Use Spanish Localization as Catalan Localization - ios

I'm dealing with localization 🎉
The main langauge for my app is english, but it has been localized to spanish as well. When a user uses Catalan langauge, my app needs to fall back to spanish instead english. Is this possible without supplying the catalan localization?
I found this apple reference saying:
You can choose from more than 100 different languages and dialects
designated by regions to localize your app. However, the more general
you make your localized resources, the more regions you can support
with a single set of resources. This can save a lot of space in your
app bundle and help reduce localization costs.

iPhone users can choose their language preferences.
As a catalan, i have my iPhone in Catalan, and second in spanish. So when an app is only translated to spanish, NSLocalizedString search for catalan first, if the app doesn't support catalan, it search for spanish and last for english.
So it's not your job to translate for all possible languages! ;)
It's iphone users job to put the correct language preferences


iOS App Store - how does localized language settings work?

I recently released an app on Apples App Store and currently have it available in 2 languages, Swedish & English(U.S.). So my question is, what language will be presented to other English speaking countries since I picked English(U.S.)?. Do I have to add a description for all of them, for example, Australia & the U.K to avoid displaying the Swedish version of the app in the app store?
It depends on the default language you set for your app. If you picked English as a default language then all descriptions will be in English on every store.
And if you want to have a swedish description. Choose English as the default language and then add the swedish language in the country list in the top right corner (click the + button) and add the swedish description.

Localization in an iOS app

I am trying to localize my iOS app. However, I do not have translations for all the languages supported by Apple. I have translations for French and Dutch, with English as the base language. I wanted to know the common behavior in the following scenario.
Suppose I set the iPhone language to French and then navigate to the app. I am able to correctly see all the translations.
Now, I set the iPhone language to Portuguese. Now when I navigate to the app and I see the translations are still in French and not in English (the base language of my app).
Is this behavior right? Shouldn't the language be set to English?
The language fallback is in the Settings app. It defaults to languages the user has set the phone to in the past -- they can change it in iOS 9.

How do I set the default locale in xcode 5 and ios 7?

I know this is an already asked question, but no one of the answers helped me.
I'm writing an iOS app localized in italian and english.
I've already done two storyboards and two Localizable.strings file for the texts.
Now, if I set the english language on the phone, the app picks the english files, if I set the italian language on the phone the app picks the italian files.
But if I set french language(or spanish, or german), the app picks the italian files, which is wrong, how can I set english as the default language?
An iOS device keeps track of which languages you have set the locale to. If the currently selected locale is unsupported in an app, then the device will use the last user-selected language you used that is supported by the application.
So for example, imagine you had changed your device to English, then Italian, then Spanish. The app would first try and provide a Spanish localization. If one wasn't available, it would attempt Italian. If that wasn't available, then it would finally use English.
If you view the list of languages in the device's Settings, you'll see that they're ordered by 'last used'. I'm not aware of any way to alter this (seemingly intentional) feature.

Release one iOS app with multiple (foreign lang.) names?

Is it possible to re-release an existing iOS app with a different title?
The app supports multiple languages, but only has an English title in the app store. My thinking, which could very likely be wayward, is that my potential Russian/Indian/Chinese/French audiences have no visibility of it.
Doesn't sound like something Apple would support, but thought I'd ask anyway.
If in the slim chance it is do-able, what would I need in the way of bundle id's/prov profiles/dist certificates? One of each per app?
thanks in advance.
Yes you can - just localise the value of CFBundleDisplayName:
Open your project in Xcode
Make sure the Project Navigator is in view (View > Navigators > Show Project Navigators, or CMD+1)
Make sure the File Inspector is in view (View > Utilities > Show File Inspector, or OPT+CMD+1)
Select InfoPlist.strings in the Project Navigator
In the File Inspector, under Localization click the + button and add the language you want to translate into (e.g. French)
In the Project Navigator, expand the disclosure triangle that now appears next to InfoPlist.strings and select InfoPlist.string (French)
Add the following line:
CFBundleDisplayName = "Translated app name here";
As #runmad has suggested, you can also provide localised marketing content in iTunes Connect, including a localised app name. This is not obligatory, although it does make sense. Note however that iTunes Connect only supports a small set of languages. The languages currently support for localisation in iTunes Connect at listed in Apple's iTunes Connect Developer Guide (PDF). As of the current version of that document (7.4) the languages supported are:
Australian English
Brazilian Portuguese
Canadian English
French Canadian
Latin American Spanish
Simplified Chinese
UK English
If you want to localise the app name to a language outside that list (let's say, Hungarian) you can do that just fine using the process outlined above in Xcode, and the name you provide in Xcode is the name that a Hungarian user will see when they install your app on their device, but in the Hungarian App Store the app will be listed under (I assume) its English name.
Yes it is. You'll need to localize the app in iTunes Connect for all the countries, including app name and description.
Finally you will also need to localize your app's bundle ID.

Language not available on iTunes Connect

I've successfully translated my App to Spanish and Catalan. Both versions (in addition to the english one) work very ok. I'm preparing the submission and, when I'm to add the new Catalan version, to my surprise I cannot choose this language from the scroll down menu, although I was able to select it on Xcode when working on the translation.
So, how am I supposed to release the catalan version?. I know I could select spanish and fill the field with the catalan version, but then I cannot fill in the spanish one.
Anyone here with experience on the matter?
Thanks in advance!
By "versions" here, I assume you're just talking about localizations within one single application.
If so, the user would simply need to purchase your application from the App Store, run it on their device, and if they have Catalan as a primary language, your Catalan localization would be used.
iTunes Connect does not support Catalan as a store language yet, which is why you can't post a Catalan translation of the store listing, but it still should display in the proper language on the user's device. According to the iTunes Connect Developer Guide, the following languages are currently supported for localization of the application description:
UK English
Canadian English
French Canadian
Brazilian Portuguese
Australian English
Mexican Spanish
Simplified Chinese
If you wish for Catalan to be added as an additional language option in the App Store, please file an enhancement request at .
The only way you can localize your app in a language that is not available in iTunes, is to create a separate app just for this country and enter the info in the language. Not ideal, because now you have 2 apps to take care of: one for all available language and one just for this language.
