How to remove an image from Nuke for Swift cache - ios

I have been trying out Nuke framework for Image caching, from, across the document I couldn't figure out how to remove an image from cache (both disk and memory), I could find a method from Cache class "removeAll" to remove images from cache , but I have two questions:
How to remove single image?
How to remove all images from disk as well as memory cache?
I haven't tried anything I am trying to check the documents before trying , so down voting because I don't have attached code isn't fare.

To store unprocessed image data, Nuke uses a URLCache instance. So you have to call removeAllCachedResponses() of an appropriate URLCache instance.
As a result, you can clear image stored in disk as below codes if you use the shared instance of Nuke as mentioned by Sergey Di on the comment
If you use a custom shared ImagePipeline, it's a bit complicated but you can do like this code
(ImagePipeline.shared.configuration.dataLoader as? DataLoader)?.session.configuration.urlCache?.removeAllCachedResponses()
I hope my answer would help you.


Should i save images to local storage in iOS App?

I am working on a project where i want to make the data, text, images available in offline mode as well.
I fetch data from a web-service which includes image urls and other data. I store the text data in core data entities, however i don't save images locally but fetch them in realtime.
To view images in offline mode i will have to save them to local storage. However i am wondering if it would be the right approach. Saving images to local may possibly eat up a lot of storage on user's device.
What is the best approach to address this problem?
Should i save images to local or should i fetch them on run time only?
Use NSCache. With NSCache you can set a limit to how many images and so on are cached. See Apple's documentation for more details:
Never mind NSCache, just save the images as files. NSCache can still save you network usage and allow your app to be more responsive, but it is not what you want.
Should i save images to local or should i fetch them on run time only?
This question for you , you should decide what you need or what is will be more suitable for your app . at any way if you want to cache images i suggest to use this library SDWebImage

Downloading images and display on table cell (Concurrent)

My app displays images in tableView cells What I want to achieve is to load the image in sequence even if the cell has disappeared off the screen. For example, I have cell 1 to 100, the cell is displayed and the images starts to download in background from 1 to 100 even if the user have already scrolled to cell 78. I'd also want to only download one to two image at a time so I don't bog up the network. With these criteria in mind, I was wondering what sort of setup would be most appropriate?
At the moment, I am using AlamoFire to download image. Would a combination of Alamofire with some sort of NSOperationQueue be suitable. I am very un familiar with NSOperationQueue at this stage. So I thought I'd try to find a recommended industry practice before I start going deep into setting NSOperationQueue
I'd also like to combine the functionality to continue the download even when the app is in background
Note. Any alternative library or framework solution is also welcome
The best solution out there is SDWebImage. The link to this repository is here.
If you wanna do it your own way without having any dependency then you have to follow the same things that SDWebImage does.
In short,
Asynchronously start download in thread, which downloads the images from the URL concurrently.
Then after downloading, use NSCache, to store the image and use the
imageURL as the key.
After storing the image in NSCache, also write the image in NSCacheDirectory, with the imagename same as that of its URL.
Now while fetching you have to check, whether the image exists in NSCache, using the imageURL as the key you can easily search that. If found, return image or then search NSCacheDirectory, whether the image exists there or not. If not then you must download the image and follow the steps once again.
Now NSCache is like the RAM. The data stored there will remain there as long as the Application is active. Once terminated, the data in NSCache will get cleaned.
Hence we also write the file in NSCacheDirectory, as data over here is persistent to as long as the app is not deleted from the device.
I hope I could make you understand as to how this thing works.

