Testing a method in MVC which makes calls to Repositories - asp.net-mvc

I have a MVC method like so:
public ActionResult ChangeStatus(string productId, string statusToChange)
var productToChangeStatus = _updateProductRepository.GetUpdateProduct(productId);
if (statusToChange.ToLower() == ChangeStatusTo.Disable)
productToChangeStatus.Active = "false";
productToChangeStatus.Active = "true";
return Json(new { success = true });
This method gets an existing product based on the 'productId', changes the 'Active' property on it based on the 'statusToChange' value, saves it back and returns a Json with success.
The test setup is like so:
private ProductController _controller;
private Mock<IUpdateProductRepository> _iProductRepository;
public void TestSetup()
_iProductRepository = new Mock<IUpdateProductRepository>();
_controller = new ProductController(_iProductRepository.Object);
Wrote a test method like so:
public void Disable_A_Product_Which_Is_Currently_Enabled()
const string productId = "123";
var productBeforeStatusChange = new Product()
Active = "true",
Id = new Guid().ToString(),
Name = "TestProduct",
ProductId = "123"
var productAfterStatusChange = new Product()
Active = "false",
Id = new Guid().ToString(),
Name = "TestProduct",
ProductId = "123"
_iProductRepository.Setup(r => r.GetUpdateProduct(productId)).Returns(productBeforeStatusChange);
_iProductRepository.Setup(r => r.UpsertProduct(productBeforeStatusChange)).Returns(productAfterStatusChange);
var res = _controller.ChangeStatus("123", "disable") as JsonResult;
Assert.AreEqual("{ success = true }", res.Data.ToString());
The test fails with this error:
Object reference not set to an instant of the object.
On debugging I found that it fails inside the
condition where the actual setting of the Active property is happening.
Since the productId that's being passed is not real a product object can't be retrieved for the code to work on.
I tried to use Mock but I think my usage is not correct.
So what I want to know is, how to test a method like this where a method that returns an ActionResult is in turn calling the repository to work with object(s).
Thanks in advance.

You seems to be missing setup for
The way you setup GetUpdateProduct() method you ought to setup UpsertProduct() on the mock instance.


create user in migration Up() using Identity Framework

I have added a migration to create a user but the code hangs when it hits userRepo.Create(...) and within this method at _userManager.Create(...)
using (UserRepository userRepo = new UserRepository())
User adminUser = new User() { IsActive = true, UserName =
"admin#testing.com", CompanyId = 1, Password =
"admintesting" };
adminUser.Role = new Models.Security.Role() { Id = 2 };
Create method is below
public IdentityResult Create(Model.User user)
var userEntity = Mapper.Map<Entity.Security.User>(user);
var result = _userManager.Create(userEntity, userEntity.Password);
return result;
_dbContext is inherited from IdentityDbContext and instantiated accordingly
UserManager<Entity.Security.User, int> _userManager = new UserManager<Entity.Security.User, int>(new UserStore<Entity.Security.User, Entity.Security.Role, int, Entity.Security.UserLogin, Entity.Security.UserRole, Entity.Security.UserClaim>(_dbContext));
The equivalent async method works elsewhere in the application but I would like the non-async for the migration sake. Any help is highly appreciated.

A little issue with testing an ActionResult that returns a Json

I have an ActionResult like this:
public ActionResult AddDoc(StudentModel studentModel)
var student = _studentHelper.GetStudent(studentModel, true);
return Json(new { result = true });
Test method:
public void Calling_AddDoc_Returns_JsonResult()
var studentModel = new StudentModel()
Name = "Jon",
Id = "1"
var studentToAdd = new Student()
StudentId = "1",
Name = "Jon",
Course = "SomeCourse"
_studentHelper.Setup(x => x.GetStudent(studentModel, false)).Returns(studentToAdd);
var res = _controller.AddDoc(studentModel) as JsonResult;
Assert.AreEqual("{ result = True }", res.Data.ToString());
The GetStudent() just maps the incoming object to a new instance of Student and returns it.
The test fails with 'System.NullReferenceException'
Debugging the TestMethod shows that this line
var student = _studentHelper.GetStudent(studentModel, true);
in the controller is not executing at all even when I tried to Step Into the method.
The 'student' object is null.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Your Setup call has an error. This call expects second parameter to be false.
_studentHelper.Setup(x => x.GetStudent(studentModel, false)).Returns(studentToAdd);
While you are calling from the controller with the value of true.
var student = _studentHelper.GetStudent(studentModel, true);
You are probably using loose behavior of Moq which makes it return null.

