iOS - Physicsbody moving right through another - ios

I am making an SpriteKit game involving sorting colored balls with a rotating funnel that rotates based off where you move your touch. Problem is if someone swipes across the screen really fast, balls will move right through the physicsBody on the funnel. I am changing the zRotation of the funnel with each call to touchesMoved(). Both the balls' physicsbody and the funnel's physicsbody has .usesPreciseCollisionDetection to true. .isDynamic is false for the funnel.
I figure when someone swipes across the screen, the animation is happening so fast that the framerate cannot keep up and as the funnel rotates, there is such a large gap in its rotation that the ball ends up on the other side of the physicsbody in a single frame.
Is there any way to fixing this? I am new to SpriteKit, any help is appreciated. My code is here


Bouncing Ball SKPhysicsBody - Stop Bouncing Perpendicular Forever

So I'm making a brick break style game using "Ray Wenderlich's amazing tutorial" in Spritekit/Swift, just like the tutorial.
I successfully have a ball bouncing around the screen using a SKSpriteNode() and SKPhysicsBody() and I've been tweaking values for the impulses used to begin the ball bouncing around the screen forever.
However, I stumbled upon a problem which I hope to find a solution.
Sometimes, in my game, the Sprite will bounce around and become "Wall Locked" bouncing almost Perpendicular (or straight) between two walls, (give or take a few pixels)! So ends up Zig-Zagging across the whole screen between two said walls for ages.
What I want to do is, should this happen and the ball get "Wall Locked" to introduce a new impulse to get it moving again...
How can this be done? For example, if it has bounced between the top and bottom walls 10 times, then it's time to adjust it's angle/introduce a new impulse.
Could the last 10 positions be stored in an array, then test if their almost perpendicular somehow?
If you inspect the velocity property of your Sprite, you could detect when either of its values is close to zero and then make them something that is not so close to zero. This would stop it getting stuck moving just horizontally or vertically.

How to reduce the impact of gravity on a single SKSpriteNode

I am building an endless runner game where platforms appear at random intervals and then scroll right to left across the screen.
I have a sprite that jumps up vertically using
- (void)makeCharacterJump {
[self.spriteCaveman.physicsBody applyImpulse:CGVectorMake(0.0f, 80.0f)];
The problem is that the effect of gravity on the sprite means that it falls quite quickly and cant make the gap between the platforms.
What I would like to do is slightly slow down the effect of gravity on the falling sprite so it creates the impression of slightly floating down.
Any ideas?
If the character is the only node affected by gravity then you can change the scene’s gravity with:
self.physicsWorld.gravity = CGVectorMake(0, desiredGravity);
If it is not then you’ll have to play with the character’s physics body properties: friction, linearDamping or angularDamping values.
Hope that helps.

didBeginContact not called on fast moving sprite

I have a game where a user is dragging around my main sprite. The main sprite collides with other sprites just fine except when the user drags the main sprite very quickly. Sometimes when the main sprite is moving quickly, the physics bodies just pass right through each other and the two sprites suddenly overlap. I have a breakpoint set that logs the hit count at didBeginContact, and it is not hit.
Is there a limit to how fast a sprite can move and still be covered by didBeginContact? Am I allowing the user to move the sprite faster than the game cycle can handle the collisions?
Again, when the sprite is moving at slow speeds, the physics are working perfectly.
Remember, these things are all calculated frame by frame. You're probably moving the sprite so fast that its ending up on the other side of the screen in too few frames to count as a collision. If someone is spastically moving their finger around it might not catch it. You could put some kind of speed limit on the sprite or something.
try to set physic body with usesPreciseCollisionDetection = YES

Rotate SKSpriteNode along arc using SpriteKit

I'm trying to figure out a method for rotating a SKSpriteNode object while it is in-flight (being affected by gravity) along an arc path. I'm using SpriteKit and throw the object using applyImpulse. The problem is that the object, despite traveling in an arc path in the air, stays in the same position.
Imagine an archer shooting an arrow. The arrow is shot upwards and should point upwards in that direction. Once the arrow starts falling along the arc, it should begin to rotate downwards.
Is there some way to automate this using the SpriteKit physics? Should I throw the arrow a different way instead of using applyImpulse? Do I need to come up with some algorithm by myself for the rotation based on the objects velocity?
In your didSimulatePhysics or your update you can rotate your sprite towards its vector. Not sure theres a way to automatically make this happen.
let angle = atan2(mySprite.physicsBody!.velocity.dy, mySprite.physicsBody!.velocity.dx)
mySprite.zRotation = angle

Scrolling combined with physics moves my sprite out of the screen

I'm implementing a side scrolling game with SpriteKit:
As long as my sprite stays in the middle of the screen, I'm moving the sprite
When the sprite reaches the left or the right part of the screen, I'm moving the level instead of my sprite:
This works quite well, unless my sprite collides with another object. In that case the level (triggered by my code) and the sprite (triggered by the physics engine) are moved and the sprite moves outside the screen:
I tried to stop the impulse which is applied from the physics engine. This hasn't worked.
Any idea how to handle this?
I suppose by "moving the level" you mean moving the background view.
Why don't you just have an area in which your sprite moves that is the same size as your background? You can scroll to keep the sprite visible without disturbing the logic of physics and other manipulation of the movement.
