > String parameter
4. Define a string parameter (In my example I use environment variable as : BaseURL)
5.Now under build section initialize the mvn command user needs to execute.Here in this case I want to execute my jenkins build on a environment where I specify. So I should be able to execute my build in different environment each time with out changing the code.
My mvn command: I pass my environment url as a parameter (Using $ sign). This is based on user requirement.
clean test -Dcustomproperty="$BaseURL"
6. Apply and save your Jenkins project.
7. Now your project is parameterized. Then your project should have Build with parameters option.
8.Click Build with parameters link and enter your parameter (In this example my environment variable) and click build. Your jenkins job should run with the parameter.
NOTE: This build won't succeed unless the passing parameter is not utilized in the automation script. So script has to be modified to retrieve the passing variable.
String BaseURL= System.getProperty("customproperty");
Yes, you can pass a node label parameter with NodeLabel Parameter Plugin.
Yes, you can define parameters, as described, in Parameterized Builds and then use it in your script as an environment variable:
The parameter is available as environment parameters. So e.g. a shell ($FOO, %FOO%) or Ant ( ${env.FOO} ) can access these values.
This is not exactly a return value, but you can pass any parameter (with its value) to the downstream job with Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
Use parameterized Build plugin and NodeLabel Parameter Plugin

Updating jenkins job variable

Parameterized variable are not getting updated in jenkins
I m using the conditional build-step plugin to update the jenkins job parameter by executing shell script its showing me the new value of variable as well but its not get reflected.
You can try the EnvInject Plugin. One of the features is a build step that allows you to "inject" parameters into the build job from a settings file.
Create a property for the email list in the file:
echo "variable=`value`">
It will create the properties file in the job workspace directory.
In shell script:
If I understand correctly, you are trying to change the value of a pre-defined parameter
from within a script that is run by the job.
This will not work, because of "scope" (or "call-stack"),
as a process (your script) cannot change the environment of a parent process (your Jenkins job).

Jenkins EnvInject build step

I have a Jenkins job that is doing the following (amongst other things):
Read user input for ENVIRONMENT and SERVERTYPE
Inject environment variable AGENT (initially blank) as a build step to create
a new variable
Execute shell as a build step to populate AGENT, based on what was entered
Use AGENT as an input to a plugin as a post build action
The problem is that the value of AGENT doesn't seem to persist outside of the "execute shell" build step. When I try and pass it into the post build action plugin, it's still blank.
Can anyone point out what am I doing wrong? I have read the documentation, but can't seem to figure it out.
Your problem is that whatever variables you set in the shell script, they don't make it out.
This is true for any process: child process (your shell script) can never directly affect environment of parent process (Jenkins executor client).
If you need the data to persist, you need to store it outside the script; there are many options like uploading it to a server or storing it in a database, the most obvious and easiest option is to save it to a file.
You can even save the value to a "properties file" in the syntax supported by EnvInject and specify path in "Properties File Path" field.
You need to populate properties file with the values of the environment variables to be injected again, so they will survive until post-build actions. The properties file usually resides in the job's workspace.
For example use the following steps:
Build step "Execute shell" :
AGENT="My agent"
Build step: "Inject environment variables",
Field "Properties File Path":
Post-Build Actions: "Editable Email Notification", Field "Default Content":
Current Agent $AGENT
Or ${ENV, var="AGENT"}
