create user in migration Up() using Identity Framework -

I have added a migration to create a user but the code hangs when it hits userRepo.Create(...) and within this method at _userManager.Create(...)
using (UserRepository userRepo = new UserRepository())
User adminUser = new User() { IsActive = true, UserName =
"", CompanyId = 1, Password =
"admintesting" };
adminUser.Role = new Models.Security.Role() { Id = 2 };
Create method is below
public IdentityResult Create(Model.User user)
var userEntity = Mapper.Map<Entity.Security.User>(user);
var result = _userManager.Create(userEntity, userEntity.Password);
return result;
_dbContext is inherited from IdentityDbContext and instantiated accordingly
UserManager<Entity.Security.User, int> _userManager = new UserManager<Entity.Security.User, int>(new UserStore<Entity.Security.User, Entity.Security.Role, int, Entity.Security.UserLogin, Entity.Security.UserRole, Entity.Security.UserClaim>(_dbContext));
The equivalent async method works elsewhere in the application but I would like the non-async for the migration sake. Any help is highly appreciated.


how validate data that is not send by Post method?

i have a static object in controller that will be fill in some level of registration forms.finally i want to validate this object by modelstate method but is not possible because that is not send by post method..i am searching a standard way to validate..
public class AccountController : Controller
private MyDb db = new MyDb();
private static Trainer trainer = new Trainer();
public Trainer InfoSave(Trainer info)
trainer.SchoolGrade = info.SchoolGrade;
trainer.SchoolMajor = info.SchoolMajor;
trainer.MajorId = info.Major.Id;
trainer.History = info.History;
trainer.Major = info.Major;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return true;
return false;
You can use some Third party library for loosely couple the validation logic. I am using FluentValidation library. You can utilize it:
using FluentValidation;
public class TrainerValidator : AbstractValidator<Trainer> {
public TrainerValidator() {
RuleFor(c=> c.Name).NotNull().WithMessage("Name is required");
public class AccountController : Controller
private MyDb db = new MyDb();
private static Trainer trainer = new Trainer();
public Trainer InfoSave(Trainer info)
trainer.SchoolGrade = info.SchoolGrade;
trainer.SchoolMajor = info.SchoolMajor;
trainer.MajorId = info.Major.Id;
trainer.History = info.History;
trainer.Major = info.Major;
TrainerValidator validator = new TrainerValidator();
ValidationResult result = validator.Validate(trainer);
if (result.IsValid)
return true;
return false;
You can extend it based on your requirements. Here is the link for the same FluentValidation

Testing a method in MVC which makes calls to Repositories

I have a MVC method like so:
public ActionResult ChangeStatus(string productId, string statusToChange)
var productToChangeStatus = _updateProductRepository.GetUpdateProduct(productId);
if (statusToChange.ToLower() == ChangeStatusTo.Disable)
productToChangeStatus.Active = "false";
productToChangeStatus.Active = "true";
return Json(new { success = true });
This method gets an existing product based on the 'productId', changes the 'Active' property on it based on the 'statusToChange' value, saves it back and returns a Json with success.
The test setup is like so:
private ProductController _controller;
private Mock<IUpdateProductRepository> _iProductRepository;
public void TestSetup()
_iProductRepository = new Mock<IUpdateProductRepository>();
_controller = new ProductController(_iProductRepository.Object);
Wrote a test method like so:
public void Disable_A_Product_Which_Is_Currently_Enabled()
const string productId = "123";
var productBeforeStatusChange = new Product()
Active = "true",
Id = new Guid().ToString(),
Name = "TestProduct",
ProductId = "123"
var productAfterStatusChange = new Product()
Active = "false",
Id = new Guid().ToString(),
Name = "TestProduct",
ProductId = "123"
_iProductRepository.Setup(r => r.GetUpdateProduct(productId)).Returns(productBeforeStatusChange);
_iProductRepository.Setup(r => r.UpsertProduct(productBeforeStatusChange)).Returns(productAfterStatusChange);
var res = _controller.ChangeStatus("123", "disable") as JsonResult;
Assert.AreEqual("{ success = true }", res.Data.ToString());
The test fails with this error:
Object reference not set to an instant of the object.
On debugging I found that it fails inside the
condition where the actual setting of the Active property is happening.
Since the productId that's being passed is not real a product object can't be retrieved for the code to work on.
I tried to use Mock but I think my usage is not correct.
So what I want to know is, how to test a method like this where a method that returns an ActionResult is in turn calling the repository to work with object(s).
Thanks in advance.
You seems to be missing setup for
The way you setup GetUpdateProduct() method you ought to setup UpsertProduct() on the mock instance.