Mvc.net Unit test with a nullable parameter

I am new for unit test with Moq and Nunit. I have a simple unit test for getting a product list. But the test result didn't turn out as expected.
ProductManagementController action is:
public ViewResult Index(int? id)
return View(_ProductRepo.GetProductList(id));
ProductRepository is:
public IList<Product> GetProductList(int? id)
if (id == null)
return (db.Products).ToList();
return db.Products.Where(i => i.CategoryId == id).ToList();
I have two tests setup, but only the first test(get all products list) is fine.
public class Test_ProductManagement
private List<Product> products;
private List<Category> categories;
private Mock<IProductRepository> mockProducts;
private ProductManagementController target;
public void Initialize()
images = new List<Product> {
new Product{Id = 1, Name = "Boat", CategoryId = 1 },
new Product{Id = 2, Name = "Picture Frame",CategoryId = 2 }
categories = new List<Category> {
new Category { Id = 1, Name = "Outdoors" },
new Category { Id = 2, Name = "Housewares" }
mockProducts = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
mockProducts.Setup(m => m.GetProductList(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(products);
target = new ProductManagementController(mockProducts.Object);
public void Index_Contains_All_Products()
List<Product> result = ((IEnumerable<Product>)target.Index(It.IsAny<int>()).ViewData.Model).ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Length);
Assert.AreEqual("Boat", result[0].Name);
Assert.AreEqual("Picture Frame", result[1].Name);
public void Index_Get_ImageList_By_CategoryId()
{ //Arrange
int id = 2;
List<Product> result = ((IEnumerable<Product>)target.Index(id).ViewData.Model).ToList();
Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count());
Assert.AreEqual("Picture Frame", result[0].Name);
The 2nd test always return a full product list which include 2 products while I only expect 1 returned from Assert.AreEqual(1,result.Count());
I can't figure out why test code always take the id as a null parameter in the above index call: target.Index(id) . However all my project codes run correctly in the browsers.
Does anyone has a clue? Thanks.
I can't figure out why test code always take the id as a null parameter in the above index call: target.Index(id)
It doesn't. You don't show all code (specifically how your controller handles the repository injection) and you seem to have renamed at least the products / images field, but the code works just fine.
You call target.Index(id), which in turn calls _ProductRepo.GetProductList(id). I assume this is your mock being called, which is Setup() by you to always return the entire product list.
The mock does exactly what you ask it to, no ProductRepository is used in this code, so your if (id == null) is never executed.
In order to fix this, you must Setup() your mock differently in each test method, or setup both cases in advance:
mockProducts.Setup(m => m.GetProductList(null)).Returns(products);
mockProducts.Setup(m => m.GetProductList(2)).Returns(new List<Product>{products[1]});
Of course you want to setup the latter call somewhat less specific, but I hope you see where you can fix this.