Xcode iOS Image Caching

I am fetching images from my server and need to store them on the disk. I was wondering what is the best way to cache these images to prevent excessive requests and traffic. From doing some research it seems that there are many options available but I am not sure which to use.
Core Data
Store in the Cache Resources Folder in the file directory
After storing these is it best to use a NSCache class to put these data into memory for quick access or is Core Data quick enough?
Based on my experience, you could use SDWebImage, which caches the images you request based on their url, so the next time you "request" it, it will check if it is in cache, if so it won't make the request and it will load it from it instead.
I'm not sure why would you need to store the image, maybe you could tell us the reason and see if we can help any further.
I've had great results using FastImageCache by Path.
What Fast Image Cache Does
Stores images of similar sizes and styles together
Persists image data to disk
Returns images to the user significantly faster than traditional methods
Automatically manages cache expiry based on recency of usage
Utilizes a model-based approach for storing and retrieving images
Allows images to be processed on a per-model basis before being stored into the cache

Solution For Monitoring and Maintaining App's Size on Disc

I'm building an app that makes extensive use of CoreData and a lot of my models have UIImage and NSData properties (for images and videos). Since it's not a great idea to store that data directly into CoreData, I built a file manager class that writes the files into different buckets in the documents directory depends on the context in which was created and media type.
My question now is how do I manage the documents directory? Is there a way to detect how much space the app has used up out of its total allocated space? Additionally, what is the best way to go about cleaning those directories; do I check every time a file is written or only on app launch, ect ect.
Is there a way to detect how much space the app has used up out of its total allocated space?
Apps don't have a limit on total allocated space, they're limited by the amount of space on the device. You can find out how much space you're using for these files by using NSFileManager to scan the directories. There are several methods that do this in different ways-- check out enumeratorAtPath:, for example. For each file, use a method like attributesOfItemAtPath:error: to get the file size.
Better would be to track the file sizes as you create and delete files. Keep a running total, stored in user defaults. When you create a new file, increase it by the amount of new data. When you remove a file, decrease the running total.
Additionally, what is the best way to go about cleaning those directories; do I check every time a file is written or only on app launch, ect ect.
If these files are local data that's inherently part of the associated Core Data object, the sensible approach is to delete a file when its Core Data object is deleted. The managed object needs the data file, so don't delete the file if you still use the object. That means there must be some way to link the two, but I'm assuming that's already true since you say that these files are used by managed objects somehow.
If the files are something like cached data that's easily re-created or re-downloaded, you should put them in the location returned by NSTemporaryDirectory(). Then iOS can delete them when it thinks the space is needed. You can also clear out old files whenever it seems appropriate, by scanning for older files or ones that haven't been used in a while (the details depend on exactly how you use the files).

How to handle memory when many images has to be downloaded?

I have created an app in which users will be able to upload the images and they can also see all the images uploaded by other users. I have integrated the code for the pagination and downloading the 10 images at a time and showing them on the UITableView. I have used AFNetworking for this task which is saving the image in the cache memory. The problem is that when user keeps downloading the images and count goes to around 300 images, app crashes because the device runs out of memory. I am looking for the best solution of this issue. What I have thought is to keep 50 images in the cache at a time and when user downloads the newer images, older ones will be deleted from the cache. Please also let me know if I can do this with AFNetworking.
You should use SDWebImage instead of downloading images it will cache and you can customise that caching option also .
Iam using this SDWebImage for caching 150 +images in UICollectionview and same in UITableview and its work perfect.
Initially we need to add a placeholder then it will appear one by one.
1.Take out the SDWebImage code
2.Import the header file in to your viewcontroller
#import <SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h>
3.then add a single line of code inside cellforrowindex() method. i will gve you example code snaps
// Here we use the new provided setImageWithURL: method to load the web image
[cell.imageView setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#""]
placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"placeholder.png"]];
Try APSmartStorage. You can manage number of images stored in memory. And if 'memory warning' occurred images will be removed from memory. But anyway it's ok because all images stored in files, so you don't need to reload them from network.
As #Aklesh Rathaur mentioned in comments, you could try SDWebImage, which is also used by Facebook on their mobile app.
It does a pretty good job at caching and freeing memory when more memory is required. Quoting How is SDWebImage better than X?
On the other side, SDWebImage caches the UIImage representation in memory and store the original compressed (but decoded) image file on disk. UIImage are stored as-is in memory using NSCache, so no copy is involved, and memory is freed as soon as your app or the system needs it.
Let us know your results :-)
