TFS 2015 Associate Build/Release to Manual Test Runs - tfs

I'm trying to associate a test run to a release if possible, and if not then a build.
I need to either be able to associate it before the run, or after when we view the history.
I've been looking online and all I can find are references to functionality of 2017 that isn't in 2015.
Is this possible?

It's not possible in TFS2015 for now. You have to upgrade your TFS server to TFS2017updae2. Detail steps please follow this tutorial: Run automated tests from test plans in the Test hub

We are using TFS2017 Update 2, but also there it is, alas, not possible to manually run test cases against a RELEASE.
It is only possible to select a BUILD, which is not accurate in our case, because our RELEASE consists of 5 different SW components, each having it's own BUILD number.
I posted this as a feature request on the user voice forum, here:
Please vote.


Associating Build Number with TFS Work Items after build using vNext

We have a requirement of associating work items with TFS Builds. Generally, this is possible (or we can say 'natural') while using XAML Build Templates in TFS (via Integration Build field of WorkItem. In the below screenshot it was mentioned as 'Integrated In'). We are currently trying to migrate from XAML Build Templates to vNext version of VSTFS 2015 and further to integrate with Octopus Deploy for CI/CD practices.
We are now half the way in the migration because we are stuck up making this vNext templates to associate TFS WorkItems with their Build numbers. Without doing this step, if we complete this migration, it will be difficult to get associated build numbers for each Work Items delivered in that build.
When we searched MSDN blogs, we got a post (link given below) similar to our requirement but I tried that and ended up with no luck.
So, please suggest the ways which can resolve our requirement.
Since you are going to migrate from XAML build Templated to vNext. Suggest you also upgrade your TFS version to higher all together.
Just as Daniel point out TFS2015 released already 4 years, kind of little old. Same latest feature in TFS/Azure DevOps are not supported.
What you are looing for is a build-in option in TFS2017 update2 and above version.
Automatic linking from work items to builds
With this new setting in the build definition, you can track the
builds that have incorporated your work without having to search
through a large set of builds manually. Each successful build
associated with the work item automatically appears in the development
section of the work item form.
To enable this feature, toggle the setting under Options in your build definition.
More details refer this blog.
Besides, you could also take a look at our official tutorial Migrate from XAML builds to new builds in case you need.

Migrating a build definition from TFS to VSTS

I've been tasked with migrating a build from TFS to VSTS, I've used TFS from a developer point of view, however I've never created builds. Can anyone give me any advice where to start, good websites, tutorials, tools that might help, anything that might catch me out etc, basically my knowledge on this is very limited so anything would help. I've no doubt there must be somebody out there who can say we've done this, here is what we did...the new VSTS build will need to be a copy of the TFS build however some analysis needs to be done as the build process is old and certain parts may not be necessary. Thanks in advance!
Migrate New Vnext build definition from TFS to VSTS
If you want to template your builds or move them from TFS to VSTS, you could also use the REST API's to perform this. Details please refer this blog: HOW TO MOVE BUILD DEFINITIONS IN TFS TO OTHER PROJECTS USING THE REST API
Another example shown here. It shows how to get the JSON response of a build definition and again using the same reference to make a new one in the project you desire.
Migrate Old XAML to New Vnext build definition from TFS to VSTS
Unfortunately, there will not be any automated conversion processes. The new builds are based on a different architecture and run on a completely different system. And you can use both the new builds and agents alongside your XAML builds, controllers, and agents.
If you have heavily customized XAML builds and custom activities, you
can continue using those builds until you are ready to port your
business logic into scripts that can run in the new builds.
You should also take a look at these series of articles by jessehouwing devoted specifically to the case like yours.
About how to create a build, you could refer this tutorial from MSDN.

TFS 2017 Build Numbering

We have upgraded from TFS 2013 to TFS 2017, One feature we are trying to implement that we had in 2013 was the ability to have a custom build number. the previous method we had a file called BuildVersion.XML which during the first build step would read the major,minor, and revision and name the build with that build number + 1 on the revision. It would then change then checkout and update the revison number and check in the new version. I know that there are steps where people update the AssemblyInfo. The issue is that not all our code is .net apps. we also now have SSIS Packages, Cordova iOS/android apps, angular sites, aws Lambda functions with node.js which do not have the concept of AssemblyInfo. is there an easy way to implement this?
You can do exactly the same thing in Team Build in TFS 2017.
You can update the build number from any task by calling:
Write-Verbose -Verbose "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]"
Add a PowerShell task and add an inline script to read from your file and update the build number with the above.
You can then have additional scripts that use the build number any way you need to version your application.
You can see the full list of logging commands here
You can use my VSTS TFVC tasks to interact with source control, though I do not recommend it. I built these tasks for clients of mine who were doing exactly what you are doing.
Instead of relying on a file in source control it would be a much better solution to pass the BuildNumber from the Build Definition along to the build, have one of your first steps update the files on disk with the correct version number then run your build.
If you manipulate files during the build and check them in you run the risk of inconsistent numbering when you scale up to multiple build agents, it's hard to use in combination with parallel builds and build variable multiplexing and it becomes notoriously hard to do Gated Checkins and Shelveset builds. Plus, it limits your options to move to Git in the future.

How can i get Team City builds to show up in TFS's build explorer

So here's the setup we have right now
1) We use TFS2013 for our code repository
2) We use TeamCity to do our builds
3) we have our tests created in CodedUI
From what I've read online is that for the CodedUI tests to run automatically, they need a build to reference. However, since we are using Team City to do the builds, our Build Explorer in TFS is empty. Switching off of Team City for builds is a no, so I'm trying to find a way to have the builds appear in the Build Explorer so I can have the automated tests run via MTM.
TL;DR: I need to get the Team City builds to appear in the TFS Build Explorer.
I saw this question, but it was for 2010, so I'm hoping it's changed since How do I make a TeamCity build appear in the TFS Build Explorer?
It can be done using the API. You could use the following blog post as a starting point to create an app that records in TFS the results from your TeamCity build. Then you could run your app as part of your TeamCity build.
Update: There are however downsides. Some capabilities of ALM are only available if the build is done in TFS. You loose Test Impact Analysis, relationships between builds and Work Items, identification of Verifiable Bug fixes, roll up for release management of release contents.
TF Build is more than just orchestrating a compilation, it is the glue that knits your ALM strategy together and you will not be able to amortize the realm value in TFS without builds in TF Build or a whole lot of custom work.
Sorry, it's not possible. Team Explorer is designed to show you Team Builds.

TFS 2010 - How to associate a bug with a Build

I'm working in a project and I'm trying to optimize testing process so, when I execute a test case and I found a bug, I would like to associate this bug to the current build.
The builds are created automatically but when I try to select the built in the droplist there are not builds to select, so... How can I do it to get all the builds that I've made automatically?
Maybe is there any issue with Global List?
Im using VS 2010 and I have installed TFS 2010 Power Tools.
Thanks in advance!!
The global list is normally updated by an event subscription on the server that handles the BuildCompleted event. On your TFS server, there should be an executable named BisSubscribe.exe. You can use that to verify or fix the subscription. For more details, check out Jason Prickett's blog post on How to filter the Build Completion Event.