unit testing of very small asp.net mvc actions returning json

The first line of my action is tested with an extra integration test.
The second line is tested with an extra unit test for automapper mapping stuff
The third line is untested then.
The below unit test does it test the third line? because it just tests the return type.
This seems stupid or too trivial too me. What else should the method return????
There is no if/else logic inside this action. Therefore just testing for type == JsonNetResult seems superfluid for me. I would not even realize in my unit test if someone removes the success = true anonymous type.
Should I rather test the data of the JsonNetResult with QUnit?
I would be glad about some guidance and tips because the actions returning Json data drive me crazy... Its just fetch data from db and put it inside the JsonNetResult object.
public ActionResult GetTemplateRootUnits(int templateId)
IEnumerable<Unit> units = _dataProvider.GetTemplateRootUnits(templateId);
IEnumerable<UnitTreeViewModel> unitTreeViewModels = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Unit>, IEnumerable<UnitTreeViewModel>>(units);
return new JsonNetResult(new { data = unitTreeViewModels, success = true });
Unit test
public void GetTemplateRootUnits_TemplateExists_ReturnsJsonNetResult()
Mock<IUnitDataProvider> mock1 = new Mock<IUnitDataProvider>();
Mock<IMappingEngine> mock2 = new Mock<IMappingEngine>();
Mock<ControllerContext> mock3 = new Mock<ControllerContext>();
UnitController controller = new UnitController(mock1.Object, mock2.Object);
mock1.Setup(m => m.GetTemplateRootUnits(1)).Returns(new List<Unit>
new Unit{ UnitId = 1, Name = "Name1", HasChildren = false},
new Unit{ UnitId = 2, Name = "Name2", HasChildren = false},
new Unit{ UnitId = 3, Name = "Name3", HasChildren = false},
var unitTreeViewModels = new List<UnitTreeViewModel>
new UnitTreeViewModel { Id = 1, Name = "Name1", HasChildren = false},
new UnitTreeViewModel { Id = 2, Name = "Name2", HasChildren = false},
new UnitTreeViewModel { Id = 3, Name = "Name3", HasChildren = false},
// Thats the way AutoMapper is mocked
mock2.Setup(m => m.Map<IEnumerable<Unit>, IEnumerable<UnitTreeViewModel>>(It.IsAny<IEnumerable<Unit>>())).Returns(unitTreeViewModels);
// ACT
ActionResult result = controller.GetTemplateRootUnits(1);
// ASSERT - check that the dataProvider.GetTestplanRootUnits() was called
mock1.Verify(m => m.GetTemplateRootUnits(1));
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(JsonNetResult), result);
public class JsonNetResult : ContentResult
private readonly object _data;
public JsonNetResult(object data)
_data = data;
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
Content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_data);
ContentType = "application/json";
public object Data { get { return _data; } }
You haven't shown what the JsonNetResult class is, but I will assume that it is some custom action result using JSON.NET as serializer instead of the default JavaScriptSerializer. I will also assume that this class exposes a public property of type object called Data holding the model that is to be serialized:
public class JsonNetResult: ActionResult
public JsonNetResult(object data)
Data = data;
public object Data { get; private set; }
So you could test the data inside the result:
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(typeof(JsonNetResult), result);
var jsonResult = result as JsonNetResult;
var data = new RouteValueDictionary(jsonResult.Data);
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(data["data"], typeof(IEnumerable<UnitTreeViewModel>));
Assert.AreEqual(unitTreeViewModels, data["data"]);
You don't need to test type of return value. You need to set type of return value in signature of method.
public JsonNetResult GetTemplateRootUnits(int templateId);

Mocking Ajax.IsRequest to return False

I am trying to mock the Ajax.IsRequest() method of ASP.Net MVC. I found out how to do it in order for it to return true:
This works and returns true. Now I need to test the other branch of the code. How can I mock it to return false? I have tried removing the mock altogether, It fails with:
System.NullReferenceException : Object
reference not set to an instance of an
If I do:
It fails with the same error.
Entire Test:
/// <summary>
/// Tests the Edit Action when calling via Ajax
/// </summary>
public void Test_Edit_AjaxRequest()
Group group = new Group();
group.ID = 1;
group.Name = "Admin";
IList<Group> groupList = new List<Group>() { group };
Definition def = new Definition();
def.ID = 1;
def.Name = "Report";
def.LastModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
using (_mocks.Record())
myController.DefAccess = _DefBiz;
PartialViewResult actual;
using (_mocks.Playback())
actual = (PartialViewResult)myController.Edit(1);
Any advices?
The reason your are getting NullReferenceException is because you never stubbed the controller.Request object in your unit test and when you invoke the controller action which uses Request.IsAjaxRequest() it throws.
Here's how you could mock the context using Rhino.Mocks:
public void Test_Ajax()
// arrange
var sut = new HomeController();
var context = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpContextBase>();
var request = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpRequestBase>();
context.Stub(x => x.Request).Return(request);
// indicate AJAX request
request.Stub(x => x["X-Requested-With"]).Return("XMLHttpRequest");
sut.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(context, new RouteData(), sut);
// act
var actual = sut.Index();
// assert
// TODO: ...
public void Test_Non_Ajax()
// arrange
var sut = new HomeController();
var context = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpContextBase>();
var request = MockRepository.GenerateStub<HttpRequestBase>();
context.Stub(x => x.Request).Return(request);
sut.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(context, new RouteData(), sut);
// act
var actual = sut.Index();
// assert
// TODO: ...
And here's a better alternative (which I would personally recommend you) in order to avoid all the plumbing code. Using MVCContrib.TestHelper (which is based on Rhino.Mocks) your unit test might be simplified to this:
public class HomeControllerTests : TestControllerBuilder
private HomeController _sut;
public void MyTestInitialize()
_sut = new HomeController();
public void HomeController_Index_Ajax()
// arrange
_sut.Request.Stub(x => x["X-Requested-With"]).Return("XMLHttpRequest");
// act
var actual = _sut.Index();
// assert
// TODO: ...
public void HomeController_Index_Non_Ajax()
// act
var actual = _sut.Index();
// assert
// TODO: ...
Much prettier. It also allows you to write much more expressive asserts on the action results. Checkout the doc or ask if for more info is needed.
...should do the job.