MVC 5 seeding users only works for email

I am working on a porject built on MVC5 and EF Code First.
I have multiple contexts, but the one I'm concered about here is the ApplicationDbContext which has the following configuration code:
namespace DX.DAL.Migrations.ApplicationDbMigrations
public class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<ApplicationDbContext>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
MigrationsDirectory = #"Migrations\ApplicationDbMigrations";
ContextKey = "DX.DAL.Context.ApplicationDbContext";
protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(context));
var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context));
if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Admin"))
roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Admin"));
var user = new ApplicationUser { UserName = "John", Email = "" };
if (userManager.FindByName("John") != null) return;
var result = userManager.Create(user, "Password123#");
if (result.Succeeded)
userManager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Admin");
When I try and login with the email and password seeded above, I get the error:
Invalid login attempt
I wrote the following SQL Query:
And I see the following:
So the seed has been created. But why can't I login?
Also, I know that if I change the Username to be the same as the email, then it works and I can login. Must the username and email be the same for ASP.NET Membership in MVC 5 to work?
After trying so many different things, I went with LukeP's solution here.
I left Identity as it is and just added a new property called DisplayUsername and allowed the user to set that up on registration.

User.Identity.Name in Web Api Controller

I went through the answer to some of the already existing questions and none of the answers are working for me.
In the ProfileController, I invoke the WebApi Controller as follows:
public ViewResult Index()
var client = new HttpClient();
var webApiUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebApiURL"];
var response = client.GetAsync(string.Format("{0}{1}", webApiUrl, "//api/ProfileWeb")).Result;
var profile = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Profile>().Result;
if (profile != null)
_profileModel.Id = profile.Id;
_profileModel.FirstName = profile.FirstName;
_profileModel.LastName = profile.LastName;
_profileModel.PhoneNumber = profile.PhoneNumber;
_profileModel.EmailAddress = profile.EmailAddress;
return this.View(_profileModel);
In the Api Contoller, I get the userName as follows:
public class ProfileWebController : ApiController
private IReminderDb _db;
public ProfileWebController(IReminderDb db)
_db = db;
public object Get()
string userName = User.Identity.Name; // <-- Not working..
var profile = _db.GetProfile(userName);
return profile;
Inside the web api controller, I am not able to get the User.Identity.Name that is in the ProfileContoller. According to some other answers where I have tried Thread.CurrentPrincipal but still the User.Identity.Name is coming out as null in web api controller.
What am I missing?

Save userid on database when create new object

I have a Controller where on the Create action I need the user ID.
Here's the controller.
public ActionResult Create(MyCreateViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var myobject = new MyObject
Attrib1 = DateTime.Now.Date,
Attrib2 = model.Etichetta,
UserId = // I need the user ID...
// Save the object on database...
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(model);
I'm using the UserProfile table provided with the SimpleMembership of MVC 4.
Which is the best practice in MVC 4 to manage the userID across the application?
Do I have to include a User attribute inside every Entity class?
Should I use a Session[] variable or what?
You can use this line to get the userId from the UserProfiles table.
var userId = WebSecurity.GetUserId(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
You can also use this function to get the users complete profile, including any custom columns you may be populating.
public static UserProfile GetUserProfile()
using (var db = new UsersContext())
var userId = WebSecurity.GetUserId
var user = db.UserProfiles
.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId);
if (user == null)
//couldn't find the profile for some reason
return null;
return user;
